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Considering meds and nervous

Community Member

Hi all,

This is my first post here, I’ve lurked and read a few over the last couple of months though.

I’ve recently come to the conclusion (following long conversations with psychologist, GP and husband) that it’s probably time to commence medication for my anxiety/agoraphobia. Likely an SSRI, am seeing my GP tomorrow (thanks public holidays for that delightful wait time 😉 ) to discuss which medication is likely to be best to try. I’ve tried over the last year to manage my symptoms and periods of extreme anxiety via other means- I don’t know why, but I have been strongly resisting regular medication. Exercise, therapy, meditation etc however I have slowly been feeling worse, with shorter periods of wellness between the more uncomfortable times.

I’m writing this post because I’m super nervous about starting medication. I’m breastfeeding, and have done a lot of research into medications appropriate to use while breastfeeding (I’m a health professional, not in mental health, and can’t help myself when it comes to drug interactions, side effects etc). I’ve read about all the possible side effects, expected periods of time before the medication will start working etc, and starting to feel quite worried about it. I know it’s probably a daft thing to have done, but I always feel like more knowledge is better than less.

A large part of my anxiety/agoraphobia manifests as a fear of driving, and I’ve started to freak out a bit about the side effects and driving to and from work. It’s only a 30minute drive, but it’s the only way to get there and has been a source of my worry over the past year. Particularly driving after long shifts or night shifts.

I guess I’m just after a little reassurance that it’s “normal” to be nervous about commencing medication, and maybe hear others experiences? I know everyone will experience meds differently, but at the moment it feels so overwhelming and like no one else in the world has ever felt like this, and I’m the only one. Which I know I mustn’t be. People function well on medication everyday- right?! 🙂

Thanks guys.

3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

In 1987 I endured a workplace trauma that meant I was off work for a year. I also had to find another profession as the one I had was too stressful.

So I embarked on some research and realised I needed a number of processes to overcome my illness. Anxiety needs short, medium and long term strategies to eliminate it. GP visits and therapy is needed at least in the short term. But there is heaps you can do as you have tried, like meditation, but many of them only have long term benefit.

Therapy in those early years can be gold. Medication can help us in the right direction.

To not waffle on I have some threads listed below that introduce you to my process of getting rid of anxiety. You only need to read the first post of each if you like.






there is also part two of Fortress of survival and workplace

I hope they give you some idea of what you can do towards recovery.


Community Member


I know with anxiety you can be anxious about everything, including starting medications.
It sounds like whatever you are doing at the moment isn’t working so they are worth a try. I have been on medication before and for me, it just takes the edge off things so my brain can regulate and I am functional. It doesn’t mean you need to be on them forever.
Your doctor will/should take it into consideration that you are breastfeeding and prescribe a type which is comparable with this.
All the best with this and hope you are back to your old self soon.

Community Member
Part of my anxiety is fear to try new things in fear it will affect me or change how I feel. So I feel like my anxiety is horrible but it’s a horrible I know. I was told I need to have b12 tablets and I’m even scared to have them. I know I need anxiety medication but I am scared too. I think it’s a fear of not wanting to feel different and not being in control for me. I know it’s irrational too, but you’re not alone in feeling this fear.