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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 1

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

banana12355 Not sure what to do when I have no motivation?
  • replies: 9

Hello. I've been feeling bad for a while now. I can't get myself to do anything, and it feels like I'm just trying to kill time until i can sleep again. While I sleep early, and wake up around 8:30 or 9:30 I cannot find the motivation to get myself o... View more

Hello. I've been feeling bad for a while now. I can't get myself to do anything, and it feels like I'm just trying to kill time until i can sleep again. While I sleep early, and wake up around 8:30 or 9:30 I cannot find the motivation to get myself out of bed until 12 sometimes 1pm. Then I proceed to spend the day lazing around. Nothing is getting done and this is basically how the last two years have gone. Except instead of lazing around I'd take naps. And do no work, and fail subjects. My head constantly feels hazy and I can't seem to concentrate long enough to do anything, let alone form coherent thoughts for essays. I just feel scattered and overwhelmed and I don't know what to do. Although very debilitating, that's not even the most alarming part. I don't feel anything toward anyone, I don't care about anyone but myself. And I'm confused because most of the time it feels like I can't feel a thing, and at others I can't stop crying. I've been trying to fix my erratic sleep patterns, but lack of motivation prevents me getting out of bed even when I'm well rested. Diet isn't that great either as I have no appetite. I exercise everyday.. and I'm not sure whether it's a good thing that I'm withdrawing from friends for a bit because conversations feel meaningless and I don't know what to say at all/it feels fake (social anxiety is also a bit of an issue) or whether I should force myself to get out there more. I'm a very private person, and don't feel close to anyone. I see a psychologist but I'm not sure if it's helping, and I've considered meds but I'm wary of the flat lining effect, especially when I already don't feel much. I have hobbies but I can't muster the motivation to do it or the energy to force myself to. Sorry for the illogical-ness of this all. In all honesty, I'm just very tired.

Yoga_has_changed_my_life Bioplar and Marriage issues
  • replies: 2

I was diagnosed with Bipolar last week and have been taking new medication which not deliberately I have been forgetting to take my medication and I feel fine. i have also been having relationship issues with my partner and I think our marriage is fa... View more

I was diagnosed with Bipolar last week and have been taking new medication which not deliberately I have been forgetting to take my medication and I feel fine. i have also been having relationship issues with my partner and I think our marriage is falling apart and I’ve been thinking of leaving. Feeling so lost and feel like I can’t chat to anyone

Anna_Mac Dreading Christmas
  • replies: 7

I had a wonderful Christmas day planned with my now ex boyfriend, we had been together for 8 years and he ended the relationship recently because he has depression. As my family live interstate I will probably be spending Christmas alone, any tips on... View more

I had a wonderful Christmas day planned with my now ex boyfriend, we had been together for 8 years and he ended the relationship recently because he has depression. As my family live interstate I will probably be spending Christmas alone, any tips on how to get through the day?

broken___down Broken & no one to turn too.
  • replies: 10

I'll start by saying I've been on various medications since '96, seen several psychologists & haven't made much headway in the grand scheme of things. Life's been a battle most of the time, however this is a new low I wouldn't wish on anyone. Two wee... View more

I'll start by saying I've been on various medications since '96, seen several psychologists & haven't made much headway in the grand scheme of things. Life's been a battle most of the time, however this is a new low I wouldn't wish on anyone. Two weeks ago my girlfriend of five years informed me the relationship was over. This came completely out of the blue. Sure, we'd had a bit of a hard time lately, like most couples but I had no idea things were this bad. Personally I think the reason given for ending it is bullshit but there's no point in pushing for a truth, as it won't happen. Not the first long term relationship I've been through, married & divorced twice so I know the drill. Now have to deal with finding a place to live which is always fun. Thing is, I don't have a friend in the world to lean on, never have! Goes back to the way I was raised, the Oldman always said "Trust no one, keep your thoughts & feelings to yourself, they'll only be used against you!" Of course I discovered after his death 25yrs ago he didn't practice what he preached! Yeah, great advice I know now but in my formative years this is what I believed. Mum's still alive but at 85, I don't like bothering her with all this crap. Sure we talk about what's happening but not the details of how it's affecting me really. At the moment I'm feeling so alone & wondering what's next to go belly up! Job loss, won't find a place to live that accepts pets -have three cats- these are the things that have manifested themselves into huge issues. Employed as a casual for ten months on a 38hr week, I feel the hammer is poised above me, about to drop. There's no real reason for this, just how my mind is spinning at present. It's at a point where I'm not sleeping, eating, I'm feeling sick & dry reaching, crying, just a shitful mess & honestly, I hate myself. Not sure what I hope to achieve from posting? Ideas on how to deal with things, sympathetic ear, scorn, I really don't know? I'd head off to another psych but I'm not sure how things are going to pan out financially in a place on my own, so trying to keep a little aside & of the four I've seen previously, only one was of any help I feel. That was twelve years ago & I have no idea if he's still practicing. So, laid bare for all the world to see. To talk about, laugh at, poke fun at, as it's always been.

Serendipity76 Just didn't want to believe it - dealing with diagnosis.
  • replies: 3

Hi Everyone, this is my first post here, so please bare with me. About a year ago I presented at the Dr's with a list of symptoms, muscle pain, extreme exhaustion, insomnia, just general feelings of not feeling well. I requested full blood work to be... View more

Hi Everyone, this is my first post here, so please bare with me. About a year ago I presented at the Dr's with a list of symptoms, muscle pain, extreme exhaustion, insomnia, just general feelings of not feeling well. I requested full blood work to be completed, this returned to be low iron but all else looked good. The Dr and I had a long chat and she did approach gently with me the topic of depression and suggested anti depressants. I was well taken aback and slightly offended, thinking, I am sick here, do your job Dr. I left my Dr who is an excellent Dr, just shaking my head in denial. Nearly a year later just prior to Christmas this year I presented at a different surgery with very similar symptoms just slightly worse to be honest. I wake up tired, my whole body feels in pain, I cannot deal physically with the energy my 4 year old daughter gives, I can manage to run the house with my husbands 4 weeks on 4 weeks off FIFO roster. So the different Dr ran a full series of blood work, still low in iron and we too had a discussion. He then also talked about depression with me and wrote me a prescription for antidepressants. This time I have listened. Two different Dr's, two different surgeries, same result. I don't really want to believe it, I don't feel sad, I just don't understand. I want help, I want to feel better, I want my life back. I need to be a better Mum a better wife. Thanks for listening.

TeaPlease Always feeling alone
  • replies: 2

Despite knowing the good intentions those around me have, I always feel alone and empty at the end of the day. Sometimes I feel jealous and spiteful of those who are loved and love others. It doesn't feel like I have that ability, that right. People ... View more

Despite knowing the good intentions those around me have, I always feel alone and empty at the end of the day. Sometimes I feel jealous and spiteful of those who are loved and love others. It doesn't feel like I have that ability, that right. People stray away from me all the time, I lose people and I gain them. But I'm never happy with anything I have and I don't know what to do by this point. My sadness goes beyond words and I've felt this way for as long as I can remember. What should I do?

Roverone Why does the depression change you so much?
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Hi. This is my first post. My situation is that my wife of 33 years has told me she thinks that she wants to seperate and, although she loves and cares for me she feels no affection.I still adore her. I have had a breakdown and am on medication and i... View more

Hi. This is my first post. My situation is that my wife of 33 years has told me she thinks that she wants to seperate and, although she loves and cares for me she feels no affection.I still adore her. I have had a breakdown and am on medication and it only works half time. I have an appointment with a psychologist but not for another 2 weeks, but have been using all the material that I can get hold of. Yesterday I had a number of black out moments that my wife thought was sleep walking. I was talking to myself and gave her a massage in the middle of the night, none of which I remember. I did take a sedative as well and have had bad experiences with it in tbe past. Last night I read an email to a male friend that I have jealousy issues over and felt there was something going on. There wasn't. I immediately regretted what I did and told her about it. She has not reacted with anger but we havn't spoken any more about it. It has been 3 weeks since my breakdown and I have put a lot of things in place that I think will help but it just seems like I take 1 step forward and start to feel better and next thing I am back to where I started from, in tears and shaking etc. I have not been physically violent with her but I tend to not talk for weeks in the past. I hope to become a better person with treatment and address all of my past but I have never felt like this before. Any advice from people as to what I can do that has helped you out I would really appreciate. Thank you all in advance

Parabola I just need to vent
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Hi all, This is my first post so I'm not sure if I am posting this in the right place, please let me know if I need to remove it. I woke up this morning and this is what I was feeling. I might be feeling down because this is the first Christmas that ... View more

Hi all, This is my first post so I'm not sure if I am posting this in the right place, please let me know if I need to remove it. I woke up this morning and this is what I was feeling. I might be feeling down because this is the first Christmas that I have spent without family. But these thoughts have been lingering in my mind for a lot of my life. Can anyone please point me in the right direction to help reconcile my thoughts. I think I might need help. Merry Christmas.

bluebertone If I can't work due to depression, can I get Centrelink help?
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I have finally found a Doctor who has diagnosed me with major depression and anxiety and prescribed medication. My question is if I cant work or function to my work duties can I get finance help from a government funded department i.e Centrelink bene... View more

I have finally found a Doctor who has diagnosed me with major depression and anxiety and prescribed medication. My question is if I cant work or function to my work duties can I get finance help from a government funded department i.e Centrelink benefit and how much do I get and how do I apply and what is the process?

Jen65 Dont know what to do ?????
  • replies: 9

Hi, Ive decided on joining here for some help, advice as Im at a loss. I cant cope with day to day life I feel like I just exist. I cant handle any sort of pressure nor the question how are you today I just dont want to answer. Ive been to the doctor... View more

Hi, Ive decided on joining here for some help, advice as Im at a loss. I cant cope with day to day life I feel like I just exist. I cant handle any sort of pressure nor the question how are you today I just dont want to answer. Ive been to the doctor which took a lot of courage, after explaining the sleepless nights, the worrying, feeling like a failure, and all I got was a list fo questions to answer, told i have depression and told to take St. John Worts tablets which in turn gave me a reaction whereby my face swelled up and now its taken 5 days to recover from that. All I want to do is cry I don't know what to do, i don't want to see a therapist but I do want help. Im so jealous to see people happy I want to be like that and no matter how I try I just cant nothing makes me happy I want to go and see another doctor but the I dont want to go through those questions they ask again and again it makes me feel worse and stupid. I cant believe im even here typing this feel stupid doing this too but what do you do.