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Scared to go to work

Community Member
Last year i became depressed and quit my job, i started a new job shortly after but quit within a week due to anxiety. I got better in a couple of months and found a good full time job again. I've been in this job for almost 6 months but in the last fortnight have become overwhelmed with anxiety. I started back on anti depressants and I already have different anti-anxiety meds. My anxiety is the worst in the morning, its almost debilitating and its stopped me from going to work for a week now. I have been honest with my manager and they are very supportive but i still feel so scared to go into work but i dont know why. Feel like i'm going crazy. Saw a psycologist last week but have to wait until the end of the week to see them again.
6 Replies 6

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello Bear and a warm welcome to the Beyond Blue forums

I'm pleased to see you've found your way to our community that is caring, friendly, supportive and non judgemental.

Anxiety is at times very debilitating. I know because it's been with me for the past 50 odd years. Would you believe that during that time I've held a job, completed a university degree and lived a very fulfilling life.

You are doing all the good things we'd suggest, e.g. going to your doctor and a psychologist. I find talking to a health professional really helps me move on in my life. So it's pleasing to hear you have a psychologist appointment soon.

Getting out of bed in the morning to go to work was frequently the pits for me. I took sick leave all the time, often a week at a time. Frequently used my recreation leave as sick leave (due to anxiety and depression). However, I'm now 60, retired and my anxiety at times is worse than ever. But!! It is manageable, as it was when I worked. Go figure, I expected my anxiety to 'stop' when I 'stopped' work. The reverse happened.

However, life is really good now. It's learning how to be better than the anxiety. I never wanted it to define me as a person, who I am. There is so much information out there about how to manage anxiety to make it achievable. It doesn't mean you'll never have anxiety again, it just means you know what to do when it raises it's head.

Have a look at the information Beyond Blue has on TIPS for managing anxiety. You can do this by going to their search field and enter TIPS for managing anxiety.

Bear, it's really good you've reach out to our community. You're not alone in how you feel so feel okay about reaching out when you want to. There is no pressure for you to do so though.

Kind regards


Community Member
Hello bear I have the same problems in the morning worse anxiety but I want to go to work to make my mind busy. Does your anxiety get better as the day goes on ?

Community Member


i have had the same thing happen to me at work, where I would get so anxious and upset I would continually run to the toilet and cry. Eventually I quit and haven’t had a job since. I find that certain things trigger my anxiety, perhaps people’s comments, or rude customers - certain things set me off.

my doctor recommended Headspace and Zombies,Run app. Headspace is a meditation app which has really helped me, and Zombies, Run is an app that allows you to expel all your anxiety via running or jogging it has a apocalyptic story being told to you via headphones. I find that keeping a journal really helps writing down my feelings.

i hope these things help you, as they have helped me and I’ve realised how much they have as I’ve stopped doing them and I’ve now relapsed


Community Member
Hello .. I also suffer with anxiety and currently I'm struggling to manage. I've taken so much leave from work, used all my personal and rec leave that now i suffer financially when i take unpaid leave. It comes in waves and I usually take a week or two off. I've sought help from my GP and also my psychologist. It started a few years ago but really showed itself after several significant events and traumatic experiences happened all at once. It feels like i wont get a grip of this and fulfill my ambition to complete my degree.

Community Member
I quit my job late last year and still haven't returned to work, I can't afford not to work for much longer. I had been in the workforce for 16 years across 4 jobs but my last two jobs have been really bad experiences. I'd describe them as having extreme expectations and bullying from managers and co workers that in both cases left me no other option but to resign. Any career aspirations I ever had have long been drained out of me. I feel this dread every time I apply for a job, I have good credentials in my industry so I get callbacks. The problem is this dread and anxiety that builds up from the moment I see a job I can apply for, by the time I get called to attend an interview I either let the call go to message bank and never return the call or I tell them I've already accepted another job. I don't know how I am going to fix this problem. My partner and family just think I'm being lazy and making excuses but it is more than that I feel like I've been broken. I only leave the house to go to the gym or buy food and even then I'm so relieved to get back home.

Community Member
Thank you Bear - and all who replied. This is my first visit to the Beyond Blue site. I am sad that you all experience this, but also, and somewhat selfishly, it helps just to know that what I am experiencing is not just my personal failure but a not uncommon condition. There can indeed be hope in sharing.