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Anxiety and Swallowing Difficulities

Community Member

Hey everyone,

My mental health really went off the rails at the end of last year where I had a massive choking incident. I was lying down eating chocolate (it was the holidays, but I learned now not to do that ever again) and a few seconds later I felt like I was suffocating.Then I had another choking incident only a week later - and after that... everything changed.

I couldn't eat or drink anything. The sight of food and drink alone would send shivers down my spine and I'd internally panic even contemplating on trying to consume it - getting flashbacks and visualising that I'd end up choking like I did in the past. I went to my GP and he prescribed be reflux medication, thinking it wasn't a big issue (it had hurt when I did manage to swallow something) and it was only meant to be used as a precaution to hopefully ensure I didn't get any severe oesophageal issues in the future with my repetitive vomitting). But try as I did, the thought of swallowing anything made me incredibly nervous.

It got so bad, it came to some weeks where i didn't have anything but water. My body ached, my head felt dizzy and my life just turned out for the worst. I couldn't work, I couldn't leave the house and I couldn't see anyone apart from medical professionals. Everytime I swallowed it'd be painful and I'd be paralysed by my anxiety for hours before even contemplating on having anything to eat or drink.

Fast forward to now, I did all the tests (barium swallows, gastroscopies, had a tube down my nose to check my throat just to make sure nothing physical is obstructing) and then after that got my diagnosis for health anxiety.

I've been tested so much - I've lost 30kg, in a constant state of fatigue and I missed a lifetime opportunity to go on holidays with my friend crippled by the fact that I can't even swallow without thinking I'm going to choke or aspirate food/liquids (have food or liquid go down the lungs). My parents- who I live with work so hard and they are quite old and sick... I feel like I've been a burden to because I haven't been able to work and financially help out. We rent, but any point our tenants might raise the prices due and we could end up being homeless.

I get chest pains, struggle to breathe and I'm constantly at medical appointments, psychologist or at the ED, scared my health is deteriorating - and I get a feeling they are all getting sick of me at this point because I haven't been improving and coming back with more and more concerns.

Thanks for listening.

41 Replies 41

Community Member

Hi TheWayfarer,

I work as a Speech Pathologist. As speech pathologists we see people for not only their communication difficulties, but swallowing difficulties too. I came across your post as I was researching some information about anxiety and swallowing difficulties for another patient. I've worked with a lot of adult patients and I have actually worked and treated patients that exhibit your symptoms. You could benefit from seeing a speech pathologist.


Hi There,

I am completely new here and signed up as I came accross this post.
I have been having issues the past 5 months, I am not eating solids at all not anything at all, and was wondering how you are now ? I am desperately looking for answers.

I hope to get a reply as I am so lost at the moment and noone understands how hard this is to deal with.


Hi PotatoRaccoons,

I would love some more information I am really struggling here my health has deteriorated significantly.

Community Member
Hi Jesse what sort of issues are you having?

Community Member
Thank you so very much for the reply I am unable to physically swallow.

It is really hard to explain the feeling I get but the best way to explain is as if my swallow jars somewhat and it stops me from completing the swallow.

I have days like now that I can barely even swallow my saliva.

Community Member

Hi Jessee,

I can definitely relate to your phobia, I myself have had the same thing over over 12 months!

it’s actually the scariest thing ever because it affects our daily life in so many ways.

it hasn’t been consistently bad for me for the entire 12 months straight but it’s definitely always in the back of my mind. I have had to completely change the way I eat.

i ended up going on antidepressants for 2 months which definitely helped but I recently found out I’m pregnant so had to go off them which sucks.

I’ve also found that cutting our drinking has helped me as a lot as this is where a lot of my anxiety stemmed from.

I went and spoke to two psychologists but just found that it didn’t really help as they couldn’t seem to understand the issue and I felt quite embarrassed to be honest.

i was going quite well, until I found out I was pregnant and the morning sickness has really flared my phobia up again.

it sucks so much as I used to eat basically everything and miss it all so much. I think going and talking to your GP would be the best way forward.

good luck with everything.

Community Member


I actually get this in the early hours of the morning where I continually get a swallow reflex and I can hear my saliva trying to go down. It’s awful

Community Member
Sorry I have not been able to get online of late.

Congratulations on the pregnancy hope you are doing ok.

I have been seeing a physcologist for a few weeks now I did start to get a little bit better and my weight started to stabilize however given the current situation the world is in my problem has gone backwards.

This confirms to me that it is anxiety but no matter what I do or try I still physically can not swallow it's like I have forgotten how to do it.

I am so upset I am hungry I am emotional and I am so very scared not only for myself but for the world.

I am so lost I don't know what to do I hate living like this.

Community Member

Hi TheWayfarer, sorry that I'm just seeing your post now.

Wow that really does sound scary, I'm so sorry you went through that. Are you alright now? Take care!


Hi all,

Thanks for checking back. Jessee, I hope you've found the help and resources you need because what you're going through is so tough. Please check in to the forums and let your support networks know - and let us know how you go. We are all here for you can care.