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how can i find help?

Community Member

hi everyone,


i think i might be depressed, and i think i have been for quite a while now. i am in my last year of high school and i really need help. i want to see a psychologist but i dont feel comfortable talking to my parents about it. they are also very expensive and i think there is a long waitlist.


i have a councillor at school, but i don’t really want to talk to her about it. it feels weird talking about that stuff at school, so i keep conversations with her a bit more surface level. 


what should i do?

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi, I completely understand that talking to your parents and the school guidance counsellor may be a bit uncomfortable or even confronting. I suggest trying to do some research of what kind of free support your area may offer. For example, Headspace is a free organisation for young people located across Australia. They provide access to social workers and psychologists. Even though you mentioned you’d prefer to have more surface-level conversations with the counsellor, I do still suggest asking them what kind of services you could access. You should not feel pressured to mention what you’re going through or provide any personal information if you don’t want to, however, their job is provide you with guidance on what you’re seeking help for - especially in terms of reducing stress for study (e.g. they may help you get assessment extensions)
All the best 🙂