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ASK JAY - Q&A for alcohol, drugs, gambling and addiction issues NOW CLOSED

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi everyone,

This a new thread we're opening up to discuss alcohol, drugs, gambling and addiction issues. Here to answer your questions is Jay Jaggard, beyondblue's clinical adviser and project manager of suicide prevention.

Jay has a social work background – her career spans 20 years working in alcohol and other drug, mental health and gambling in clinical, policy and management roles – harm reduction and supporting people to live their best possible lives are at the heart of everything she does.

She has lived and worked in a range of places that contain some seriously scary wildlife including Perth (great whites), Darwin (crocs, box jellyfish) and Melbourne (Collingwood supporters).

Jay will be here for a live Q&A launch of this thread on Tuesday 12 December between 12:30pm and 1:30pm, please come back then to post your questions.

After that, we will be leaving this thread open for you to post your questions to Jay, and she'll be able to get back to you here on the forums within 24-48 hours in between her other work commitments.
24 Replies 24

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi everyone, we've opened the thread a bit early. Jay will be along shortly, in about 15 minutes.

Beyond Blue Staff
Beyond Blue Staff
Hi everyone - looking forward to getting started 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thanks Jay, and welcome. I'll kick off - Christmas and New Year are coming up, and these are traditionally times of indulgence. What tips can you recommend to help people manage their alcohol intake over the festive season?

Beyond Blue Staff
Beyond Blue Staff
The festive season is a fun but tricky time 😊

Best advice: Make sure you eat something before you start drinking, go slow, pace yourself with water spacers, even drink water while you’re drinking to reduce your hangover. Try to stick to one kind of drink. Make sure you get lots of rest, try to get some alcohol free days in too. And have fun!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Given it's Christmas, I'm sure there'll be a lot of eating going on! Onto gambling. Gambling is a big part of Australian social culture. How can you tell the difference between someone who is a recreational gambler, and someone who might have a problem?

Beyond Blue Staff
Beyond Blue Staff
That’s an excellent question – the difference is when it becomes a problem for the gambler and/or their loved ones. So if it’s starting to affect your income (can't pay rent/mortgage/bills), relationships (fighting, break-ups), causing you problems with the law in any way. it’s probably becoming a problem. Chris and I will be posting up some links for anyone who thinks that they may have a problem with their gambling.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks Jay - for everyone reading, we'll post up those links at the end of the chat.

We often hear stories on the forums from members who use alcohol to relieve their anxiety, but find that the next morning their anxiety has come back worse. How common is this, and how reliable is alcohol as a method for relieving anxiety?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Jay~

What things can one do to assist a partner that wants to give up a heavy drinking habit?



Beyond Blue Staff
Beyond Blue Staff
That’s very common - using alcohol is a VERY common way that people relieve stress or anxiety. Alcohol is a depressant so it depresses your central nervous system functions and in the short term can make you feel happy, less stressed, less anxious. BUT the following day you may feel depressed and anxious. Unless you are going to avoid drinking altogether, just being aware of this can help, don’t take on anything too stressful, be kind to yourself. Again, if you feel like this is a pattern and something you might want help with, Chris and I will be posting some links up.