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Taking the next step

Community Member

I was orginally diagnosed with PTSD anxiety and depression after an being a first responder ro a heart attack victim.

Now that i am showing good recovery signs the doc is talking about going medication reduction.

Was just woundering if others have been through the process an have any advice going foward to the next step in my own personal recovery

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Rust,

All I can say is if 'YOU' feel ready and comfortable in reduction of medication and it has been advised by your treating GP as a step forward in your recovery, then you should give it a go and see how it goes.

Remember that usually you have to slowly reduce the medication so that it doesn't do harm to your body.

- Also, remember that if you feel it is too much coming off the medication, you can always talk with your gp about going back on them. Maybe worth drawing up a plan with your Doctor for moving forward and also a prevention plan. Detailing coping strategies and alternative options if you find your not coping.

If you've been listening to your medical practitioners and under going therapy, they should be right on top of this journey with you and ensuring all measures are taken for a beneficial outcome.

All the best to you Rust.
Sending you strength and positive vibes. 🙂

Community Member


Thanks for your reply.

I think the my medical team behind my treatment are of couee right it is time.

Thank's again