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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

catej there is hope never give up
  • replies: 2

Depression – rearing its ugly head I think I have had depression since my mid twenties but seemed to manage having youth on my side, a good job, travelling overseas and a lovely family and friends. In my late twenties I had a long period where I suff... View more

Depression – rearing its ugly head I think I have had depression since my mid twenties but seemed to manage having youth on my side, a good job, travelling overseas and a lovely family and friends. In my late twenties I had a long period where I suffered, anxiety and not being able to cope with every day life, driving recklessly in the car and not really caring one way or another. I was on anti-depressants and whilst this helped me get better, I did have some under-lying issues and a quick temper. I ended up quitting and after a holiday to Hawaii I went home and went about setting up my own business. It was very costly and trying but on the first day of trading I ended up with a good business and loved the independence and freedom it gave me. My former boss felt very threatened so he complained to the council and I had to apply for a permit, in the end it was granted minus not being to have clients around. I still had them around but was The worst period of my depression was in Dec 2016 when I did a contract 2 week role in Cairns looking after a permanent letting building, it was an absolute disaster and I ended up walking out after week one as it was untenable. I avoided everyone. Did not want to go out, down the street nothing. I tried to work again at 2 more resorts and they fell through as I was still not myself. I was so anxious everything was an effort. My mum suffered dearly because of my depression. I couldn’t cook, clean or even read a magazine. I kept on watching movies over and over, staying still in bed, not washing or cleaning my teeth for 2-3 days. It was horrendous nothing like this had ever happened so severely like this before. It went on until the end of April, finally I was up to working again and within 2 days had a job 2 days a week and then 3 days a week. I never thought I would get out of this black hole. Eventually I did and realised I will be ok. I started being kind to myself, buying some new clothes, booking a holiday, getting in touch with friends again. I know how you feel, never never give up. There is always hope.

EchoingVoice Zombie mornings and clouded consciousness?
  • replies: 3

Hi all, I'll be brief: Primary issue: I often wake up zombified in the mornings. I experience a lack of energy and motivation & often find my self vegging out until the early afternoon. Sometimes I feel like I have a cloud in my head. Struggle to be ... View more

Hi all, I'll be brief: Primary issue: I often wake up zombified in the mornings. I experience a lack of energy and motivation & often find my self vegging out until the early afternoon. Sometimes I feel like I have a cloud in my head. Struggle to be fully engaged in the activities I take part in - consequently simple and dull tasks can often be difficult/irritating to get through. When I'm put under stress for an extended period of time (especially at work), I've found I often get scatter brained - and there has been instances where my mind has been so fatigued I've experienced a kind of 'concentration shut down' - were tasks that would take me a few seconds begin to take over 5 minutes (i.e like sending a short email). Attempted solutions: -Seen GP. Sleep study done with sleep specialist- no serious diagnosis. -MRI done and is clean. -Have attempted morning excercise, which has sometimes proved effective, but other times has had little effect (often getting out of bed and doing sport feels impossible) -Meditation & Diary - few times a week - helps but not so much with fatigue/consciousness issue. -Coffee - works for 1hr but then I tend to crash - typically try to stay away from it but the caffeine is often necessary to maintain the standard required at work. -Goal setting/task management - I've made attempts to write out tasks and set goals, which helps with the 'must-do' weekly activities - but I simply don't have the level of interest or engagement required to commit to a self-set long term Goal on a daily basis. The issue largely began last year when: -Father passed away -Had to manage an estate which I was largely unprepared for -promoted at work which meant an large increase in responsiblity (and stress) -Had to move homes (went from managing a share home to living with my mother) -falling out with long term friend/partner While it's been a trying time and I've undoubtedly experienced bouts of depression along with grief - I've refused to engage in suicidal ideation and feel a strong sense of wanting to improve myself and my situation to the best of my ability. Once again my primary concern is my capacity for conscious attention and my ability to be motivated enough to follow through on achieving longer term goals. While I'm certain that last year's events are strongly related to this issue and that depression may be one of the underlying causes for it, I also can't help but shake off the feeling that it may be physiological in nature.

Pasha1234 Can I just get it together?
  • replies: 12

Hi, i am new here and I am struggling. I have a great life but 2 years ago I got to a breaking point and saw a doctor and then a psychologist. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and I felt isolated. Ever time I went he would give me titles o... View more

Hi, i am new here and I am struggling. I have a great life but 2 years ago I got to a breaking point and saw a doctor and then a psychologist. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and I felt isolated. Ever time I went he would give me titles of books to read which I couldn't find the motivation to read and in the end I stopped going. flash forward 2 years and I am struggling, I feel numb. I lost it at work and embarrassed myself and said some horrible things about people I like and about a job I used to like. i feel constantly stressed and part of that comes down to keeping my mask on laughing at the right times and trying to keep calm and carry on. i opened up to my partner and told him how I felt and he was great. i made an appointment to see a gp and cancelled it in the morning and I don't know why? i know I need help, I know I want to feel better but I have no motivation to do so. i just feel so lost and unmotivated and flat.

Flower1 Sorry not sure if this is classes as "major". I just need to vent.
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone. So. New to this! So i'm a 25yo mum to a beautiful 2.5yo and am engaged to a great man who I will marry in 5 weeks time. And I feel sad. Majority of the time and I hate it I feel like I should be happy. I can't talk to my fiance about it ... View more

Hi everyone. So. New to this! So i'm a 25yo mum to a beautiful 2.5yo and am engaged to a great man who I will marry in 5 weeks time. And I feel sad. Majority of the time and I hate it I feel like I should be happy. I can't talk to my fiance about it because he doesn't understand it all, my brother has diagnosed depression and he's said he doesn't understand why he has it when he's got a great family etc. I feel so guilty admitting i'm sad just been slowing going south for a while now slowly. I get into sad periods then all of sudden I seem to "snap" back to happy and I feel all emotional and grateful for everything, but it goes away. Things i used to like doing I can't do anymore. Even tasks like cooking i used to enjoy i absolutely loathe doing it now. I feel drained all the time and just cannot be bothered cleaning so the house is always messy used to be so clean my fiance does not clean at all, and little one likes to throw things in all directions. I was trying to lose weight. I lost 10kgs and then stopped and i keep trying to start again but I self sabotage and go on a binge and then go eh well you ate something bad may as well stop and its just been thing cycle of this this whole year -.- i don't have support around me, my fiance says "do whatever makes you happy" but that's all, he wants different meals to me (but he doesnt cook) and my 2.5yo doesn't like majority of food so i have to cook 3 meals so i give up and just cook something unhealthy i constantly feel like people don't really care about me. Example, I asked my mum out for coffee this weekend but she said she needed to go buy shoes at local kmart (2 mins down road) so she can't this weekend my fiance used to tell me i'm pretty/beautiful, and used to say thankyou for doing things and genuinely mean it but does not anymore. I have 1 good friend. She's great but I know she talks about me behind my back. I thought i had friends at the gym. But i got a job at my gym, looking at kids (childcare worker in training) and now no one talks to me, they drop kids off, go to the class I used to go to with them, and then pick their kids up and go have a catch up together while I work so guess they totally forgot about me and I feel like that's fair enough because i'm not that interesting there is a group on facebook and they create events for catch ups and 'invite' all members who do the classes, and leave me out. sorry long post. I don't know if I should see someone or what

Esmeralda Anhedonia
  • replies: 3

I am new to this site and forum. I have been reading some of the contributions to the depression threads. One in particular talked about the difficulties of living with 'anhedonia', after trying a full range of different therapeutic approaches. Unfor... View more

I am new to this site and forum. I have been reading some of the contributions to the depression threads. One in particular talked about the difficulties of living with 'anhedonia', after trying a full range of different therapeutic approaches. Unfortunately I can't find the post again! I just wanted to say that I am very familiar with the concept of anhedonia - the inability to enjoy anything that once brought joy to you. I have major depression and have been living with it for most of my life. I have found it difficult to be really free of depression, despite medication, cognitive therapy, support groups, hospitalisation, ect, psychologist, psychiatrists and so forth. I also noticed a thread asking about the phenomenon of mood swings from the morning depression, to feeling better later in the day. I understand this to be the diurnal nature of some depressions - the daily rhythm of major depression, which tends to get better as the day progresses, being worse in the mornings. I know this rhythm very well too. At this stage I am not going to comment on how I manage these two s symptoms, but I just wanted to say that there is at least one other person in the forum that knows how this feels!

Guest_341 Feeling SOOOOOO sad 😢😢😢
  • replies: 7

Hi I don't know if this is the right area of the forums to post but I'll give it a go (I get lost in the forums and don't know where to post what) I was feeling happy earlier today and just as I've sat down my mood has changed and I feel so sad and t... View more

Hi I don't know if this is the right area of the forums to post but I'll give it a go (I get lost in the forums and don't know where to post what) I was feeling happy earlier today and just as I've sat down my mood has changed and I feel so sad and that I want to cry. ...... I so need a cuddle, a hug , to be held and told I am wanted and needed I hate feeling sad

Fury Broken, but never beaten
  • replies: 21

Hi. Just stared at this blank box for 45 minutes. My feelings are raw I'm very, very alone right now I'll come back when I can pull myself together

Hi. Just stared at this blank box for 45 minutes. My feelings are raw I'm very, very alone right now I'll come back when I can pull myself together

Countrymusicgirl Suggestions on opening up to your mother?
  • replies: 3

So I'm depressed and anxious been like this for about 4 years now. My psychologist has suggested on talking to my mother about it, and how I feel about her and what she's done to me in the past and now. One thing is I can't. I can't open up to her be... View more

So I'm depressed and anxious been like this for about 4 years now. My psychologist has suggested on talking to my mother about it, and how I feel about her and what she's done to me in the past and now. One thing is I can't. I can't open up to her because I'm afraid she will shut me down. Any suggestions on how I should go 'hey mum I'm depressed, anxious, on meds, thanks for not believing me, thanks for not being there'

slippery_slope Finding that purpose again.
  • replies: 1

Never have been one for publicly posting my problems or even talking about them but I have started to realize I have to think and do things differently now. I hated who I had become, I hated my life, I hated the relationship I was in, I hated everyth... View more

Never have been one for publicly posting my problems or even talking about them but I have started to realize I have to think and do things differently now. I hated who I had become, I hated my life, I hated the relationship I was in, I hated everything except for my kids. I wasnt a bad person though I have done some horrible things in my early years and a few horrible things have happened to me, made some bad mistakes and have made some great decisions too, I had a very good life by society's standard but i was severely depressed. I couldnt understand me. Almost 12 months ago I deliberately threw myself into the deep end, I left my life as I knew it to really focus and search 100% for answers, to search for peace, freedom and understanding. F%^K I felt so scared, ashamed, guilty, hopeless, you name it ..........I've had a few earth shattering heart breaking moments in my life but this felt like facing death by being eaten alive by a pack of lions, no has my back, no one there to catch me, I never felt anyone had ever been there anyway, but deep down I thought this would be the best thing for me, sink or swim.Divorce, it wasnt working anyway, I knew her like the back of my hand but felt she never knew me. I didnt know me. No job, we were in business together. A major back injury so finding employment is close to impossible. I took the camping gear and tools and we split the cash 50/50. I had $16K and the unknown ahead of me. I refuse to get government handouts but don't have a problem with others receiving it, I just see it as a extra hassle I dont need, nothing to say i wont apply later, I hope i wont have too. Took the journey back into my life to process who I am, read higher conscious books, other's life stories, understanding why people turn to religion, TED Talks, Mind Spot program, self help, divorce support group, blogs, nature, exercise, eating healthy though we always have, reduce alcohol though now I haven't touch it for a while, quit smoking though I do vape now. I had been searching for that holy grail that silver bullet my councillor calls it. There is no holy grail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after almost 12 months I'm back to square one!!!!!!!!!!!!or am I? I've worked out that I am me, what works you my not me, what works for you my not for me, that doesnt make us better or worse, we just want to get through life better than how it has been. I think it's starting to get a little better, maybe a little clearer. I now need to find my new purpose.

Guest_9870 Tackling a Gambling Problem
  • replies: 3

I wasn't sure where to put this but i am feeling desperate and was hoping to find some people who have had a gambling problem in the past so they can share what they did to tackle it completely. It has gotten to the stage where i don't feel i should ... View more

I wasn't sure where to put this but i am feeling desperate and was hoping to find some people who have had a gambling problem in the past so they can share what they did to tackle it completely. It has gotten to the stage where i don't feel i should be working because i just keep feeding the addiction. i work hard and then all the money is gone because i am a idiot. Something in my mind gets triggered and decides to convince me its okay to keep going back etc and i also chase my loses everytime. But i know its not about the money because when i do win it goes straight back in. i also Justify my own actions and its just a vicious cycle. I have anxiety and depression but the aftermath of gambling makes it 100 x worse. I dont understand why i cant just stop. Ive finally admitted i have a problem. I can't talk to anyone else as i know they will definitely not understand. Any advice would be great. Also i do see a pyschologist but i am even embarrased to bring it up to them.