
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Jars123 I'm thinking of running away
  • replies: 1

I've been diagnosed with serve anxiety and panic disorder since all these I have also started to get OCD. I get anxiety over how my anxiety is impacting those i love and i constantly feel guilty as they did nothing wrong to deserve to be treated the ... View more

I've been diagnosed with serve anxiety and panic disorder since all these I have also started to get OCD. I get anxiety over how my anxiety is impacting those i love and i constantly feel guilty as they did nothing wrong to deserve to be treated the way i can treat them. I'm at the point where i just want to run away so i can stop hurting the ones i love. Please help.

xboxusetobefun Anxiety escalating rapidly
  • replies: 1

Hi Everyone, I figured this was the best way to try and express what i'm feeling. My writing is absolutely terrible, so please forgive me in advance. Lately my life seems to be spiralling down and getting worst by the day and I think my social anxiet... View more

Hi Everyone, I figured this was the best way to try and express what i'm feeling. My writing is absolutely terrible, so please forgive me in advance. Lately my life seems to be spiralling down and getting worst by the day and I think my social anxiety is the root cause. Nobody at work seems to like me/talk to me and it's getting me really down and the fact that I shut myself from everybody and avoid everyone is making it worst. I come to work and have absolutely no enthusiasm. Not only is there barely any work going around, but the tasks that are available, I am unable to complete or take way too long to finish because i find it so hard to approach people. I'm unable to ask for help and feel like i'm a nuisance to most people. In addition to this, the people around my desk seem to be making very toxic comments like "wish I could come to work and do nothing" which feels like its aimed at me. And the company is going through a very public redundancy period to make it worst. I just feel like I have absolutely no skills which are valuable anymore, and feel like i'm going to jobless in the future. A similar feeling happened at my previous job, where I thought i was bringing the people I was working with down and just gave up and quit (exactly the same job duration). I find it very hard to learn new things these days, and it's very discouraging. This feeling is creeping to all parts of my life, and I can't even enjoy going to gym anymore and get so tired returning to home. This anxiety has also prevented me from going out with friends (scared of being ridiculed by them) and has also led to a breakup with my girlfriend. I really don't know what to do and feel very lost right now.

Rebz0850 Scared to take anxiety tablets
  • replies: 5

Hi, I am 34 years old, I have been diagnosed with anxiety, my symptoms are Heart racing out of no where, most of the time I think I'm not breathing properly, I constantly check my pulse, then I make my self believe i am having heart issues Or lung is... View more

Hi, I am 34 years old, I have been diagnosed with anxiety, my symptoms are Heart racing out of no where, most of the time I think I'm not breathing properly, I constantly check my pulse, then I make my self believe i am having heart issues Or lung issues, it has been going on for 9 years, I really don't know how to Over come it. I am Now to scared to drive at night alone, feeling i may have an attack and end up In a car accident. Finally when to my gp who have me tablets which I am scared to take as aide effects trigger my panic attacks, I am scared to take any medication at all including panadol. Please help with some advice as I am scared most days about all of the above

TMC Antidepressants and anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi, I am struggling to get my mood and anxiety under control at the moment. I'm always tired, stressed and generally miserable. I even find everyday tasks like loading my dishwasher to be a stressful event, i feel like i'm always on the edge of break... View more

Hi, I am struggling to get my mood and anxiety under control at the moment. I'm always tired, stressed and generally miserable. I even find everyday tasks like loading my dishwasher to be a stressful event, i feel like i'm always on the edge of breaking point. I've been thinking maybe i should speak to my GP about trying some antidepressants and seeing if that will help me overcome the constant anxiety and enjoy life a little - but I am unsure if i can just ask for medication. I have spoken to my GP before about my anxiety issues and they kind of brushed it off and didn't offer me any medical relief, but I am at a stage now where I truly believe I need some medical help. Can i just tell my GP i want antidepressants?

Fielder A new kind and level of anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hi. I suppose this is also a way of introducing myself, as I would like to spend more time in these forums in general. It is a bit hard for me to narrow down what I want to say and what I'm after, but I suppose that even the decision to "officially" ... View more

Hi. I suppose this is also a way of introducing myself, as I would like to spend more time in these forums in general. It is a bit hard for me to narrow down what I want to say and what I'm after, but I suppose that even the decision to "officially" make my own thread here is significant. I have had some anxiety, especially social, possibly all of my life, but about 4 years ago I had a cannabis-induced bad trip and since then I have had occasional flashbacks and what seems to have been a gradually growing general anxiety which kind of seems like it's exploding recently. I've just come back from seeing my GP and he calmed me down considerably in saying the anxiety I am describing is very unlikely to be neurologically based, but I still can't quite shake the anxiety about the anxiety, which can easily create its own loop, and the physical manifestations are troubling because they are new. I am a full-time student (online) and a part-time disability support worker, and recently the anxiety is compromising (or at least threatening to compromise) both, which makes me worry it will become functionally and financially disabling even if nothing about it is physical. This is coming at something of a bad time because I am just about to move from Sydney to Melbourne, where I have relatives but not much else going (I have only moved to Sydney a year and a half ago). My uncle and aunt are doctors and I have decided to ask their advice too, but I figured I would try here too, because otherwise I would be choosing pretty much at random. Perhaps there is a good web resource with people's recommendations? I am not quite sure if my trouble qualifies as PTSD, or if I inflate the significance of my flashbacks and it is still just an anxiety (and hypochondria) problem, but there remains the stubborn factoid in my head that PTSD can lead to psychosis, and the psychotic bad trip experience is what I fear, so that doesn't exactly help. Lastly, Googling my symptoms (as I probably shouldn't), it seemed to me I was experiencing a lot of the symptoms of low blood sugar much of the time. I take glucose sweets for my IBS, and it's seemed to me the past few days that grabbing a few of those can sometimes help, and I wondered if anybody else had similar experiences. I suppose if it's an effective placebo I should keep at it anyway.

Jackson1994 New parent anxiety
  • replies: 23

We found out a little while ago that my partner and I are expecting our first baby later this year. How exciting right?? We’re getting to that time now we can tell people, also fun and exciting but also really daunting. I’ve had generalised anxiety f... View more

We found out a little while ago that my partner and I are expecting our first baby later this year. How exciting right?? We’re getting to that time now we can tell people, also fun and exciting but also really daunting. I’ve had generalised anxiety for quite a while now, been getting it under control the last little while but this pregnancy is definitely bringing a spike, quite a bit. Anyone have any experience in how to cope with this, it’s different anxiety to what I’m used to if that makes sense.... Its super super exciting, but also super super scary Had a scan today actually, I just couldn’t believe what I was looking at, a real human being, OUR human being, and he/she was not a total blob like I expected, like mind = blown. It actually looked like a baby, I did not go in thinking that’s what I would see. Still can’t beleive it.

Heisenberg_1432 Moving out of parents house
  • replies: 1

Hi, I am new to all this and honestly in desperate need of advice.A few weeks ago I got a job offer to work in the country to continue and finish off and my training. I was super excited for this opportunity as I had to wait until next year for spots... View more

Hi, I am new to all this and honestly in desperate need of advice.A few weeks ago I got a job offer to work in the country to continue and finish off and my training. I was super excited for this opportunity as I had to wait until next year for spots to reopen and for me to apply, so this way I essentially saved about 6 months. I am now starting to regret the application for the job. Overall my past experience with everything in general have not been too good. Since high school all the way to University, work and now, I have been facing non-stop difficult situation, from trouble with close friends that had dire consequences on our relationship and the my schooling life, which led me to study a course I was not happy with just to keep my parents happy. All of the past 6 years have been a constant struggle, with each year bringing a different flavor of misery with it. Each of these experiences have left dire marks, affecting my overall outlook on things, my confidence and self-esteem. I am constantly cynical and in the dumps so to speak, to the point where any bad thoughts or experiences lead to bad hours of pure anxiety and stress. Luckily despite all this, my parents have been super super supportive to me throughout the bad days that I would go through. Supporting me, talking to me, having a shoulder and an ear to cry on and to, to the point where after having a rough day the thought of seeing them and having tea or dinner would make it all go away. With this new job, I am forced to relocate to the country side where I will work. I am petrified of the idea of not having the support and the family around at the end of a long day, and not having anyone to fall back on. I have never felt this anxious before and it's affecting my wellbeing alot, to the point where I hope the days leading to the move would not end so I can spend more time surrounded by the close ones. If any of you guys have any advice of how to deal with this, and how to overcome this, and face it. My biggest fear with this move, is that I might get home sick to the point where I would resign and go back home. Sorry for the lengthy post, but if anyone has thoughts or opinions to share about this post I would greatly appreciate it Thanks

badams My Anxiety
  • replies: 1

One of my friends used to have panic attacks and we used to think she was weak and not trying her 100% to control the mind. After two years, now it is my turn to share the same pain and now I can imagine what was going on with her. I work in a corpor... View more

One of my friends used to have panic attacks and we used to think she was weak and not trying her 100% to control the mind. After two years, now it is my turn to share the same pain and now I can imagine what was going on with her. I work in a corporate environment and I am pretty good with my work. I am a hard-working, always up to date and a very fast learner. I remember when I started this job, I used to discuss things with colleagues and I have always received good feedback from others. I don't know when things started to change. Now, I want to avoid meetings and always stay quiet if I have to attend any of them. Whenever it is my turn to speak my heart starts beating faster and my whole body gets drenched with sweat and I am not able to speak normally. This has affected my personal life as well. If I saw someone in the shopping mall, I would try to avoid making eye contact pretending I do not see them. Recently, I have started taking an anxiety and stress medicine which is available without a prescription and that is giving me a sense of confidence. I think the root cause of my problem is my background and childhood. I am from a non-English speaking background and sometimes I fear that I will make mistakes. Also, I have been a kind of introvert since my childhood. My relationship with my partner is also at the lowest point. She gets upset with small things and stops talking for weeks. When I try to initiate any conversation, she ignores until she needs my help with something. I think everyone is making fun of me and I believe they all pity on me. All I want is to take back control of my life and my mind. acI am looking for suggestions form everyone and also from anyone who has faced a similar situation like me.

245AM Not leaving the house, day 5
  • replies: 6

I know some of you have probably spent even longer than 5 consecutive days living from your bed/not leaving your house... this just feels like the worst one for me in years of suffering from anxiety and depression. -I'm avoiding life around me.. shut... View more

I know some of you have probably spent even longer than 5 consecutive days living from your bed/not leaving your house... this just feels like the worst one for me in years of suffering from anxiety and depression. -I'm avoiding life around me.. shutting out my housemate and any human contact -crying every day -suffering horrible physical symptoms like rapid heart rate, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, tingling hands and feet, chest pain I feel as though I've come to the realisation that no one is really there for anyone. Everyone is depressed an anxious, and yeah, they kind of understand it but no one is actually going to do anything for me and I need to fix all alone. I can't just wait for someone to knock on my door because they won't. I don't see a way out of it, not completely.

Cursed_U OCD is forever
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone Let me start by saying that when I was 11 I began developing classic OCD spending hours making my bed; repeating phrases and prayers to stop the devil from destroying my family; repeatedly locking doors that were already locked; washing m... View more

Hi everyone Let me start by saying that when I was 11 I began developing classic OCD spending hours making my bed; repeating phrases and prayers to stop the devil from destroying my family; repeatedly locking doors that were already locked; washing my hands constantly etc. I felt so ashamed but I didnt know what OCD was at the time and it caused great anxiety and depression. Fast forward to when I was about 18, I became a convinced atheist and slowly learned to ignore my compulsions but depression and anxiety still lingered. I'm 27 now, I have a modestly successful business but several months back had a major episode due to work stress and relationship issues. When my girlfriend moved in with her dog I couldn't stand him. It was a really old and well behaved dog but something about him annoyed me. Because of this and a few other things my girlfriend moved out due to my unpredictable behaviour and mood swings. Actually, I told her to leave and immediately regretted it. She wouldn't move back in with me, worried about my worsening outbursts, but we stayed in a relationship and she continued to support me. Her and my family agreed I had to see somebody and finally get some help. I've recently been told that I have bipolar disorder. I believe this may actually be related to obsessive thoughts now, which affects my emotional state. I'll take small things to heart because the memory or thought continues to come up and sometimes work myself into a rage because other negative thoughts are thrown into the mix and then everyone around me thinks I'm overreacting. I didn't think of it this way until recently. I constantly have a tornado of thoughts in my head and I guess sometimes I get worked up into a frenzy because my emotions are a reflection of whatever the thought-tornado is swirling up. I feel so low now. I have broken up with my girlfriend because living separately I feel has made things worse. I have all the time in the world to indulge in paranoid, unwanted and irrational thoughts and behaviour. I love her so much but living apart has become so disheartening that I've determined breaking up with her would be the best outcome for us both. What is this and what do I do. I thought I had defeated this but it has warped into something more vicious now. My medications are helping but they don't stop a busy mind. The only thing that seems to help me have any moment of clarity is smoking cannabis.