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Sleep and anxiety seem to go hand in hand
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I have difficulty getting of to sleep I usually end up watching a TV program on my tablet and fall asleep half way through I then wake up and can't get back to sleep and then I start getting anxious as I am awake and the rest of the house is asleep. I get even more anxious if I look at the clock (I try not too) if it says something like 3am and I an awake so I lie in bed imagining all these things that might be wrong with me as I am awake.
I have tried going to bed later and doing some puzzles or reading I might then drop off for an hour or so then wide awake I sometimes get up and make a cup of tea at 3am. I do not sleep during the day and do not feel tired during the day, perhaps I am one of these people who don't need a lot of sleep.
Anyone got any ideas on how to get to sleep naturally the worst is waking up in middle of night and lying awake I often read a book and then must drop off again as book is on floor when I wake.
If I go to bed at 9 I will be awake at 1am, if I go to bed at 10 I will be awake at 2am, if I say awake till midnight I will be awake at 4am then it's at least an hour before I get back to sleep
I would just like to go to bed at say 10pm and sleep till alarm goes off at 7am, anyone else have my problem
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Hi Contrarymary
I can understand the frustration with sleep. I have a similar problem. Though I do get tired during the day.
I get super tired around 7.30pm and if I sit down at that time I’ll fall asleep.
If I push through that time and go to bed at a more normal time of around 9.30pm or 10pm, I often wake around 2am.
I find reading until sleepy helps me fall back to sleep.
The worst times though are waking in a panic (sometimes only an hour after going to bed). I’ll have a racing heart, and very unpleasant feelings of being trapped, in extreme danger etc. That’s when I’ll get up, take my pillow and blanket and try and sleep in a different room, on the lounge for example. I’m not sure why. I guess I’m trying to interrupt the cycle of thoughts by focusing on my surroundings. And then I usually listen to an art tutorial - listening to a calm voice gives me some to focus on and usually helps with getting back to sleep.
One thing that has helped me have longer stretches of sleep in the past is going for a long walk during the day. I think being physically tired is important for me.
Having said that, I’ve not been able to do that for a while. To fit in a walk, I really have to walk first thing early in the morning, and I haven’t been able to wake at a good time to allow for that. So it’s a bit of a challenge getting back to that.
It can feel really lonely being awake at night struggling with anxiety and trying to sleep. I think many here would relate to what you have written.
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Hi contrarymary,
Thank you for sharing such a detailed post, dealing with sleep and anxiety isn't easy.
I too have had severe sleep issues in the past, and can relate to what you've written. I over came it by introducing lots of exercise into my daily routine, if and when I did wake up I'd have a glass of milk and that would settle me down (don't know how milk does this).
We only need 7-8 hours sleep per night, so why don't you start going to bed at 11pm if you like to wake up at 7am? I'm sure this would help also.
Let us know how you go.
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That might be where I have been going wrong no enough exercise or activity during day. The last 3 nights have been really bad have been awake till about 3am, I listen to music or read if can't sleep. Last Friday I had my grandson and granddaughter for the day and slept for 7 hours that night.
I am wide awake now and can't sleep have been watching boring programs on my tablet which used to help me drop off but that doesn't work now.