Hey everyone. This is strange, and I'm sure this is the third time in my
life I have attempted to post something on here. Don't get me wrong,
it's not deleted by the monitoring staff - rather it is deleted my
myself as I usually come to the conclusio...
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Hey everyone. This is strange, and I'm sure this is the third time in my
life I have attempted to post something on here. Don't get me wrong,
it's not deleted by the monitoring staff - rather it is deleted my
myself as I usually come to the conclusion that my problems are
insignificant and no one wants to hear about it.. so I end up deleting
what my heart just poured out. I have been sitting here, starting out
the window for the past hour. Just in silence, watching the world go by
without me. I need help. I am 26 years old and from Sydney. I am living
in a tiny apartment with my partner of four years. I have suffered with
depression since high school. I became heavily into drugs shortly after
leaving as I felt for the first time I felt happy on them - but the come
down made me suicidal. I was able to quit after purging my life of my
friends who were also heavily in this scene, but since then though I
have also been lonely. I went to university and developed severe anxiety
- I dropped 10kg in 3 months and had a BMI if 16. This continued over
the next 5 years and I sacrificed everything because the fear of getting
below my expectations of 'HD' was debilitating. My depression continued
underneath this, although I felt I didn't have time to have these
feelings.. than I needed to push on and focus. Many anxiety attacks
followed. Now, I'm working in an unstable profession (not much I can do
about this), in a horrible workplace (no much I can do about this) and
have limited friends (I pushed them all away over the past 5 years). I
saw a therapist who was helpful, although I am unable to see her within
my working hours. I feel as though I am wasting away. I have no purpose,
I have no desire, I have no passion. I feel as though there is nothing
for me to do or live for except the happiness of others. Things that
used to make me happy seem just to skim across my face in a smile but
don't touch my heart. I have tried so many times to reach out to people
- I get responses such as 'oh.. that sucks.. anyway how's work?' or
'there's a lot of people in the world that are worse off than you. Be
grateful.' My partner listens, but doesn't really know what to say or
what to do. I'm just desperate in my moment of clarity for someone to
understand, to connect to someone. I want help, and I don't know what to
do. I'm tried of being this way. I'm tired of being alone all the time
(mentally and physically). I hope this place will help. Ideas? Thanks
for reading.