
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Lilyk Feeling stuck
  • replies: 3

Hey there, so for a little while I have felt like I have been getting increasingly more anxious and I’m not sure if depressed is the word. But I feel lonely and kinda of feel like fading out. I have no motivation any more really. Which is really anno... View more

Hey there, so for a little while I have felt like I have been getting increasingly more anxious and I’m not sure if depressed is the word. But I feel lonely and kinda of feel like fading out. I have no motivation any more really. Which is really annoying when it comes to exams. I also had an assessment where I had to present earlier this year and I usually get nervous. But this time I felt like I was going to cry and I could feel my whole body siezing up. I know there’s nothing to be afraid of and I usually just feel a little jittery before. But as soon as I talk. It just takes over. And this has continued to happen for the rest. I want to get help but I’m afraid and I feel like I wouldn’t be able to explain myself properly or wouldn’t want to admit to myself how I’m feeling. Mental illness also runs in the family. So it makes sense that I could have something but I feel stupid to say I do. Hope this all makes sense.

Lolue Anxious that I could be made redundant
  • replies: 4

Hi, During April I was stood down from my job as a training co-ordinator due to the lockdown we weren't getting any new employees and with staff being stood down there was no requests for training. I have two managers my direct manager was also stood... View more

Hi, During April I was stood down from my job as a training co-ordinator due to the lockdown we weren't getting any new employees and with staff being stood down there was no requests for training. I have two managers my direct manager was also stood down however my manager who is our team leader was not I haven't heard from him in 4 weeks. Except when he cced me in on an email to the girl who used to do my job that she was to take over one of my admin jobs. I understand why he asked her cause she knows how to do the task but it sucks cause I spent months trying to get out of her shadow and to be stopped called her number two Lockdown is slowly being eased and my work announced that some jobs will be stood back up and some won't. I have a feeling my job won't be stood back up and I'm worried I could actually be made redundant. I'm not sure if I should start looking for a new job or try to wait it out a bit longer. As great as it is being home I have this need to be needed. So not being in a position to be useful is getting me down.

Mond2014 New to grief
  • replies: 4

Hi, Ive never done this before so its a little weird not having a direct person to chat with but Im guna give it a go anyway. Ive recently experienced a death in my family, its the first one that Ive gone through. Im not entirely sure where to go fro... View more

Hi, Ive never done this before so its a little weird not having a direct person to chat with but Im guna give it a go anyway. Ive recently experienced a death in my family, its the first one that Ive gone through. Im not entirely sure where to go from here, its the major factor of my anxiety- which now stops me from doing things that I normally would. My anxiety has me constantly terrified that every ache and pain is a serious health issue (stems from the death of my family memeber) and just feel scared to do anything. Ive pulled myself out of situations that cause my anxiety and all I can put it down to is when Im alone in my own head and just thinking to much. Ive always been social so this is really strange not wanting to go hang out with my mates.

Ez94 Healthy Anxiety and OCD on ASBESTOS/EMF
  • replies: 4

Hi, Wanted to voice and get some help on my health anxiety. I had a period in my life, during my teens where I was the most stress and anxious free, but in my childhood and in my early adulthood now, my health anxiety has started to creep back in. I ... View more

Hi, Wanted to voice and get some help on my health anxiety. I had a period in my life, during my teens where I was the most stress and anxious free, but in my childhood and in my early adulthood now, my health anxiety has started to creep back in. I have just started my MHCP and saw a psychologist for the first time the other day, since I was 9/10. My health anxieties were very small the big with over the last year, with little stresses here and there, but in the last 3 months I feel it has become an all consuming and exhausting thing! The main thing I am worried about is Asbestos. I know it was banned a while ago now, but to my knowledge there are still fences and homes that still may contain it. My uncle moved to a new home and low and behold his fences were asbestos. My cousins were playing outside and the soccer ball was hitting the fence at times and made me think to an obsessive amount that fibres could've made it onto the ball/my cousins clothes etc and then transferred to my car and then to my house and all my belongings etc. There was no physical damage or breakage of the fence, but it still concerns me to this day. I am so aware of the effects it could have, that I am now hyper aware of where asbestos could be in the environment?? I.e could it be in my families house roof( we recently moved to a new house) My stepdad cleaned the gutters the other day and had to climb on the roof and over the cement tiling and I am worried that Maybe something has broken or cracked or something and that his clothes and any items that he had with him and what he touches in the house may affect me. It already seems to be affecting me as I don't want to using the washing machine and I worried to walk bare foot in the house or sit on the couch, and constantly washing my skin. I feel so embarrassed to want to ask and get reassured that it isn’t asbestos, but worried I will be judged for what seems to be to be silly worries. There are two family members with cancer and the last thing I want is to be sick. I am also concerned about EMF and the introduction to 5G and the potential health concerns there. I am also turning my phone to airplane mode all the time.. but as I am in a family home, I sleep close to the modem what advice does everyone have? Thank you in advance!! sorry for the long rant hahaha.

SapereAude The Resilience Project- Anxiety and/or Depression
  • replies: 6

Hi all, I’m thinking of you all I am hoping you are finding methods to help with your anxiety, depression and any other issues you may be facing in life. Has anyone had any experience with “The Resilience Project?” Whether as a professional, teacher,... View more

Hi all, I’m thinking of you all I am hoping you are finding methods to help with your anxiety, depression and any other issues you may be facing in life. Has anyone had any experience with “The Resilience Project?” Whether as a professional, teacher, parent student or another interested person? I would love to hear some feedback on whether this helps with anxiety. Thanks, be kind and take care.

Claremary No inbetween
  • replies: 2

Hi So I have been dealing with anxiety and depression since I can remember. It started out with obsessing over how I looked and acted due to bullying, then progressed into workplace anxiety, general anxiety and social anxiety as I got older. I am 24 ... View more

Hi So I have been dealing with anxiety and depression since I can remember. It started out with obsessing over how I looked and acted due to bullying, then progressed into workplace anxiety, general anxiety and social anxiety as I got older. I am 24 now. I am unsure what to do, I don't have the financial ability to see a psychologist, and I know from past experience therapists don't help. So the gist of it is that on meds or off meds, about every 3-6 months I have a breakdown. It's like all the anger and anxiety and stress accumulates until I can't handle it anymore. The stress/anxiety comes from over thinking everything. I have a lot of techniques to deal with it all. Over the past 6 months I have incorporated exercise and a healthier diet to help improve my mental health, but then I started to stress and obsess over that too. Thoughts like; I'm eating too much, I'm not eating enough, I had too many biscuits, I didn't run or walk far enough. I ran or walked too far, I'm going to get fat like my mum, I can't accept food that has been bought for me. Also note that I have quit smoking over this period too. I'm not sure why but it's either I'm stressing over everything and get angry at everyone and every single noise, or I'm having a peaceful day. (The peaceful days are very rare). There is no inbetween. I feel stuck. I can't get hell from family because they can't afford to help, but the government won't help me because I'm not defined as someone who needs help. I am on Job seeker at the current moment, but they will eventually push me i nto a job and the cycle will start again. I just want to get better, and not have to turn back to medication. But there is no help for me.

DaniJ New job
  • replies: 2

Recently started a new job and am filled with self doubt and anxiety. I am starting to recognise that I suffered this at times in my last job too, and lately I have been waking up through the night with feelings of panic, wondering if I have done eve... View more

Recently started a new job and am filled with self doubt and anxiety. I am starting to recognise that I suffered this at times in my last job too, and lately I have been waking up through the night with feelings of panic, wondering if I have done everything right and doubting whether I have what it takes. I have always been an overthinker and procrastinator. I am getting sick of hearing myself constantly voicing the same self doubts and anxieties and think maybe its time to actually do something about it to help overcome this. Does anyone have any pointers or services to recommend? Thanks in advance. D

KK7 Just after some advice
  • replies: 3

I’ve been to the dr what feels like a million times over my eyes straining hard to focus. I’ve done countless test, had ct scans done seen everyone Nd my eyes still strain hard, the only thing I can put it down to is the pinched nerve in my neck or m... View more

I’ve been to the dr what feels like a million times over my eyes straining hard to focus. I’ve done countless test, had ct scans done seen everyone Nd my eyes still strain hard, the only thing I can put it down to is the pinched nerve in my neck or my anxiety, just wondering if anyone else has the same problem ? Thanks

hobi I want to change
  • replies: 4

Hello everyone, i found out about this forum accidentally and i want to talk about somethings i have always held back. I am 21 years old and i don't know what's wrong with me. I moved to Australia almost four years ago when i turned 18. After i finis... View more

Hello everyone, i found out about this forum accidentally and i want to talk about somethings i have always held back. I am 21 years old and i don't know what's wrong with me. I moved to Australia almost four years ago when i turned 18. After i finished High School, my parents thought it was better for me if i move 9000+ miles away from home and start a new, better life. I was excited about all the new ventures but i was scared my anxiety would get worse. I lived very basic life back home, my parents raised me well i think and gave me a perfect childhood any kid could could ask for. The kind of society i lived in is how i developed my anxiety, i was always told i was never enough and there were standards for girls and boys that just had to be met. I have always been that innocent, quiet, shy girl at the back of the class. No one really ever talked to me and i don't really have a good amount of friends. I know it's not about having a lot of friends but about having a few good ones but i don't even think i have a few good ones. Over the years, I have held back too many of my emotions, i always thought i was overreacting when i felt overwhelmed during different situations and that what i was going through was all normal. I was somehow taught that i had to keep quiet if i were to lead a NORMAL life and I knew that i was never going to be an IMPORTANT person and that my emotions could never mean anything to anyone and that was alright with me until i started to breakdown every night, every afternoon, and wake up with this heavy, tired feeling. I have no one to talk to because i feel like i'm asking for too much and that i am creating all this anxiety i have. I have developed a traumatic social anxiety that refrains me from being able to talk to people or a small group, i feel i am a burden to all the people around me and my parents as well. Don't get me wrong, i have done nothing to hurt the people around me but i feel like my presence is never appreciated so i tend to be by myself, contained in the four walls of my room. I cant really seem to be able to put into words what i am going through but i hope it was understandable at least. I really want to change myself because i have a whole life to live and i can't lead a happy life this way. I want to improve my flaws and live the best possible life i can but i need a little guidance, what would you suggest i do first? xoxo

KK7 Anxiety and Panic attacks are ruining my life
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, just need a moment to vent to people who understand how I feel, I’m so over my anxiety everyday I have an anxiety attack over the way my body feels, not being able to find something example if I can’t find my phone, feeling like I have f... View more

Hi everyone, just need a moment to vent to people who understand how I feel, I’m so over my anxiety everyday I have an anxiety attack over the way my body feels, not being able to find something example if I can’t find my phone, feeling like I have failed my children, I cry all the time. I feel tired all the time, I’m constantly worrying if I’m going to die, my anxiety is health related and I’ve never been like this! In the past 2 months After having my baby I’ve had constant headaches, ear infection, really bad vertigo, bad sinus infection and pinched nerve in my shoulder and Burtist in my shoulder, I was on medication and It didn’t work for me at all it gave me nightmares, made me feel numb and not myself, so I stopped that real fast was convinced I didn’t need medication to help but it’s getting worse and paying $160 to speak with someone to help this isn’t helping, it’s just taking money I don’t have! im constantly calling my husband home because I’m scared something bad will happen when he is at work! He is currently on the verge of losing his job because of me he tells me my heath is more important, but I can see it’s starting to drain him also! im just trying to see what my next step is and if I should give medication another go, I’m tired and I need to feel myself again! any advice would be great thank you