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I need relief
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I have been experiencing existential worries that have been plaguing my mind for 3 days, and I was just feeling better when I saw an article that confirmed society would collapse if not enacted on in 10 years from now.
How can I cope with the prospect of societal collapse taking away any hope of me recovering whilst I am being plagued by existential fears?
Please, I am feeling trapped and scared, and can’t bring myself to do anything, I feel like I could crack and have a panic attack any time should it continue from now.
Is there any remedies including herbal remedies that calm such feelings of being trapped and panic? My life has barely begun and I’m faced with a dire prospect in the next 10 years.
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We are so sorry to hear that you are feeling trapped and scared. We understand that this feeling must be very overwhelming for you. Please know that you never have to go through this alone, and support is always here for you.
If you would like to talk to someone we would recommend that you get in contact with the Beyond Blue Support Service. They are available 24/7 by phone on 1300 22 4636 or on Webchat 1pm-12am AEST on our website: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport One of our friendly counsellors will be able to talk through these feelings with you and can offer support, advice and referrals.
We also strongly urge that in overwhelming moments you get in touch with our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467).
Please feel free to keep reaching out here on your thread whenever you feel up to it.
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Hello Dear Bree751,
A very warm and caring welcome to our forums..
Like our lovely Sophie, I also am sorry that you feel trapped and scared...
Not sure about any herbal remedies that may help you with your feelings of being trapped and scared...That’s something that I also have from time to time when triggered back to my past....My Dr. and counselling are helping me to manage those feelings...Is reaching out to your Dr. something that you might consider to help you and your mental health?..
Worrying about something that MIGHT NOT even happen..is taking away from you the day that you are living in...I know it’s hard to do as I’ve had trouble doing it as well..I mean when your thoughts travel into the future, to bring them back into the present..the here and now...the day you are living in....(mindfulness is the best way for me to do that)..
We do have a thread on the forums, that other community members have given their versions of mindfulness and how it works for them..it’s a great thread that your very welcome to ask questions on or to just read or post...it’s entire up to you dearest Bree...In the search bar If you search Mindfulness What is it....you will see the thread..just click on it...
Many people here will relate to that horrid feeling of being scared and trapped..you are not alone lovely Bree..We are all here to help support you through this the best we can..
My kindest and most caring thoughts..
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I called the number, and all I got was breathing techniques, but nothing on herbal remedies (couldn’t say due to the different effects on people), so she put me onto Nurse on Call, who didn’t know any herbal remedies either, but advised for me to call lifeline and schedule a doctors appointment today.
Is there any further advice? What if they don’t work? I keep thinking of my family members that would go by in such a terrifying future (that MIT study confirming we are on track for societal collapse unless we do something, and no one is doing anything! It’s making me feel like all my hopes and dreams and people to comfort my existential issues are closing in on me) and it is the thoughts that bring such feelings.
So will medications or anything curb the overwhelming trapped and panicking feeling whilst I still have these thoughts that are causing the feelings?
I am desperate to relieve myself, I really can’t live like this everyday.
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Good afternoon Bree751.
My wife and I had a good long chat about your thread and quest for herbal help.
Wife reckons camomile tea could work and is common to find in shops.
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chamomile tea sorry.