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Suffering from some major anxiety symptoms and feeling like I’m going crazy!

Community Member

Hello everyone,

I have been suffering from some bad anxiety for the last 2-3 months now that just hasn’t settled at all. I am in the early stages of getting help with physiologist and have only had a introduction session so far.

lately I have been feeling out of control with my emotions and just really “mah” with everything eg, having conversations with my loved ones, getting excited about events that usually I would look forward to, Dealing with my 2 children, And just feeling like everything is just to hard so I do nothing and stay home. Also on top of that I have been feeling anxious all of the time with racing heart. Getting tired a lot and trouble staying asleep as I wake with my heart racing and causes me to get scared and think something is majorly wrong with me so then find myself short of breath and my heart beating like crazy. I have been finding if I get up out of bed it gets 10 times worse whereas if I just lay there and don’t move at all after about half hour I start to settle some of the time but it’s Every scary.

I have lost about 5kg as with the onset of the anxiety 2-3months ago I lost my appetite so didn’t eat to great for about a week. I can eat now but if I try to have a meal the size I us to I get upset stomach and racing heart and just feel horrible. I am trying to build up to having normal sized meals but am thinking I need to just try to have small meals more frequently. Because of the waking in the middle of the night I am to scared to stay anywhere else then home because of this.

i have just got myself a horse after not riding in over 12years and am hoping I can use this a bit of therapy as when I am with the horse I find myself a lot calmer maybe because I am focused on her.

The doctor and the physiologist have both asked me do I find myself worrying about anything. I have been through a bit lately eg. my partner starting up own business, 4yo son that I have with me 24/7 so I don’t get alone time, losing my beautiful little dog I had for 2 years and was not a pretty sight, living everyone else’s lives for them and making sure they are all ok then running out of time to live my own life so after time forgetting what makes me happy or interests me. And I think maybe also worrying in the back of my mind about the whole covid-19 situation.

i guess I am just also wanting to know if anyone else has or is having these same feelings and if they have any tips I can try for when I wake at night in a panic?

can anyone relate?

4 Replies 4

Hi mumofnah,

Welcome to the Beyond Blue forums, we're glad you decided to reach out today. We're sorry to hear that you've been suffering with anxiety. We empathise with how difficult it is to cope with so many changes, it sounds as though you've been going through many at once and you're spread a bit thin. Please know that our community is here to support you and we will get through this. 

It's wonderful to hear that you've been so proactive in seeking help. We think you are so strong. It must be exhausting to not have any time for yourself or for your own interests - what kinds of things do you normally like to do for yourself when you get the chance? If you feel it might be useful, we'd encourage you to visit our Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. The website will be regularly updated with information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time.    Many of our members have felt similar and will be able to talk through these feelings with you. Hopefully a few of them will pop by over the next few days to relate and offer some words of welcome and support.

Community Member


i can relate to anxiety your feeling the feelings are hard to get control of. I struggle with health anxiety it is taking over my life I can’t find any relief even with therapy

anxiety is hard to deal with it strikes at certain times and when we think we are doing well we are triggered again. I hope you can get on top of your I feel like this is my new life and there is no hope of feeling any better as it just gets worse for me.

do all you can and get on that horse sounds amazing

take care

Hi Stressbunny,

Thanks for reaching out to relate and show some support. We're sorry to hear that you're not feeling hopeful at the moment. It's good to hear that you've sought the help of therapy although you don't feel that it's providing you with relief. 

We can hear that it's been a long journey for you and you're quite exhausted by it, but in case we can help at all, we thought you might like to take a look at the Beyond Blue "Treatments for Anxiety" page to see if it can give you any new ideas for treatment strategies -

Or our page for "Anxiety management strategies" here -

Thanks again for supporting our community.


Community Member

Thank you for your support guys I’m hoping to get through this!!

I have actually been on my horse last weekend for the first time and the feeling of doing it was pretty amazing and I know my Hubby was so thankful I did it as he said to me “I cant believe you just did it” it made me smile for a short time till the anxiety crept back later that night. I am aiming to go see my horse again tomorrow and have a ride. (It’s a 2 hour drive to get to her). But am planning to get her down near me so I can see her whenever.

Stressbunny I am sorry that you have been unable to find some relief. Maybe you could try what I’m giving a go and find something you enjoy to focus on. I don’t know just a thought. If your like me anything for some normality.

I feel the same but am just trying my hardest to be positive it’s the hardest when I’m right in the thick of a panic attack in the middle of nearly every night.

i first came on this forum today and I feel a little at ease knowing I’m not alone.