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Anxiety -Just got diagnosed

Community Member
Hi I've just been diagnosed with anxiety ...I have chronic asthma and now been diagnosed with anxiety...feel like a can't get a full breathe , and doc told me after a few tests that it's anxiety , feel anxious with this pandemic and work cut down hours and all the pressure on me...
What can I do to limit my anxiety ,on tablets for my asthma , my doc gave me anti depressants but felt very nausea from them and I stopped then...
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello TouliP,

Welcome to the forums!

I get breathing difficulties when I get anxious too. What helps for me is to consciously relax my shoulders and facial muscles, shut my eyes and take deep breathes for a few minutes while listening to some calming music. I love using the music by a band called Buddha Sounds, it's a mix of upbeat and calming (I lose focus easily so the beats helps me focus on my breathing). Try breathing through your stomach rather than your chest when you do this (that is, if you place a hand on your stomach as you breathe, it should rise and fall more than your chest does). And it also helps for me to repeatedly remind myself that what I'm feeling is just anxiety and not a physical health concern. I know it'll be hard for you since you also have asthma, but reminding yourself that this is an anxiety-related breathlessness can prevent you from getting even more anxious at the thought of being unable to breathe.

Take care,

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear TouliP,

Welcome to Beyond Blue and well done for reaching out.

Sorry to hear of the anxiety you are experiencing at the moment. It it most certainly a very challenging time at the minute. I personally am quite thankful that forums like this exist; it means we can still get help and support from the safety of our own homes.

Perhaps it might pay to see your doctor again, and tell him or her about the Nausea? And if the doctor doesn't seem to explain things enough, sometimes it even helps to have a chat with the chemist where you got the script from; sometimes they will give more information about side effects, than the doctor will, and maybe able to suggest something about how to manage the side effects. And you don't generally need to make an appointment with the chemist either. You can just walk straight in there and talk to them immediately.

In the meantime, it might also pay to download a meditation and/or relaxation app to your phone, and practice keeping your mind in the here and now, and on the 'what IS' rather than focusing on the 'what ifs'.

Perhaps your work hours will increase again once all this is over? I do hope so.

In the meantime, we are all here for you and with you, for as much support as you need, and that I/we are able to give.

Take care. I'll be thinking of you. xo