Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Tibel Core of Loneliness
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I'm so lonely and have been for a very long time. I'm thirty-four and I feel as though I've spent twenty-two of those years just being lonely. It's like my entire self has been constructed around a core of loneliness, like everything I am is just a c... View more

I'm so lonely and have been for a very long time. I'm thirty-four and I feel as though I've spent twenty-two of those years just being lonely. It's like my entire self has been constructed around a core of loneliness, like everything I am is just a coping mechanism for the fact I am hopelessly, utterly, alone. Maybe it's more accurate to say that the core of loneliness itself has a core, and at the centre of my loneliness is the expectation of intimacy with others, an expectation that has simply never been fulfilled. I have tried in the past to build and maintain intimacy with others, but the sad truth is if all you have to offer is love and connection, that's not enough for people in today's world. I lost one good friend because I didn't 100% agree with Contrapoints on YouTube, I lost another good friend because I didn't 100% agree with Jordan Peterson. It's not like I'm going around causing drama, or being too unforgiving and shutting myself off - I'm always the one to offer the olive branch after a fight, but, sadly, most of the time the fight itself is enough to make most people stop talking to me. Whether I start the fight or not it doesn't matter, there is no solidarity anymore, no humility, no forgiveness or understanding, and unless I want to be totally fake and lie about my beliefs and pretend to be someone I'm not, I can't seem to form strong connections with others. It seems like a requirement to make people like you is to just agree with them, which is fine, I can do that, but it doesn't make for an intimate relationship, just agreeing with people for the sake of it seems shallow and manipulative. It's really aggravating, especially since, like, take Contrapoints - she actually has made videos about how problematic parasocial relationships are, that is, forming relationships with YouTubers at the expense of real community, and yet my friend will still just tell me to "f-off" because she cares more about a face on a screen than a person she grew up with. I think a lot of it is people idealising fame and fortune. People think they're too good for their communities, and so they escape into online ones. Others want more than they believe their community can provide, they strive to blow up and leave the past behind them. I'm sure I could help them achieve this too, except I feel as though the point is for them to prove they're better than me, so having me help them achieve their goals would defeat the purpose. Everyone wants to be a Hollywood star, or a YouTuber, or some other kind of influencer, and so if all you want is what we should all want, a sense of belonging, intimate friendships, romantic companionship, then, tough luck. Everyone loses except a tiny minority who "make it", and that's sad. I know my problems are first world problems. I don't like to complain because even when it comes to this stuff, even when it comes to these feelings of loneliness, the fact I do try so hard to build and maintain relationships means I end up being one of the lucky ones. But it's just so exhausting. The internet and social media have all but destroyed real communities, that's how it seems anyway. It should not be this hard. Just something I've wanted to get off my chest for a while. To be totally honest this stuff has made me psychotic before, multiple times. I've been institutionalised because of it, and the only answer they have is "have you tried this certain medication?" Like, forget community, it's too much of a hassle these days, much easier just to produce new pharmaceuticals. What's funny is these days I'm tempted to check myself into an acute mental health ward just to feel like I belong to something resembling a community, even if it is a community of the insane and destitute. All I want is something that feels fundamental to human nature, something we've lost touch with, and it's just maddening how few people are willing to take action and try to be more community minded. I feel like I'm the only one who's trying.

Herefortheforums Dealing with life after life altering choice
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I’m not really sure where to begin but I’ve always struggled in some way with mental health and recently about 2-3 years ago; it was at its worse and in that time I broke up with my wife who I was only married too for 1 year. We moved up from Sydney ... View more

I’m not really sure where to begin but I’ve always struggled in some way with mental health and recently about 2-3 years ago; it was at its worse and in that time I broke up with my wife who I was only married too for 1 year. We moved up from Sydney in the hopes to find a better more financially stable life, however with covid in full effect, I feel it only got worse. I started talking to this girl who I worked with at the time and found peace and calmness with her and maybe I got some feelings for her—which is why I decided to end things with my wife? But it’s been 3 years now and my ex wife has moved on (I am happy for her really) and I no longer talk to the other girl I used to work with. I still however find it difficult to accept how things have unfolded and where I stand now in life. I should be living in a house that work built for us, with our little girl, that’s worth over $1M and living happily ever after. However things couldn’t be more different from how it should be. I guess I’d love to know what’s next for me and how to accept this outcome if created for myself. How do I deal with the guilt, the financial hit, the traumatic thoughts of putting people through so much sadness.I keep telling myself I did it because I wanted to be happy but looking back at it now—how much happier am I really? A big part of me is struggling to work out who I am these days. If anyone has any guidance on how to cope with something similar to this, I’d really love to hear your thoughts.

Beans Bean
  • replies: 3

My partner just expressed to me he has had a porn addiction the whole time we have been dating. I feel so hurt and feel like the trust I had for him has completely been broken. What do I do? He wants to work through this but I can’t think straight af... View more

My partner just expressed to me he has had a porn addiction the whole time we have been dating. I feel so hurt and feel like the trust I had for him has completely been broken. What do I do? He wants to work through this but I can’t think straight after such a shock. I’m hurting so bad. What should I do?

Guest_66456041 Just lost my long post
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Anyone know how to find a post u submitted. Didn't mean to click anything and now it's either gone or I've posted somewhere accidentally. If I didn't feel so bad inside I would actually laugh at this. Typical, I finally get the courage to reach out a... View more

Anyone know how to find a post u submitted. Didn't mean to click anything and now it's either gone or I've posted somewhere accidentally. If I didn't feel so bad inside I would actually laugh at this. Typical, I finally get the courage to reach out and my post glitches. Fml honestly.

Guest Partner cheated now she in our lives.
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Married 25 years, Before we where married he cheated.I forgived him and love him with all my heart and we move on.We moved in together, had three kids and been now Married 25 years.Married life has had many ups and downs, but we always work things ou... View more

Married 25 years, Before we where married he cheated.I forgived him and love him with all my heart and we move on.We moved in together, had three kids and been now Married 25 years.Married life has had many ups and downs, but we always work things out.Is it unreasonable to ask him to stay away from and to stop communication with this women he had affair with?He seem to respect this boundaries.Problem with this is she is now with his and in our lives every day.I try to play happy family with her but get very annoyed, almost angry when I find out that he has been going over to her house for Dinner, Lunch Coffees when Im not around and his brother is not home, He text's her, call's her and she comes over to our place often when I'm away.I've asked for boundaries regarding this, but he seems to not care about my feelings regarding this matter and says it's a non issue.Am I in the wrong?

Guest_94201594 Why do I feel so shaken up, even if I gave my full consent?
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for a quick context: I met a guy a few weeks ago, who seemed nice and friendly. However, after knowing him for a week he started inviting me to various activities with his group of friends (a mix of males and females, including his then girlfriend) a... View more

for a quick context: I met a guy a few weeks ago, who seemed nice and friendly. However, after knowing him for a week he started inviting me to various activities with his group of friends (a mix of males and females, including his then girlfriend) and I didnt think much of it, I was just excited to make new friends. A very short time after meeting, I discovered he broke up with his girlfriend. not even the next day, he admits to liking me, however i stupidly believed that we werent in a relationship/not going to act on this 'liking'. Also, he is quite a bit older than me.Just a week after him admitting to liking me, and despite multiple friends warning me to cut him off, I ended up in a sexual situation which I wont go into. Even though I gave consent at the time, I was drunk, and did not enjoy it. Ive showered so much but I can't get the feeling of disgust off me. I feel incredibly violated and I would consider it a traumatising experience. The next day I was so off that I eventually confided in my friends, who helped me message him, and now I'm ghosting him for the time being. I cant believe I was so stupid as to get myself into that situation, knowing I don't reciprocate the attraction. Any advice on how to overcome the sexual trauma or explain my sudden coldness to him would be much appreciated (as far as he knows, I had a good time), I feel extremely guilty about everything and uncomfortable in my own skin.

Lostgal My partners been unfaithful in the past and I dont know where to go from here.
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I feel so lost. I have 2 beautiful children I adore. I first found out my partner had cheated in 2018 when I was 9 months pregnant with my first child. We separated in 2021 but it only lasted 6 months. We decided on a fresh start and build our dream ... View more

I feel so lost. I have 2 beautiful children I adore. I first found out my partner had cheated in 2018 when I was 9 months pregnant with my first child. We separated in 2021 but it only lasted 6 months. We decided on a fresh start and build our dream house. We fell pregnant 12 months later and I found out I had an STI when my bloods were done. I was 12 weeks pregnant then and he said it must have been from when we separated. We are alone out here so I decided to stay and see how I felt once the baby was born and the house was built. My second child is now 18 months old I’m in my dream home and I feel so unhappy. I have no respect for my partner I actually hate him but I cant seem to bring myself to leave. He's ruined both my pregnancies for me and he shows me no love and support. He says that he does but I don't feel any the house is silent. But somehow I'm still here. Im not the loving partner I know I could be because he doesn't deserve it but I am hurting myself being this distant. I get frustrated with my children constantly and I think thats down to our relationship or maybe I blame them for still being here with their dad. How can you hate someone but not be able to leave them. I wont allow myself to make this work because he does’nt deserve my love and kindness but really Im just hurting myself in the process and turning into a person I don't recognise. We will here with no family I moved here for him nearly 10 years ago.

Guest_92311439 Relationship/ commitment
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Hi all, I'm currently dealing with a dilemma if that's what I can call it. I was in a relationship for 4 years and for the for first 2 years it was the best thing that has happened to me, over time I had to relive some previous anxiety and depression... View more

Hi all, I'm currently dealing with a dilemma if that's what I can call it. I was in a relationship for 4 years and for the for first 2 years it was the best thing that has happened to me, over time I had to relive some previous anxiety and depression I went through a few years before the relationship started, this started to affect my ex partner and our relationship in major ways I was distant she felt unloved and all that. We have been apart for 7 months now and we still talk here and there as we are both struggling to move on or let go. Just looking for some advice on why I would feel like this:50% of me wants to let go because i feel my anxiety and depression is stopping me feeling what we once felt together but the other 50% is telling me that she is it and I want her, and only her. The thought of me or her being with someone else just just doesn't feel right at all and neither of us have yet. I'm just really cconfused.Thank you for reading

mellowp Interstate Move & Relationship Issues
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My husband and I with our 2 children (13F & 9M) moved from Melbourne to Adelaide. The move occurred for a few reasons, my husband grew up in Adelaide and wanted to move back (especially after mental struggle of COVID lockdowns and affordability of ho... View more

My husband and I with our 2 children (13F & 9M) moved from Melbourne to Adelaide. The move occurred for a few reasons, my husband grew up in Adelaide and wanted to move back (especially after mental struggle of COVID lockdowns and affordability of housing) and to give the kids a slower paced life. We were having some strained relationship issues and thought the change of scenery make help. We both have national/state-based roles so could move without issue.I was on-board with the move for the promise of better opportunities and to do it for better environment for my husband and children.Although this has come at the cost of myself. I have really struggled with the relocation (it has now been 17 months). Previously I was very active and had a really good social and work network. Since moving here I have predominately been working from home, I have not met anyone except for my husband's friends' wives/partners (which at times a forced relationship). I have actively got the kids involved in lots of sports, and am participating in sporting Team Manager roles etc. But despite all of this I am feeling desperately alone, isolated and at time depressed (due to my situation).The relationship issues that were there previously had compounded, due to my feeling of giving up everything I had to please everyone else. My husband meanwhile has settled back in really well, and has reestablished old friendships is busy and out all the time with work or sporting clubs. I have expressed my feelings from the initial move and every day and week since. I have tried to tell my friends back in Melbourne, but they don't understand. My husband early on stated "you need to try harder" to feel settled, my need to "give it a chance" etc etc. Unfortunately my husband has let me down and has not supported me with this move and the way I am feeling. It has got so bad that I am looking at separation and relocating back to Melbourne with the children (whom have struggled as well, for various reasons). I am at a loss.

Guest_94809296 is it wrong for me to feel upset and doubt myself when me and my gf arent as intimate for some time
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me and my girlfriend have been together for just under a year, we are both late ish teenagers and i am just under a year older than her, and lately i have noticed we sometimes fall into periods of arguing a lot more than usual, and i can’t help but n... View more

me and my girlfriend have been together for just under a year, we are both late ish teenagers and i am just under a year older than her, and lately i have noticed we sometimes fall into periods of arguing a lot more than usual, and i can’t help but notice these periods usually occur after we aren’t as intimate for a while. when we do go for long periods without intimacy which does include sex but is mainly just kissing or long hugs or even just looking into each others eyes for a while and other romantic stuff like that. it gets on my mind and it has been upsetting me quite a bit lately, especially because earlier in our relationship we did stuff like this so often and both of us were very happy to do it and were really open about it like we would talk about how good our sex was or how good it is to just lay and look into each others eyes or how much we liked longs hugs and just forget about everything else. like even when i try to guide the conversation into something like that like a long hug or just staring into her eyes for a while she usually gets distracted and doesn’t notice i am trying to have these moments with her. Or when i try to be more sexual she is quick to say no and to stop which i always stop as soon as she shows signs of not being interested or tells me to stop and i try my best to comfort her and say she is 100% entitled to say no, and i can’t tell her this because i feel if i do it will sound to her like i am trying to guilt trip her into sex but when she does say no and we don’t have sex for a while it does make me a bit upset especially since earlier in our relationship we would do it a lot like multiple times per week and sometimes multiple times per day. it makes me feel like maybe i am not as attractive as i was at the start of our relationship or she is not as attracted to me but she does assure me a lot she loves me very much. I guess what i’m asking is if it’s bad for it to affect me when we don’t have intimacy for long periods of time and if it is bad i need help on how to not get upset when we don’t have them. and if it’s normal then what should i say to her without it coming across like i am trying to guilt trip her into having sex with me when she doesn’t want to