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anxiety and self esteem in relationships.

Community Member
hi; I'm 22 year old female, just wanting some advice or even a little perspective.
i recently entered into a relationship and we have been dating for almost 9 months. at the start I thought that all my insecurities and self esteem issues would sort itself out once I became comfortable. I'm definitely better at being more open but it's still really difficult. i have extremely low self esteem and also suffer from anxiety as well as depression. the last few years have been rather difficult for me and I was in a horrible relationship 5 years ago which has caused me a lot of emotional damage. i love my partner and I trust him but I can't allow myself to be vulnerable. i feel physically sick if he compliments me. i don't feel comfortable to be naked around him unless it's dark. sometimes just him looking at me in the eyes makes me uncomfortable. i dont know how to allow myself to let him love me. I feel so down and have spent the better part of the last 12 years hating myself. its really difficult to change my way of thought when it's all I've conditioned myself to believe. i feel that as much as I love him, I'm always keeping him at arms length; and its not fair. he has raised his concerns around me not feeling comfortable and I worry thst if I csnt work through it, this isn't a very stable foundation for a relationship. i just don't understand how to get over it. it makes me so upset that I'm so psychologically messed up that I'm going to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me.
the other part of my brain feels like maybe i should break up with him because it's not fair for anyone. I'm not.being the best version of myself and he deserves to have all of me. not just the parts that I'm.willing to share. i just don't know if im ready, if I cant learn to be vulnerable with someone who loves me unconditionally, i dont think I ever will. I've expressed how I feel; and he listens and understands; but it's frustrating for both of us. i feel I should be taking the time to work on myself. but I love him more then life. I'm so conflicted.
I'm feeling really broken and confused.

2 Replies 2

Community Member
Dear Shannon,

It sounds to me like you could really benefit from somentherapy to help you through these thoughts.
You can 'find yourself' while in a relationship with the bright person and you haven't said much that suggests this partner will not be supportive of this.

All the best.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi littleindigo,

I'm so sorry to hear you in a tough space at the moment- it can be tough when we are in a conflicting space with someone we love. Know that you aren't alone, and that what you feel is valid, and that everyone experiences low self-esteem sometimes and the self-resentment of that having that low self-esteem damage our connection with others. It sounds like you may benefit from some professional guidance; I say this because some objective perspective may help you make decisions that are healthy, productive and good for both you and your partner- let us know if you want help seeking out a service that can help you deal with this sort of thing. We can chat here more if you like, too.

Sending kindness,
