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Advice on MAOI DIET

Community Member
Dr is weaning me off meds to start on MAOI but I'm scared,worried ,panicky and stressed as there are so many conflicting lists of what and what not to eat.Plus I'm vegetarian and it seems like it's going to be impossible.There seems to be some MAJOR side effects if I sway from the diet 😟Has anyone any info or reviews that could help.Not sure if it's worth it ☚ī¸đŸ˜§Tried almost every other types of meds.
4 Replies 4

Community Member
Hi MissMJJ,

I think you are absolutely right to take this seriously and to think about the taking of a MAOI antidepressant from all angles. You should not be taking it if you are not prepared to commit to being serious about the food and medication restrictions that are necessary on this medication. It has fallen out of favour because of this  with many people and doctors. 

However, you say that you have tried almost every type of medication and your options are pretty much running low so maybe you are forced to consider the “difficult” ones like MAOIs. 

I would feel that it is ok to trial it if 

1. You have a psychiatrist you trust that is guiding you along the process
2. Your depression is severe enough for you to keep trying medications
3. You have put everything you can into the lifestyle changes and therapy options .

Remember , it is just a trial. If it doesn’t work for you , you can cease it ( under medical supervision ) . However if it does work , the food and other restrictions will probably seem like a small price to pay for feeling better. 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello MissMJJ,

I hope you're hanging in there at the moment. When do you start the two week drug wean?

I'm not a professional like Dr Kim but I was in your position not too long ago and remember struggling with worries over a MAOI trial.

What I found helpful was doing my own research on MAOIs, sticking to the latest information on diets, side effects and research advancement.

Try Googling things like MAOI updated diets and MAOI latest research and avoid studies less than 10 years old. Wikipedia is surprisingly helpful for general details.

Dietary requirements for MAOIs can differ, with some varieties requiring very few restrictions and others quite strict. Your psychiatrist will have chosen the medication they think will work best for you but don't be afraid to ask them to explain why.

Dr Kim was right when she said the restrictions will probably seem a small price to pay for feeling better.

As a fellow vegetarian I've just had to be careful about what I eat and take the recommended supplements

Should you need more help or questions answered just reply to this post and I'll keep an eye out for you.

Stay strong.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Missmjj, there is a lot of information on the net about everything, especially when you want to find out what sort of side-effects any AD has, but the company who manufactures this particular drug has to list every possible effect it could have on a person, they do this for legal reasons, in other words to protect themselves, but it doesn't mean you are going to have any of these.
If you know someone else who is taking this AD then the symptoms they have, good or bad may not happen to you, because everybody is different, but Dr Kim's advice is good as usual, if you aren't prepared to follow the instructions then you may have problems.
I wonder whether you have thought about getting another opinion by someone else but I know that you have said you're tried many different types, but someone else may have the magic touch. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi Lytaz

Thank you for your input. I'm on day 7 of weaning ,dr said another 10 days.Its been awful,nausea,headaches ,crying and massive mood swings.Dr emailed tonight and strongly suggested I give MAOI a go , as does my very patient and supportive husband. BUT Easier said than done when your mind is racing with all sorts of scenarios and worries. Weighing up all info from Dr's,fellow beyond blue members and my own research.Thank you again X