
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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wevegotthis Feel like I’m going crazy - Every time I see someone with mental health issues or talk about them, I get really anxious.
  • replies: 4

Hi there, So one thing I find makes me incredibly anxious and often makes me feels like I‘m going crazy is when I see people with mental illness or talk about other mental illnesses with people. It generally comes from a sense of empathy towards thes... View more

Hi there, So one thing I find makes me incredibly anxious and often makes me feels like I‘m going crazy is when I see people with mental illness or talk about other mental illnesses with people. It generally comes from a sense of empathy towards these people. For example: yesterday I watched the episode of the ABC show “You Can’t Ask That” on schizophrenia. I think this show is incredible however I spent the whole time thinking “I can imagine what that is like. These poor people. What if that happens to me? Are the thoughts in my head the voices these people are hearing?”... and it just spirals from there. I’m now in an incredibly anxious state. I guess one of my biggest fears (and that seems common with people who suffer from anxiety) is the idea that I will go crazy. Does anyone else deal with this? I’m scared of making myself schizophrenic or going crazy...

Healthy_anxiety Heath anxiety
  • replies: 3

Very new to all this. About 2 months ago my life changed when I had a huge panic attack. Went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack, but doctors told me I’m fine. I’d honestly thought it go away with in a few days then everything came ... View more

Very new to all this. About 2 months ago my life changed when I had a huge panic attack. Went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack, but doctors told me I’m fine. I’d honestly thought it go away with in a few days then everything came falling down on me, lost my job and thinking there is something medically wrong with me after the so called heart attack. Fast forward to now where I only think about am I medically fine. Is always with the heart and lungs with me I’m always thinking is there something wrong with my heart even tho I’ve seen a cardiologist and doctors so many times and they all the same information that I’m fine. But it’s so frustrating how I always feel like someone is squeezing my heart but I can’t do anything about it, it’s costing me jobs, being social and exercising. I’m not the fittest or a lazy person, but I do like to keep active but it’s so hard to do that now I don’t know what’s wrong with my lungs. I got mis diagnosed with asthma and going to see a specialist soon to see if everything is ok but it may possibly be my mind playing games. I’m sorry if this story doesn’t make much sense. But all I know is having health anxiety it’s terrible, you fear everyday. Even tho you are fine but you are living in fear. Eddie

LimeGreenTea How to go back to normal?
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About 2 and a half weeks ago I was fine. Now I hardly eat or sleep, can't fully focus on anything and I will tense up for no reason. I can no longer enjoy my day to day life. It started over some completely silly worry, but now has absorbed my entire... View more

About 2 and a half weeks ago I was fine. Now I hardly eat or sleep, can't fully focus on anything and I will tense up for no reason. I can no longer enjoy my day to day life. It started over some completely silly worry, but now has absorbed my entire life. All I want to do now is lie in bed and feel terrible. I don't even think this is technically anxiety, as it only focuses on one issue - am I just being hysterical? Am I causing this myself? How can I go back to how I was before? I apologize if I sound dramatic, I just feel like my life is being ruined by this.

CatastrophySam The most intense 6 months of my life
  • replies: 6

I've always been a healthy and active guy although had started experiencing stomach issues back in mid 2018 which wouldn't resolve. I just put up with it after my GP told me I probably have IBS. It wasn't until I moved to Melbourne and had alot more ... View more

I've always been a healthy and active guy although had started experiencing stomach issues back in mid 2018 which wouldn't resolve. I just put up with it after my GP told me I probably have IBS. It wasn't until I moved to Melbourne and had alot more free time on my hands that I saw a naturopath to 'heal my stomach'. I ended up losing 10kg and weighing in at 65kg at 177cm, so I was skinny but fit as I was running, cycling and keeping some strength in the gym. Around July of 2019 I noticed my breathing was harder when going to sleep which was pretty consistent so I scheduled an appointment with my GP and got a referral to a pulmonologist which wasn't until January 2020. In October 2019 I noticed my right arm was smaller than my left (i'm right handed) and I had been having the sensation that it was 'slower' or harder to move than previous. I immediately googled this and went to my GP. He agreed and sent me to hospital. They brought me in and said they could notice it but there was nothing else to point to anything serious... "1 arm (neck), arm and leg (brain)" is what the Dr said. A few days later I woke up and could've sworn I couldn't move my toe on my right foot as well, so I went back to hospital and they admitted me. Over 5 days I underwent multiple MRIs, lumbar puncture (and a patch) and had several specialists come in and see me. The consultant neuro came in and said "there is definitely something going on here, it's either 'congenital muscular dystrophy', 'myotonic dystrophy or ALS". This sent me in to a tail spin as all are progressive neuro diseases and 1 is fatal in 2-3 years. I discharged myself from hospital and went to get an EMG for ALS (this is the gold standard for ALS). This came back negative and I breathed a huge sigh of relief and thought it was over.... it wasn't. I couldn't shake the anxiety and have now embarked on 6-7 months of therapy and 4 months of medication which has seen my side effects of anxiety reduce. The residual still remaining are a perceived weakness in my right arm and leg which fluctuates. My breathing feels heavy, as though my airways are narrow. The lung function exam came back with a slight obstruction but nothing concerning the pulmonologist said. Oh and I never actually fixed my stomach... I still get the runs (most of the time). So now I'm in a constant state of anxiety which ebbs and flows depending on how I feel... I feel like the wiring in my brain has changed and don't know if I can change it back.

Jmk22 Hoping someone can give me some advice
  • replies: 6

Hello I just wanted to jump on here and see if anyone could give me some advice. I live with generalised anxiety. I'm not currently on medication for it but I have been in the past. I am that type of person that will over think any little thing that ... View more

Hello I just wanted to jump on here and see if anyone could give me some advice. I live with generalised anxiety. I'm not currently on medication for it but I have been in the past. I am that type of person that will over think any little thing that is wrong with me and blow it up 100000 times in my head. For example I will have the slightest pain and somehow my brain ends up convincing me I have cancer. I am the queen of Dr Google which does not help this one little bit. Over the weekend on Saturday morning I woke up and I was feeling fine. I headed to the shops with my husband. While we were there my head gradually started to hurt like I was getting a headache. We left to go to another shopping centre. While there it was getting very painful. It was only on the left side of my head. It felt like someone was pulling a tight band on my head. When getting back into the car I started to get a tingling sensation on the right side of my face near my nose. That didn't last long but then I started to get pins and needles in my right hand/bottom half of my arm. It lasted less then 5 mins and completely went away. The headache stuck though. I went home and laid down, that wasn't helping a whole lot so I took some panadol and laid back down. Within 2-3 hours of taking that the headache was gone and I started to feel better. Now that I'm looking back on it I am terrified it had something to do with a stroke. It it literally driving me crazy. My anxiety has been through the roof the past 2 days because of this. I don't get anything like migraines but it does run in my mothers side of my family. I have made an appointment to see my doctor but I cant get in until tomorrow. I feel completely fine now like nothing even happened. Have I made a mistake by not reacting sooner? Is this super serious? I'm just so scared it's eating my alive inside. If anyone could give me their thoughts and opinions that would be greatly appreciated. I am aware this isn't medical advice. I just need someone to talk to until I am able to talk to my doctor tomorrow. Thanks

littleindigo anxiety and self esteem in relationships.
  • replies: 2

hi; I'm 22 year old female, just wanting some advice or even a little perspective. i recently entered into a relationship and we have been dating for almost 9 months. at the start I thought that all my insecurities and self esteem issues would sort i... View more

hi; I'm 22 year old female, just wanting some advice or even a little perspective. i recently entered into a relationship and we have been dating for almost 9 months. at the start I thought that all my insecurities and self esteem issues would sort itself out once I became comfortable. I'm definitely better at being more open but it's still really difficult. i have extremely low self esteem and also suffer from anxiety as well as depression. the last few years have been rather difficult for me and I was in a horrible relationship 5 years ago which has caused me a lot of emotional damage. i love my partner and I trust him but I can't allow myself to be vulnerable. i feel physically sick if he compliments me. i don't feel comfortable to be naked around him unless it's dark. sometimes just him looking at me in the eyes makes me uncomfortable. i dont know how to allow myself to let him love me. I feel so down and have spent the better part of the last 12 years hating myself. its really difficult to change my way of thought when it's all I've conditioned myself to believe. i feel that as much as I love him, I'm always keeping him at arms length; and its not fair. he has raised his concerns around me not feeling comfortable and I worry thst if I csnt work through it, this isn't a very stable foundation for a relationship. i just don't understand how to get over it. it makes me so upset that I'm so psychologically messed up that I'm going to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me. the other part of my brain feels like maybe i should break up with him because it's not fair for anyone. I'm not.being the best version of myself and he deserves to have all of me. not just the parts that I'm.willing to share. i just don't know if im ready, if I cant learn to be vulnerable with someone who loves me unconditionally, i dont think I ever will. I've expressed how I feel; and he listens and understands; but it's frustrating for both of us. i feel I should be taking the time to work on myself. but I love him more then life. I'm so conflicted. I'm feeling really broken and confused. Shannon.

bear73800 Scared to go to work
  • replies: 6

Last year i became depressed and quit my job, i started a new job shortly after but quit within a week due to anxiety. I got better in a couple of months and found a good full time job again. I've been in this job for almost 6 months but in the last ... View more

Last year i became depressed and quit my job, i started a new job shortly after but quit within a week due to anxiety. I got better in a couple of months and found a good full time job again. I've been in this job for almost 6 months but in the last fortnight have become overwhelmed with anxiety. I started back on anti depressants and I already have different anti-anxiety meds. My anxiety is the worst in the morning, its almost debilitating and its stopped me from going to work for a week now. I have been honest with my manager and they are very supportive but i still feel so scared to go into work but i dont know why. Feel like i'm going crazy. Saw a psycologist last week but have to wait until the end of the week to see them again.

Daisee Health Anxiety - IBS or cancer - catastrophising HELP
  • replies: 6

Hi Everyone, I'm back again after 5 years. I have (I hope) IBS again, BIG TIME. Loss of appetite, acid reflux, stomach cramps, diarrhea and with that a whole lot of anxiety. I'm convinced, as many others who suffer health anxiety, I have cancer. This... View more

Hi Everyone, I'm back again after 5 years. I have (I hope) IBS again, BIG TIME. Loss of appetite, acid reflux, stomach cramps, diarrhea and with that a whole lot of anxiety. I'm convinced, as many others who suffer health anxiety, I have cancer. This has been going on for 2 months now and I'm so tired of myself! It was probably brought on by being a touch overweight (started at 69kg - now 65kg) 155cm, drinking too much wine, and eating too much good food (big meals, ending with red wine & chocolate!). I have been on heartburn medication for 2 weeks, fixed the acid reflux and am taking a probiotic, BUT the stomach cramps and diarrhea are still continuing. Dr Google says anything from cancer to IBS. Which one do I choose... yep cancer. That spins me into a full blown panic and anxiety situation. Hot sweats and flashes (I have enough of those at 56 years due to Meno) and the shakes... I was having one or two glasses of wine and smaller meals, but as of today (more bouts of severe diarrhea I think from taking Mylanta) I'm cutting out all alcohol and acidic food, limiting to just chicken, fish, rice, potato, avocado, herbal tea and the odd cup of tea with manuka honey. I'll let you know how I go... No drugs, except for my probiotic in the morning. I have been in touch with my Doctor who has done all the tests. The Bowel screening test results yet to come back and am seeing a Gastro Specialist in 10 days. Those 10 days are going to be interesting to say the least. My question to the forum is how do you cope with catastrophising? Does anyone else have this problem with IBS. I know no-one except a Specialist can tell me what it is, but I hate this feeling and I hate me for feeling like this. I just want to sleep for the next 10 days so I don't have to think about what if or what is to come...

Foxtrot_MikeyLima Long time listener, first time caller
  • replies: 2

Hi, thank you for taking the time to read this post. 2 years I've been suffering Anxiety. I thought it was an excuse, something ppl made up. How wrong and nieve I was. I'm so sick of this roller coaster ride. The feeling of being a burden on my partn... View more

Hi, thank you for taking the time to read this post. 2 years I've been suffering Anxiety. I thought it was an excuse, something ppl made up. How wrong and nieve I was. I'm so sick of this roller coaster ride. The feeling of being a burden on my partner and a useless father. I'm bloody over feeling like I can't get out the door and always late. When your heart starts leaping outta your chest for the fear of nothing. I've read and researched so much. I've fought and fought this quiksand but I'm getting tired. It's like there's a foot on my head. I want answers but there isn't any. I want a cure But no doctor has it....

Dan_1 Medication dose
  • replies: 4

Gday, I have recently had a pretty awful anxiety experience which made me finally get some help. My GP Has put me on a low dose of a medication to deal while I get therapy sorted out. It has been working alright keeping the edge off, four days ago I ... View more

Gday, I have recently had a pretty awful anxiety experience which made me finally get some help. My GP Has put me on a low dose of a medication to deal while I get therapy sorted out. It has been working alright keeping the edge off, four days ago I went back and he has put me on a higher dose. The next day all my original symptoms feel like they have came back and I feel terrible. Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks in advance