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Social anxiety

Community Member

One problem at a time...

I have a problem with social anxiety. I don't know when it started, but this has been putting a halt in progress I could have been making in a lot of social situations (progress of any kind imaginable; intimately, a job I'm doing, and even just making friends) for years. I will do as much as either pretend everything's okay, or just freeze up completely with neither helping me get to the point I need to. A big effect this has had, and I'm sure a cause of it too, is that I shut myself in and haven't made friends for years and haven't learn to socialise like an adult. The only reference I have for how to act is from ten years ago, and as I am now 22 this is rather unhelpful.

2 Replies 2

Community Member
Here's an example of recent events for how painful this is: I went to the doctor, and was told during the appointment the details I'd given should have been brought in years ago (this is another issue I have that contributes, but to stay on point...). Already my focus is spinning off to worrying about countless past mistakes of mine, but we continue on and she asks if she can examine me. I hop on the table and she doesn't even get to touch me before I'm on the verge of tears of embarrassment from being too touch sensitive. I couldn't even get all the information I needed for the reason I went to the doctor in the first place, resulting in a possibly wasted appointment.

Good Morning MB, thank you for posting your comment, and it's certainly not easy to make your first thread, but going to see your doctor is harder because it's face to face and questions are asked as to 'how you are' which you may find difficult to answer.

What is suggested is that you write down on some paper what has been happening in regards to your social anxiety, then hand this over to your doctor, this will help for them knowing what is concerning you.

We hope that you can get back to us and maybe explain a situation, and please remember no one knows who you are, which can be a great benefit for many.

Take care.
