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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Lilly18 Is this what 'normal' people feel, or is it a kind of hypomania?
  • replies: 8

Hi all, I'm on to my fourth antidepressant, first three were ssri now an snri. I'm not sure if what im feeling is 'normal'? II'l have a few really really bad days being depressed. They are very panicky depressed days where i even rang my psychologist... View more

Hi all, I'm on to my fourth antidepressant, first three were ssri now an snri. I'm not sure if what im feeling is 'normal'? II'l have a few really really bad days being depressed. They are very panicky depressed days where i even rang my psychologist on the weekend because I didn't know what to do, they were closed unfortunately. Some days are seriousy good. Like a little too much, for example, I had to go into a shop, but wanted a coffee & smoke first, bunnings was next door so I ducked in to get my coffee, got the coffee but also $100 of plants. Ill clean out cupboards, and constantly do things around the house to the point I don't eat all day, then I feel good about that, my tummy is empty and feel like I'm winning. I have to make myself go to bed by 12am, otherwise I could stay up for hours more. Im not sure if the medication has taken away some social anxiety but most of the time i can talk to people now, but not sure if I'm talking too much to them & i sort of wonder after the chat if i was being wierd. Iv even talked to strangers in the shops which I would never do before. I feel that there' is so much to do but so little time in the day.. Is this what to expect?

coleworld94 Why sometimes does it almost feel pleasurable to 'give in' to our depression?
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Sometimes, when overwhelmed with negative thoughts, I find myself saying "okay have 20 mins to just lie down and give in to the negative thoughts". I will lay there, and just sought of "bathe in the depression". I will completely let go of any techni... View more

Sometimes, when overwhelmed with negative thoughts, I find myself saying "okay have 20 mins to just lie down and give in to the negative thoughts". I will lay there, and just sought of "bathe in the depression". I will completely let go of any techniques I use to try to offset my bad mood, and just be absorbed by it. I will tell myself horrible thoughts in my head and absolutely be engulfed in self-loathing and criticism. And strangely, it feels sort of as if I am getting pleasure out of this? or it is like a little treat and then I will get back to trying to remain positive later on. Am I the only one who seems to do this?

Peter35 Enough is Enough
  • replies: 1

Hi, I believe Ive been severly depressed now for a long time. I tried to seek help a few times in the past but the underlining feeling of helplessness and mistrust I felt made me cease all treatment. I felt a numbness in life like I was either nothin... View more

Hi, I believe Ive been severly depressed now for a long time. I tried to seek help a few times in the past but the underlining feeling of helplessness and mistrust I felt made me cease all treatment. I felt a numbness in life like I was either nothing or enjuring extreme emotional pains over and over again via painful memories. I grew up in a very dysfunctional family where my parents divorced and my mother is what I believe to be a covert narcisist. She used splitting tactics between us siblings and often we communicated to each other via her and not directly. Any type of confrontation or issue was squashed down and denied unless it was a problem for my mother it didn't exist. No surprises I am very distant from them all today in my mid 30s. I endured alot but it became too much a few years back. My aunty passed away from cancer and while I was not that close to her leading into the illness I did the best I could to care for her pets who she loved dearly and drove her to and from the hospital for treatment. It pained me at this time to see the way my family acted towards her and each other. My mother particularly started acting up and playing the look at me Im the greater victim here dont worry about her and stole alot of attention away from my aunty who needed it most at this time. My mother and aunty were also spit growing up by my grandmother whom I also believe to be a covert narc. It was also at this same time I started a new job and was under alot of pressure to perform. My father also popped up and became unemployed and refused to seek assistance at the risk of homelessness. I helped him best I could at the time. At the same time without going into much detail my manager at work was nothing less then a terrible person started a situation that pushed me over the edge. She did this knowing my aunty had just passed away for reasons I am not sure of as I was performing well. At this point I broke mentally, left my job and started travelling without any thought. For 2 years I travelled abroad. I also spent alot of time in isolation when not travelling and had no trust or expectation in people anymore. Now I cant find a job even though I have a solid resume due to what I believe is the 2 year gap I took travelling and my confidence is very low.I dont know what to do about finding stable work but I just keep trying anyway. I am going to seek help tomorrow and it feels good to finally surrender as I know I can't continue like this alone anymore.

Joey218 How do I connect with my boys when depressed?
  • replies: 3

Hi, I’m a 44 year old single Mum of 4 amazing sons, 19,17,15 and 12. To most people I look like I’m an organised loving mum and nurse but I know that isn’t really the case. i have struggled with depression for years and can hide it well. When I work,... View more

Hi, I’m a 44 year old single Mum of 4 amazing sons, 19,17,15 and 12. To most people I look like I’m an organised loving mum and nurse but I know that isn’t really the case. i have struggled with depression for years and can hide it well. When I work, I am this amazing person who runs a unit effortlessly and is well respected and loved by her colleagues. Then I go home .... and all I want to do is go to bed and sleep or watch Netflix. The boys spend far too much time on the Xbox or watching tv as I just don’t have the energy to do anything. I look after their needs..... feed them, wash for them, keep up a happy appearance most of the time, but I never do anything with them. Just do what I have to then retreat back to bed. I hate being like this but I don’t know how to claw my way out of it. Can anyone help?

BlissfulPilgrim Do antidepressants make your life less stressful?
  • replies: 21

I know some people suffer from depression as a chemical imbalance, and others are depressed because of their circumstances. If there is no imbalance, then it is unlikely antidepressants will help. Or do the drugs just make you numb so that you learn ... View more

I know some people suffer from depression as a chemical imbalance, and others are depressed because of their circumstances. If there is no imbalance, then it is unlikely antidepressants will help. Or do the drugs just make you numb so that you learn to just put up with the situation, rather than dealing with it? Like brainwashing, instead of fixing the problem you just learn how to put up with the suffering in a socially acceptable way. Then throw in the therapist for good measure - they can tell you how even though your life is stressful, you are just dealing with it wrong. Maybe I am not dealing with it wrong. Maybe I just have TOO MUCH STRESS. What can a therapist do about that? How can a psychiatrist make your life less stressful just by talking about it? Talking doesnt change the circumstances. All the psychotherapy in the world wont make people any nicer, or the world a better place to live in.

Rainn I'm not sure if I'm depressed again
  • replies: 1

I went off my medication and stoped seeing my theripast last year because my parents pressured me to. I chose to in the end because I was too anxious at the the sessions with my therapist and never ended up improving anything. My parents complained a... View more

I went off my medication and stoped seeing my theripast last year because my parents pressured me to. I chose to in the end because I was too anxious at the the sessions with my therapist and never ended up improving anything. My parents complained about the cost of therapy and told me that the drugs weren't helping me and were actually unhealthy. I'm scared to tell them how scared and sad I feel all the time for no reason. I act normal and try not to show it and everyone has been telling me how much better I'm doing. But I'm really not enjoying anything and I spend so much time mulling over trying to find joy in anything I never really feel happy. I always want to go out with my friends but when I do I feel like I'm searching for a feeling that isn't there anymore and feel isolated from them. I'm not sure if I would be able to go back on medication or see a therapist again but I'm not really sure how to feel good about myself either. I keep taking on new projects and trying my hardest to help people but it's hard because I feel so alone and no one really wants to help. It's scary talking about it because I feel like when I told people last time they treated me different and my parents tell me how happy they are that I'm better. I don't feel better. I dont really know what to do. But I don't feel like it's going to get better soon. It's so hard to get up for school in the morning and the whole day I'm just waiting to come home. I'm tired all the time and I can't sleep at night feeling like this. I don't understand any reason why I could feel this number empty or alone mabye I'm just making up that I'm depressed. I'm going to school fine and I'm not failing classes anymore. I'm so confused and scared I don't really know what to do. I feel like no one really likes me no matter what they say and nothing I do is right no matter how well I go or what people say about the end result. It's so exhausting. I just want to give up. Sorry I don't really know how to end this or how to post on a thread but I would appreciate some advice

Indy_Star Looking for someone to talk to
  • replies: 5

Hi I am 40 have had depression since I was a teenager. I have never taken antidepressants because I’m scared of the physical effects because I’ve also had a lot of health problems and I’m super into natural therapies. I just had a terrible weekend I ... View more

Hi I am 40 have had depression since I was a teenager. I have never taken antidepressants because I’m scared of the physical effects because I’ve also had a lot of health problems and I’m super into natural therapies. I just had a terrible weekend I came to visit my family and bc of my depression I was horrible to be around and just made them all feel sad and bad like a toxic explosion. I love them and hate that this happened. I think if I could have someone who I could be honest with about my feelings and thoughts even though I know they are negative and crazy right when they arise that that could help me? Instead of it getting stuck inside and just escalating till I want to die.

CharEth Struggling with not knowing what disorder i have
  • replies: 3

first off hi, the last year I was pretty sure I was suffering from depression but I hadn't and still haven't been officially diagnosed. Since then I've still suffered from those symptoms and it went away for a while but in those 3 months, I had some ... View more

first off hi, the last year I was pretty sure I was suffering from depression but I hadn't and still haven't been officially diagnosed. Since then I've still suffered from those symptoms and it went away for a while but in those 3 months, I had some anxiety attacks. I'm am now okay and not having them anymore and haven't for quite a few months but since I've been noticing some symptoms consisting of random bits of anger with no cause, I would spend weeks sad and depressed with no energy loss of appetite and overall tiredness. because of this I thought I had depression symptoms again but then after weeks of that I would be more talkative or I would feel like I would need to keep talking , I would feel as though it couldn't stop thinking and that I wouldn't need much sleep as well as the fact that I would get distracted very easy . the happy episodes were smaller but I felt a significant change personally . After a while, I typed these symptoms into the internet to see if they relate to anything or just depression. now I know that the internet isn't very reliable when it comes to diagnosis but I discovered that they were symptoms much like Bipolar Disorder. But more closely related to type two Bipolar disorder. since I've read several things on Type two bipolar and bipolar in general. the other day I spoke on chat with someone from beyond blue and they told me that my symptoms were related and are always possible. but I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to ask my mum to see a GP because it getting very tired of not knowing . does anyone have any tips? Thankyou From Char

Mitch43 Struggling with depression - despite a great life
  • replies: 3

Hi all, Just thought I would engage the community for a bit of support if not just to get some negative thoughts off my chest. I've unfortunately taken a backwards step in my battle with depression. I'm having a particularly difficult time despite so... View more

Hi all, Just thought I would engage the community for a bit of support if not just to get some negative thoughts off my chest. I've unfortunately taken a backwards step in my battle with depression. I'm having a particularly difficult time despite so much support and great things in my life. Full disclosure; I should be happy. My life has been objectively getting better and some unfortunate past events (abuse as a child) are well and truly behind me. It's scary, this "episode" because everything is so much better now yet I feel so awful. I can't sleep. I starve then over eat. I'm losing concentration in university and work (two opportunities I'm very grateful for) and I feel more and more like a burden. Not to mentiom physically I feel weak and often restless/anxious. I've sought help and I'm receiving it, friends and family doing a great job. Medication forthcoming will hopefully help. I guess what I want from this thread is, how do you deal with depression when everything is right? Why does this happen? How do you turn that positive energy around you into an internal motivator? thank you so much for reading my post. Just in writting it my mood has shifted in a positive way. I hope this message finds you all well and that we all get through this. Thanks beyondblue for making this forum. It's been very helpful! cheers

Rooster19 Looking for understanding of my journey with depression
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I don't get it!! I try hard, very hard in life!! I've stopped drinking, I have a conscience, I treat others with respect and try and live life right. Just because I haven't done anything dramatic or hit the traditional rock-bottom I feel people don't... View more

I don't get it!! I try hard, very hard in life!! I've stopped drinking, I have a conscience, I treat others with respect and try and live life right. Just because I haven't done anything dramatic or hit the traditional rock-bottom I feel people don't understand the hell I go through. They don't see or know that every day for me is a personal hell of over-thinking, self-doubt, resentment and loathing of the way my life has panned out. I haven't had any relationships with women ruined for instance (a common "rock-bottom" consequence with men) because quite simply I've never been able to develop one. It is so hard going every day so alone and misunderstood!! I hate going to GPs and just getting the same mental health assessment done when the stuff going on in my head is so difficult to explain. I am persevering with my medication for fear of the withdrawals if I suddenly stop. I do not want to have to try another sort if these are not working or is this as good as the medication is going to be for me?? Starting from scratch with new tablets will make life even more difficult to manage when other people don't understand me as it is!! I am intelligent (I have 2 degrees) and a hard worker but it is so difficult to do anything with my career that I can manage properly emotionally and mentally. It is so frustrating, I sometimes wish I was unintelligent and did not give a stuff, it would be be easier to live with myself at the end of the day!! Can anyone out there get an idea of how I feel or maybe feel the same as I do??