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Terrified of Serotonin Syndrome but can't find enough information on it.

Community Member
Hey all, I only just made this account because I honestly feel out of options so I thought I'd ask here if anyone had any information that specifically relates to what i'm going through.

Iv'e been my usual AD for about 6-7 years now however after completely shredding my body with caffeine over a year (extremely high doses) iv'e developed a panic disorder that is entirely crippling, I am getting better slowly however after a visit to my psychiatrist he placed me on another AD for sleeping while I'm being weaned off my old ones, i'm not entirely sure of the T&C's here but i'm told we aren't meant to name medication names but I honestly have nowhere else to turn, I'm being weaned off medication and taking new medication (for 4 days) when someone mentioned Serotonin Syndrome, I'm hopefully presenting this in a way that isn't discussing medication.

In anxiety fuelled rage I've researched myself into a mess and am now terrified of taking my meds which are effectively giving back my life because im terrified of this thing happening, I was wondering if anyone has any information on if I can develop it after 24 hours or if once I've taken it for a while I'm kind of in the "clear".

Again, I may be breaking some forum rules but I honestly have nowhere else to turn and a very very long sleepless night ahead of me if someone can't point me in the proper direction.

Thank you.
4 Replies 4

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Hamada,

You sound very stressed and overwhelmed. I feel there must be so many anxious thoughts circulating in your head...

I know you’re feeling very worried and I feel for you. But, I’m afraid as we aren’t medical professionals here, we aren’t able to give any medical advice. I do apologise...

What I might suggest instead is for you to consider looking up the Healthdirect hotline to speak to a registered nurse or other professional, as I think they might be able to answer your questions. If you’re wondering about Healthdirect, it’s a not-for-profit organisation that is owned by the Australian Government. If you just search in your browser, you should be able to find them.

I hope this helps. Kind thoughts to you today 🙂


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Hamada

Hello and welcome. Glad you dropped in.

Let me put your mind at rest on one thing. Discussions about medication are OK so long as you do not name the medication concerned. You can refer to SSRI or any other group of medication. Naming your meds may have an effect on someone which stops them taking their meds or perhaps asking their doctor to prescribe the tablets you are taking. Refer to your own meds as medication or the group of medications. Please read the Discussing medication on the red tab above. If you break the rules your post will not appear until the moderators have contacted you.

Pepper is right saying we are not doctors but we do have our own experiences which we can share. You have to remember this is a personal experience and not medical advice.

First of all, may I ask why you are getting upset? Do you think you have had/are experiencing serotonin syndrome (SS)? I am sure you have asked Dr Google for information. As I understand it SS is not a hugely common reaction. I have taken SSRIs for years and I always have a bad reaction. In the end I was swapped to a medication from the TCA group. At one stage there was a thought that I had SS which my doctor checked out. I will not load you up with the details except to say I was taking another prescribed medication, nothing to do with mental health meds, and the combination was cause.

Changing meds can be difficult and often causes physical reactions. I presume your psychiatrist is monitoring your progress. He/she is the best person to consult about what is happening to you. Can you make an appointment soon? Perhaps tell the receptionist it is urgent. Or ask for the psych to phone you. Some will do this especially if they know you are going through a bit of rough time.

If you are experiencing any physical reactions it is important to get checked. It's also important that you take your prescribed meds as directed. If you cannot see your psych soon then go to your GP. These are the people to explain what is happening/has happened/will happen. If your anxiety is getting worse it is a good idea to see one of these doctors soon.

I know it is easy for me to say, "Stop worrying". Not so easy to do. Do you have any coping mechanisms for reducing your anxiety? Perhaps you can concentrate on these until you see a doctor.

Anxiety can be crippling but you have managed to post in here. Can you manage to get a doctor's appointment ASAP. Your anxiety will reduce once your mind is made easy.


Community Member
Hey guys, talked to my doctor today, gave me a lot of information about the condition, basically, Dr. Google screwed me for a few hours, I'd convinced myself that if I got it that'd be the end and I'd die and wouldn't know but my doctor talked me through it and explained it's not like a heart attack or something where it just happens and it's over, thank you for the kind messages guys I was really manic last night and had no where to turn but you guys helped me either way, thanks alot ❤️

Hello Hamada

So pleased you have investigated serotonin syndrome with someone in a position to know about it. Unfortunately Dr Google often gets these things wrong but even if the information is correct simply listing symptoms etc is not helpful as you have found out.

Glad to learn you are feeling better. Remember you can always post here or start another thread on a different topic if you want to talk with someone.
