Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Josiah_P Can't move on
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so my ex broke up with me on valentines day of this year and we still live together until I move out soon. I just can't seem to get over her, I still love her. There are lots of reasons for this one main one being that I moved interstate to be with h... View more

so my ex broke up with me on valentines day of this year and we still live together until I move out soon. I just can't seem to get over her, I still love her. There are lots of reasons for this one main one being that I moved interstate to be with her and gave up my old life for a new one. She is chatting to someone on social media and i can't keep myself from being jealous (not the right word but the closest I have). I try my best to tell myself that it is over and she is no longer my concern but It doesn't seem to work. It doesn't help that one minute she is talking and treating me well and then the next it is like she doesn't even know me. It is making me feel super down all the time and I just wish that there was a way to forget and not care. Or even just a way to block it all out.

adamc My Family Found my Explicit Photos
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I'm 36 and a few months ago when I fell in love with a Chinese woman that I was talking to online, I took some explicit photos of myself for her using my parents' phones and she loved them. She even took some of herself for me. Now, I remembered to c... View more

I'm 36 and a few months ago when I fell in love with a Chinese woman that I was talking to online, I took some explicit photos of myself for her using my parents' phones and she loved them. She even took some of herself for me. Now, I remembered to cut and paste the photos off the phone into a private folder on my computer yet yesterday my family found a few still on their phones. I had to completely deny any knowledge about them or having done them, especially when hearing mum say things like "They're disgusting" and "It makes me shudder when I think about them." The woman in question wants nothing more to do with me which I'm perfectly fine with. Not because I said or did something wrong but because I would no longer be talking to her on a site where either you pay by time or AUD300 a month just for 1500 daily transaction characters. She found emailing to be too slow.

KMWA Husband addicted to Porn and finds older women attractive
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Hi, so I've been with my husband for 8 years. During this time he has had an extreme addiction to pornography. When we first met it would often replace our sex life (I was always up for sex but he would make excuses like tiredness). Because it was su... View more

Hi, so I've been with my husband for 8 years. During this time he has had an extreme addiction to pornography. When we first met it would often replace our sex life (I was always up for sex but he would make excuses like tiredness). Because it was such an issue in the beginning of our relationship I feel as though I get really triggered when I ask him about it. When we were first together I would actually walk into the bathroom when he was having a shower to watch what he was doing. It became really unhealthy for me and I realised I can't do that and I needed to trust him so I did. He can barely keep up with me and my sex drive so I get really annoyed when he just pleases himself. He swears it's nothing to do with me and says that he loves our sex life but I just dont really know what to believe. He said that he stopped watching porn at one stage during our relationship (not sure I believe him). He then told me that he apparently started again after I naturally gave birth to our baby - a year ago. I had stitches and was healing but I was so aware of his addiction that I did everyting to help him so he wouldn't go down the rabbit hole, back to porn. This made me really upset and hurt when I found out he did because I was in pain but I would get him off every single day (I would offer) but that still wasn't enough for him. I'm a big believer in trust and the value it has in relationships so when he promised again I trusted him. I asked him yesterday and he said that he's been watching porn again. He told me contradicting stories and when I pointed it out he tried to turn it on me. I appreciate that he was honest in telling me he's been watchin porn but then he started lying about the facts. The other difficult thing I struggle with is that he has stated to me before that he particulary finds older women attractive. It makes me feel incredibly insecure because i'm not that and it makes me feel like there might be deeper rooted issues. My husband has a very addictive nature. He has been sober for the past 5 years (I left the relationship and he realised that it was a real problem in his life) and gave up smoking 2.5 years ago. I am super proud of him in that aspect. He has had some traumatic things happen to him in his childhood which I think could be contributing to this addiction but I just dont know what to do anymore as it's taking away from our sex life again. It just makes me fearful, i'm so scared of unhealthy relationships.

stekay I've blocked out so many people in my life
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Hi. So I've come to the realisation that I block out and ghost so many of my friends and it's become a bad habit. A few years back things in my life were falling apart like my job, social relationships and I was drinking to much. One day I decided to... View more

Hi. So I've come to the realisation that I block out and ghost so many of my friends and it's become a bad habit. A few years back things in my life were falling apart like my job, social relationships and I was drinking to much. One day I decided to pack up and move away. I had been unhappy in life for a few years now. I told a handful of close people that I was going away but got off social media, stopped answering my phone and pretty much isolated myself. I had some long term friends who I didn't want to speak to due to having small falling outs with. Then we had mutual friends who I also didn't talk to. People were trying to contact me all the time to find out what had happened to me. I think I have issues with feeling unappreciated by people and over time ignoring people who I thought had wronged me almost felt like a power thing or revenge. I would always think of it as "well this person said this to me or did this to them so they deserve it" and there was a satisfying yet gross felling of them contacting me but me not replying. There's people who I was friends with for years that I have spoken to in 5 years. Doing this almost ruined my friendship with a best friend. I was hurt by something they did and didn't feel appreciated. I ignored them for months with this whole idea of making them see what it feels like. I got in contact with them after a few months and they asked me if everything was fine with them. I told them 'yeah of course' and acted like things were fine. But I realised the next day that I was being horrible by lying about it and making them confused about what had happened. The next day I told them what had really happened and why I did what I did and why I was upset. Fortunately they forgave me and we're still friends. Eve now when I have acquaintances who annoy me, I'll usually just end up blocking them out. Sure they'll do annoying things or can be lazy or rude but I just developed this behaviour where I'm like 'Screw them' and block them out. Over the last five years I've screwed up a lot of things in my life and missed out on a lot of things. It's hard during the lockdown as all my remaining friends live far away and I can't see them and I'm stuck at home all the time and I'm realising how isolated and lonely I am (although I've know this for a whole) and how I've developed this destructive behaviour towards people possibly to save my own feelings of rejection or feeling unappreciated.

Quacker_84 Confused and content
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Hi, Lately I have felt very content with my own demise, I’m not sure why! My Father died Queens birthday weekend last year after suffering with lung cancer for nearly 2yrs. i am married with 2 kids, but since the passing of my dad I often think about... View more

Hi, Lately I have felt very content with my own demise, I’m not sure why! My Father died Queens birthday weekend last year after suffering with lung cancer for nearly 2yrs. i am married with 2 kids, but since the passing of my dad I often think about suicide. I would never do it (I don’t think) but thought of the thought being there and the numb feeling I have towards dying feels unnatural. i hope this is a phase of grieving but I think I have come to terms with dads death a while ago. I’m really confused I don’t feel suicidal but don’t care if I die today. Strange!

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I am a 56 yo woman who was married for 25 years. My ex husband decided when I was 50 he didn't love me anymore. I moved away. Meet a man who rocked my world. 4 years together through good times and bad he was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma. Many surge... View more

I am a 56 yo woman who was married for 25 years. My ex husband decided when I was 50 he didn't love me anymore. I moved away. Meet a man who rocked my world. 4 years together through good times and bad he was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma. Many surgeries appt and medications plus finacial hardship his family took him back to NZ behind my back. I was his EPOA + EM. I was devestated as the first I knew was a post on FB. I do not get on with his family. I spoke with him several times but he ended up dying of ? Pnemonia. The family where rude to me as I did not go over. Many reason mainly I would have been on my own in another country. So I did not get to say goodbye. I work in healthcare and was restrictited with my movements. No last goodbye. No last kiss. No I'm sorry for this happening to you. I'm now on my own. Crying everyday..can't get out. Have not many close friends here. I'm alone and lonely. Why why does this happen to me. I'm shattered and do not feel well. Trying to continue to work. But what's the point.

Oldbrew13 Issues with Rejection
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Hi everyone. First post for me, one which I've been procrastinating about but am now at the stage where I really need some help. I'll try not to go on too long. 7 months ago, my spouse of 20 years left me, completely out of the blue, after I discover... View more

Hi everyone. First post for me, one which I've been procrastinating about but am now at the stage where I really need some help. I'll try not to go on too long. 7 months ago, my spouse of 20 years left me, completely out of the blue, after I discovered he was having an affair. He had cheated on me twice and then, when I thought we were working things out, he was actually with a girl half his age. Apparently it was my fault. I made him stop loving me as I "withheld affection & intimacy". So you can imagine the devastation I went through. I lost 15kgs in 4 months, I couldn't eat/sleep/or function. I cried more than I thought was humanly possible. I felt more emotional pain that I thought I could bear. Suddenly after 20 years I was alone, unwanted, unloved and abandoned. Not a situation I thought I would ever find myself in. Despite the above, I managed to get myself a new job and move my self, my son and my cats to the other side of the country where I have been slowly rebuilding. I started feeling better, eating better, sleeping better. My self-esteem started to trickle back so I decided to dip my toe in the world of online dating. After a month I met someone and we connected instantly. It was amazing. But I ignored red flags because I so desperately wanted to feel wanted and desirable again. Now it's over. He's dumped me and all those emotions from my spouse leaving me have come flooding back. I'm broken again. Has anyone been through something like this? If so, how do you come back from it? How do you deal with the rejection and feeling lime you're utterly worthless and unlovable? I'm just lost and I don't know what to do. Thankyou for listening, T

LonelyLion Lost in Marriage
  • replies: 4

I married my husband because I love for who and what he is. This is inspite of my parents and friends reminding me I deserved better. I truly believed he loved me too. I have always been the person with a better income, I didn’t see it that way at fi... View more

I married my husband because I love for who and what he is. This is inspite of my parents and friends reminding me I deserved better. I truly believed he loved me too. I have always been the person with a better income, I didn’t see it that way at first. I always saw us equally. But he spends pur money for his “hobbies” his rule in life was “live to the fullest” whhy do we need our own house or savings if we are going to die later on. So i kept mum. I had savings before we got married but sweet talks got me getting them and giving it to him because he was do “down” i didn’t like seeing him that way. He asked me to take a loan under my name so he can build whatever it was he was building I reluctantly agreed because i saw he was anout to wxplode in the bank. we had our lid, he loved her... at first as she grew older he also lost time for her. Like a kid who no longer wants his toy. But my daughter loves his dad more than anything in the world so she keeps trying hard for him to notice her. Don’t get me wrong he is a kind man when he wants to. we moved to Australia, and he found new friends who influenced even more to. Not value family. All he wanted to do was hang out woth his friends. I waited i wait. It got to a point where his form of his affection was to make fun of me in front of his friendS. According to him it was banter so I went along, until I lost my love for myself. He always wants to buy things which ai have mo problemabout if we had savings for the rainy day. i also always ask him for help around the house but he says Its too hard. Because of this i slowy lost my affection and intimacy. anyway fast forward now, my marriage i want to save but it keeps falling apart and i blame myself for tjis

Rebeccaann Constantly upset and not able to eat after breakup
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This is my first time posting. I’ll give you a bit of a back story. I started seeing a guy in January and the relationship moved fast, too fast now that I look back on it. I went from spending basically every night with him to moving in with him just... View more

This is my first time posting. I’ll give you a bit of a back story. I started seeing a guy in January and the relationship moved fast, too fast now that I look back on it. I went from spending basically every night with him to moving in with him just a couple months after meeting him. We then lived together for 5 weeks before things started to fall apart. During this time I wasn’t happy with the location of where I was, didn’t get along with his friends, and constantly felt upset, nauseous and would always be sick (cold, flu). Anyways we decided to go our separate ways because neither of us were happy with the situation (happy with each other and wanted to be together but it wasn’t working out). Anyways, it’s now been a little over two weeks and I’m still miserable, can barely eat, always sad, and losing weight from not eating. Why is this affecting me so much and how do I help myself to get over it? We ended on good terms, I even called him last night and we talked for over an hour, we both understand what happened and why it needed to. So we are civil. I’m also dealing with a dying grandfather and am currently stuck on the other side of the world away from any family members. I just want to feel okay again, and be able to eat again and get my strength and happiness back. How do I go about this? Why was I so affected by a 4 month fling? Could other factors be causing me to shut down?

ecomama Sadness for adult child, we can't help family member
  • replies: 9

Hi everyone If anyone has input, I would really appreciate it. Maybe I am just looking for validation for my position as I struggle with the morality and ethics of whether I am doing the 'right thing' at the moment. I'm feeling really sad today at th... View more

Hi everyone If anyone has input, I would really appreciate it. Maybe I am just looking for validation for my position as I struggle with the morality and ethics of whether I am doing the 'right thing' at the moment. I'm feeling really sad today at the situation my adult child is in with another "close' family member. In aiding privacy I will just call adult AC and close family member CFM. I have been estranged from CFM for a long time now. This 'no contact' (NC) was forced upon me and even though I understood the decision rationally, it sent me into years of depression. Some days I would have to make the decision of NC hundreds of times a day. I worked very hard to lift the depression. I needed to go NC and have come to a different place over it personally, probably acceptance of sorts. Protecting my family was what kept me NC. AC has maintained contact but the situation is quite terrible. I feel very burdened by ACs frustration and sadness over it all. CFM has become a nomad of sorts. I can't say 'homeless' but basically CFM is acting that way. It's complicated. AC is a caring and generous soul, helping CFM as much as possible. CFMs demands were/are absolutely impossible. One could never say "I'm too busy that day" or anything at all. Basically if anyone tries to set boundaries, there is a massive angry and usually violent outburst from CFM. It's very scary being in a relationship with CFM. Boundaries are NEVER respected and worse, if a boundary is set then CFM will purposely tread all over it. Boundaries are like a red flag to a bull. Trying to talk via phone can feel like being roped in and can last 10 hours, maintained by the fear CFM will turn up on doorstep. Nothing is ever resolved. CFM sees themselves as a rescuer. CFM blatantly refuses any mental health help. CFMs life is dangerous. We fear police will phone saying they found CFM passed away in some strange and lonely place. I still love CFM deeply but cannot make contact. AC has almost total 'responsibility' but it's far too much. I try hard to support AC but the request to break NC has been brought up by AC more than once so I can help CFM. I ask "what could I do?" with ACs tears as a response. I uncomfortably reaffirm NC but feel like I am betraying not only AC but CFM. If the situation stays then it will end very sadly for everyone. If I broke NC then far more people would be damaged by my estimation. Any comments are welcome. EM