Hey all, I'm a straight woman but I've regularly had people make
comments or question my orientation, even from childhood. It never
really bothered me that people often assume I'm gay, it's not a big deal
to me. However, I've had people make some rea...
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Hey all, I'm a straight woman but I've regularly had people make
comments or question my orientation, even from childhood. It never
really bothered me that people often assume I'm gay, it's not a big deal
to me. However, I've had people make some really horrible comments. My
sisters exhusband called me a "man hating dyke" and said I was probably
raped by our dad. This was because I didn't accept a lift home from him
when he was first dating my sister. I wasn't abused by my dad, he left
when I was a very young child and I have no memories of him. I had a
counsellor in highschool who would make comments implying I was closeted
and that's what my problems stemmed from, I've had conversations with
friends where sexuality has come up and had people tell me I'm asexual,
demisexual, ace, all kinds of things and it's starting to upset me. I
assume they're well meaning but it feels like sexual orientation should
be about how you identify yourself and not something other people
prescribe you. I recently had two male friends describe themselves as
asexual and say they think it's related to bullying and trauma they
experienced during school. I think it's entirely reasonable that someone
could have their sexuality impacted by these things, just that mine
hasn't been. It's getting to the point where I almost feel revictimised,
having people treat me like I'm broken by things people have done to me.
It feels like my agency is being taken away. My old manager where I
worked in my late teens, a woman who was a friend of my mothers and was
a solid 30 years older than me, got on top of me while I was blackout
drunk at a party and kissed me. She also made a comment about how she
was bisexual and knew I was too. One weird or maybe ironic thing is no
one would think that made me straight. On the other hand, I know my
gender expression changed because of being raped. I started wearing very
oversized clothing, gained a lot of weight, stopped dressing as
femininely as I used to. To some extent I (sadly) equate femininity with
victimhood. I'm trying to move past this because, (and I think this is
what all of this is about for me), I hate feeling like what happened has
to change me in such a large way. I also really don't like the idea that
people who are gay and have been abused are assumed to be gay *because*
of the abuse. Have any of you experienced anything like this?