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3 nervous breakdowns and a nasty divorce - it gets better

Community Member

HAVE had 3 nervous breakdowns went though a nasty devorce whilstgoing though thid my depression got worce went down the black hole several times nasty trip down that hole believe me its a trip where no one has to go or needs to go people just did  not understand what i was going  though  its a lonely trip down that hole i thought i was never going to get out but i did with 1hs special women that  i met on line got to know her and ended up marrying her honerst truth if it was not for her i would not be here to day  dont get me wrong i still have my good days and bad  ones  some days i feel like being left alone the way out of this it to talk to people  they are there to help ,


2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Strech69

I understand where you are coming from with the breakdowns and your divorce. I went through similar. It seems like you are doing better now. Well done on taking the risk and finding another partner. Everyone needs time out from others. We all need time to think. 

I get the black hole metaphor. It gets used regularly and describes it well. It's amazing how we get out. There have been 3 times when I gave up and just wanted to stay at the bottom. I was lucky that I have a good GP who helps me out heaps. I hope you have someone as well as your wife to talk to and share your thoughts with. Do you have support from family? I have only been writing posts on here for 2 weeks and feel like I have made some friends and have had real support. 

Keep posting and you will feel that its safe and like I said supportive.

Take care


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Strech, hello and welcome to BB.

Going through a breakdown at any time is not what we would wish upon anybody else, and whether it's before your marriage breakdown or during it really makes no difference, however it could, but never the less it makes us lose faith in what people are capable of doing.

What it can do is make us very hesitant about wanting to form another relationship, but there are times when the silver lining actually happens to us, and are able to form or develop another marriage.

So well done on what you have achieved and wish you both the very best. Geoff.