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Is it reasonable to get DSP for anxiety and depression?

Community Member
Hi everyone,

I decided to reach out to this community to share some of my personal experience, and to ask for advice, I'll do my best to keep it short so a decent amount of things may be left out but I will get straight to the point.

I am a 33 year old man who has suffered all my life with anxiety and depression, my earliest memory of anxiety was 4 years old, I have done my best to do what I feel society wants from me, when I was younger I got work, did my best with friends tried my best with girlfriends, getting a car, my own place all the things that society expects. for the last 10+ years I have basically become a shut in, in 2018 I went for help, I have seen doctors, counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists, I have been on 3 different medications and about to try a 4th one.

From 2013 to 2018 I had no income whatsoever this was due to shutting down completely and not being able to leave the house at all I only had support of family. the last 2 years of my life have been extremely difficult, my mum and I live next to threating neighbours (I can't get into the details of that) and I have been unable to drive my car for the last 18 months. to spite having worked for 3 years in my early 20s and getting a car a a girlfriend or two, I assure everyone that my anxiety is extremely debilitating, while at work I suffered every day and had to eventually quit due to depression. my anxiety is all over the place, at times it's so bad I'm as timid as a shy little kid and my fear levels are off the charts.

As I said before I am 33, I am a guy who is approaching middle age and I don't see these issues going away, since anxiety and depression has always been apart of my life, since I have tried with mental health professionals, medication etc then shouldn't my government take me serious? I have applied and been rejected for DSP 3 times so far. So far also no mental health professional seems to want to say my condition is permanent, I can't see how it's not, I am almost half way through my life.... at what point will it be considered?

So I'm here to ask...what should I do? what can I say to a mental health professional? I am tired of medication and I am tried of people trying to throw me back into work when I don't want it and can't do it.
8 Replies 8

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Artstones,

I really feel for you. You have clearly been struggling for many years...

You sound understandably frustrated, tired and drained from trying to get dsp. It sounds like a very long and challenging process...

I must admit that I don’t know very much about the dsp. But I think there’s an organisation that might be able to help you.

If you search “national disability advocacy program” in your browser, you should be able to find it. It’s an imitative that is by the Australian Government (dept of social services).

As the name suggests, they advocate for people with .”..intellectual, psychiatric, sensory or physical impairment or a combination of such impairments.”

I think it might be worthwhile looking them up, as they might be able to help you with dsp 🙂

Kindness and care,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi and welcome to the forums.You sounded like me a bit with your anxiety and depression.I was put on the DSP for my depression and anxiety when i was 26 y.o which is 25 y.o ago.It was much easier back then to get it.I have had it reviewed once about 10 years ago and had no problem keeping it.I really feel for you as couldnt imagine what my life would have been like if i didnt get it.

Peppermintbach made a great sugestion for you by looking up national disability advocacy and see if they can help.

All the best,


Hey Pepper ty for the suggestion however I have already tried this organisation and I didn't qualify for it. if you can think of anything else I'd be willing to try almost anything at this point. either way thanks for the reply.

thanks for the reply mark, as I said to pepper just now unfortunately I have already tried that organisation and I was rejected for help. if you can think of anything that may help I'm all ears, btw I'm glad you are on it because these days it seems impossible to get on it. what did you need to do back then? might be hard to remember since it was a long while ago... I imagine that it was a very different set up back then too. anyways cheers for the response.

Hi ArtStones33 it was very simple back then in 1994 to get it.I went through a social worker and all i had to do is get a get a doctor to fill at a form saying i was unable to work and do full time work because of my anxiety and dwpression and it would be more then 6 months.I had it reviewed once and had no trouble keeping it.I have other health problems now to go with it.

Community Member

Hey mate.

I'm 31, male, number of diagnoses including complex PTSD, severe depression and anxiety. I got the DSP about a year ago. I'm going to say right off the bat that it was an extremely hard and upsetting experience, and it took a huge amount of work from my sisters and doctors (a lot of the problems are to do with really tricky bullshit, for instance if your doctor says you're receiving "treatment" - that specific word- you will be denied because centrelink has a policy that if someone is being "treated" then they will be getting better soon. It's utterly psychopathic, and unbelievably cruel. Most doctors will not know this fuckery and the hoops it takes to get an approval) to get it. I can tell you a bit about the assessment criteria and process, supporting evidence etc if you want. It sounds like you're probably in a position where the DSP is the right kind of financial support for you, and I do recommend trying (again) to get it...

If you have any specific questions, let's hear them. If you want help in general in applying I can perhaps help with the process in depth, but it's something that will take a lot of time and coordinating and communicating with others professionals.

I live in Sydney, let me know what you'd like to do, your questions, whether you'd like to meet in person or have a phone call etc.

Take care mate.


Community Member
Hi there i know the feeling oh so well for mental health and applying for a dsp .I have been battling along for over 2 half years with dsp .I would suggest you see a advocate .Disabliity advocacy they go buy and are in most towns .i was told you must include fully diagnoised fully treatable and not likely to improve within 2 years .Every person is different with there applications for a dsp .Never give up as hard as it is i almost did recently but i have to follow through with the next parts of dsp after being declined .A advocate can help support you and guide you they cant get you a dsp but they act on behalf of you .i wish you well and stay strong through the waiting time .i to suffer severe anxiety panic disorder under specialists i know how you feel its tough but keep going wont you dont give up on it im not

Hi just reading your comments above about not having any luck with advocacy may i recommend legal aide .i have them guiding me now and i wish i had there help at the beginning .