
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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picrd Anxiety symptoms - weakness and tiredness
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone, I’ve been suffering from GAD and health anxiety quite intensley for about two months. I’m writing here because I’ve been repeatedly told that I have health anxiety and that my symptoms are due to that but I also can’t seem to find many o... View more

Hi everyone, I’ve been suffering from GAD and health anxiety quite intensley for about two months. I’m writing here because I’ve been repeatedly told that I have health anxiety and that my symptoms are due to that but I also can’t seem to find many other people who are experiencing similar things. My most prominent concerns are with arm and leg weakness. I’ve been very sedentary and stressed for the past couple of months (finishing a masters in architecture) so I am aware that this could be the cause, but throughout the whole thing I’ve felt like my arms and legs are weak, I’ve also experienced numbness and tingling, and just about every other symptom inbetween, but the weakness in my arms and/or legs is there every day. It doesn’t stop me from doing anything but it just feels uncomfortable. I’m also concerned that I’ve been experiencing these symptoms for such a long time without interruption. My main problem is based around the daily fear that I have MS Als or Muscular Distrophy. I spend most of my day studying or worrying about these diseases. Does anyone else have similar experiences? Thank you in advance for your time and help.

loveyourself9 Scared and anxious
  • replies: 2

I'm a 17 year old female and I've been diagnosed with anxiety and it has really affected my daily life. I went to the doctor when I had my first panic attack, where my vision went blurry out of nowhere, I was shaking and my ears were blocked. I thoug... View more

I'm a 17 year old female and I've been diagnosed with anxiety and it has really affected my daily life. I went to the doctor when I had my first panic attack, where my vision went blurry out of nowhere, I was shaking and my ears were blocked. I thought I was dying. That was the only panic attack I've had, however every day I have an irrational fear of dying every day. My doctor asks me why I have anxiety, and I lie and say it's because of school, but it's really about me being bisexual. I've always been attracted to boys but suppressed my attraction to girls for a long time. I developed a crush on a girl last year, and I told one of my friends that I trust and she was so accepting. I even told my crush, but we never talked about it again. We are still friends but every time I talk to her I always think about if she's thinking about how I told her I like her. But we have only ever talked about it once. Having a relationship in general scares me, but I want to marry a boy in the future and I don't want to marry a girl. I just feel an attraction to girls as well as boys, it's not as strong but it's definitely there. I'm so immensely terrified of coming out especially because I think that it will change everything. I just want to be loved and accepted for who I am but I am so scared that people around will think it's just a phase, that I'm confused or try to change me. It's so difficult because I have to deal with these physical symptoms every day because of this. I have to tell my doctor so I can be referred to a psychologist, but I can not bring myself to say it because I wonder if he is homophobic, and my mum is in the room as well. I want to come out to my family so bad but I don't know if they will understand and that's what scares me. I'm so scared that they will think I'm confused or even not love me any more. I'm so tired of having to deal with this debilitating anxiety single day.

Ryanf Hangxiety
  • replies: 4

Hey guys, first time posting! Have been having some issues over the past year or so with anxiety Attacks and feeling guilty following a night out. I don’t drink very often, maybe once a month or two, but when I do I regret everything I’ve said/done o... View more

Hey guys, first time posting! Have been having some issues over the past year or so with anxiety Attacks and feeling guilty following a night out. I don’t drink very often, maybe once a month or two, but when I do I regret everything I’ve said/done or feel guilty for drinking and feel ashamed. I know the easy answer is to stop but I’m 25, live a very active lifestyle and would love to be able to have drinks with friends without feeling terrible for days and weeks afterwards. I’ll often get into a good space and then have a big night out and dive into a rut with pretty bad anxiety and depression. Any tips/tricks?

Blusky Aniexty is exhausting
  • replies: 16

Hi there, I am a first time poster. Firstly I'd like to thank everyone for being so brave, it helps to know that I am not alone, and neither are you. I honestly don't know where to start. My anxiety has flared up after a couple of years of managing m... View more

Hi there, I am a first time poster. Firstly I'd like to thank everyone for being so brave, it helps to know that I am not alone, and neither are you. I honestly don't know where to start. My anxiety has flared up after a couple of years of managing my symptoms. I was lucky enough to be able to come off medication, however I am now needing assistance to help me sleep. I never wanted to be back here again. Sigh. The constant thoughts and feelings of fear and failure is really getting me down. It affecting my sleep and my relationship. And, don't get me starterd on my mood swings, they are exhausting! I originally recognised that I had aniexty (and it's cousin, depression) after loosing my dad, who was my world, even in my 30's. During his illness, I was his carer, however i look back and wish I could have done more. I knew at the time that I was giving all I could without loosing me completely. Anyway, I digress. During dads sickness there was family fewd's as well, not directed at me, all around me. Since then I have discovered that I had blocked out a lot of childhood memories to cope, these were emotional struggles that I had experienced as a result of events throughout my childhood ( emotional events) . Although I have grown and learnt a lot about myself, these feelings still haunt me and I find that I no longer cope as well, to the point that I stress over things that I may have said and done during the day, it almost an obsession. I also learnt that I work in a toxic workplace but I can't quit as the fear of starting somewhere new is unbearable. I practice mindfulness, excercise, write my thoughts down and In the past have seen a psychologist. I don't know if I have the energy to go back to a psychologist or seek online courses , I would really just would like to sleep for a week uninterrupted and to not need medication just to get a few hours quality sleep. Whoever is reading this, if you are comfortable to share any methods that you have used that has helped you in the past get back on track I'd really appreciate it. Or just share you story Thanks for listening.

arimadik13 Anxiety is through the roof after work troubles - ideas on how to cope?
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Hi all, This is my first ever post on a forum. Last week I was fired from my casual job of 2 years (where I basically worked full time hours) as my boss doesn't want to pay me the award rate for being a casual 20 year old, but wouldn't let me switch ... View more

Hi all, This is my first ever post on a forum. Last week I was fired from my casual job of 2 years (where I basically worked full time hours) as my boss doesn't want to pay me the award rate for being a casual 20 year old, but wouldn't let me switch to part time. He did it in front of other staff and it was very embarrassing, and since then my anxiety has been through the roof. I was diagnosed with GAD when I was 12 (now 21), and for the past few years it has been really manageable - however now I feel as though I am back to square one and all of my self confidence is gone. I have had trouble sleeping, zero appetite and constantly feel as though I am on the verge of a panic attack. In my mind I know I will find a new job and now have more time to focus on university - so trying to focus on the positives - but its like my body is in an extreme state of alert and anxiety and I just don't know how to calm down. My family isn't supportive and I don't like to burden my friends with my issues, question is, has anyone been through something similar, or has any advice? I just want to feel ok again

MissKitty1301 New to Anxiety...New to BeyondBlueForums
  • replies: 1

Hey y'all. So I've got an appointment to see my Dr on Monday next week about anxiety - I have suffered from depression for most of my adult life, and been medicated for about half of that time (I'm almost 40 and was diagnosed at 21). Today, I just se... View more

Hey y'all. So I've got an appointment to see my Dr on Monday next week about anxiety - I have suffered from depression for most of my adult life, and been medicated for about half of that time (I'm almost 40 and was diagnosed at 21). Today, I just seem to not be able to get out of my own way. I don't want to change out of my pyjamas. I can't see the positive in anything. My partner lives 14,500km away (he's in the US, and I'm in Australia) and he's "seen" my good morning message, but hasn't replied (not even a "Hey babe, just out with friends, will call you when I get home" or whatever he's doing!), my best friend of 21 years collapsed Tuesday morning on her way to work with a perforated bowel, and had to have emergency surgery Tuesday afternoon, and I only found out late last night (Wednesday!) and is in a hospital 200km away and I'm broke! My other best friend, has been in hospital since late last night (only found out about an hour ago!) with pneumonia and she's about 300 km away. I can't go anywhere because I'm broke, and the one thing that MIGHT fix all my problems, is a job interview from a company in Brisbane that is looking for full time staff and suggested that they might want me to start Monday morning - hasn't called back, and I've lost their number! I feel like I'm bugging people by messaging them... and I should be as happy as freaking Larry! I'm about to go on a 5 week holiday that I've been saving up for, for months!!!!! Rationally - I know that this is just a rough patch, and it will pass - but I've spent 95% of this morning silently crying and keeping to myself so as not to be a burden to other people or feel like I'm bugging them by talking to them. I just can't kick myself out of this funk, and it's happening more and more often

Eliseee Anxiety and it’s demons
  • replies: 2

I have never posted anything on one of these websites or visited a psychologist, opening up actually scares me but here it goes. Basically I come to terms with have anxiety a year ago, I started taking meds and it helped for a while but now it’s not ... View more

I have never posted anything on one of these websites or visited a psychologist, opening up actually scares me but here it goes. Basically I come to terms with have anxiety a year ago, I started taking meds and it helped for a while but now it’s not so much I’m afraid to go outside my comfort zone I’m more so agitated all the time. I can be in an excellent mindset and feel agitated, fidget a lot and I feel scared. I don’t understand what’s wrong with me, if it’s the medication playing up or if something else is going on mentally. It’s starting to become a little overwhelming and I’m reaching out to see if anyone can relate or help me with some advice. I don’t want to feel this way anymore, I can’t even drink alcohol because I’ll have a panic attack when nothing is even wrong. Has anyone experienced this?

Joy1196 Fear of being alone/ physically isolated
  • replies: 4

I am a middle aged woman who has travelled by myself around the world, but as my anxiety has got worse, I have found it terrifying to be alone at night when my partner is away. This was somewhat helped when i started taking medication. but we have si... View more

I am a middle aged woman who has travelled by myself around the world, but as my anxiety has got worse, I have found it terrifying to be alone at night when my partner is away. This was somewhat helped when i started taking medication. but we have since moved to the beach where we are the only permanent residents. My nearest neighbours are 1 km away. My anxiety has got worse and i can't make myself walk alone on the beach when my partner is away. I see other women run/walk on the beach by themselves and feel so embarrassed. Is this something anyone else experiences?

Hollywould261 Anxiety about leaving work to finish uni?
  • replies: 5

Hi So I graduated from uni in 2016 and have been working full time ever since. I have also been completing my masters on top of this (which I applied for before I got my full-time job). I've worked for the same place for the last 2.5 years and felt I... View more

Hi So I graduated from uni in 2016 and have been working full time ever since. I have also been completing my masters on top of this (which I applied for before I got my full-time job). I've worked for the same place for the last 2.5 years and felt I was on top of my workload in both uni and work but over the last 6 months, I've been feeling more and more like I have a loss of control. I feel that less and less I have time to do things that make me happy and that I am sacrificing doing things for myself (including my masters) because of the demands from work. I've been having insomnia, panic attacks and other health problems which when I've taken time off to try and reset I've been told that these aren't really acceptable reasons. Although my manager has told me "I don't have to pretend my studies are invisible" and they will work with me, they rarely do and when I do ask for annual leave (even when it isn't related to uni) I often get bombarded with calls from work asking me to do things or come in. I've felt really under pressure to not let my performance slip at work which then gives me anxiety about failing my master's program because I'm not dedicating enough time to studying due to work demands. I've spoken to counsellors and they've told me that I really need to pick one or the other. Easy right? Well then I have anxiety about quitting work. I also get massive anxiety about if I don't quit my job to finish uni then I will continue feeling very stressed, anxious and ultimately have more mental breakdowns. Or what is the point of me working towards my masters (something I was so passionate about but feel lethargic towards lately) if I am just going to work where I'm working? So it's been a spiral really. I'm not sure how to approach my boss and let them know that I don't want to work there anymore because it is causing me to feel this way. I'm scared of how they will react and often have panic attacks about them not being understanding towards the reasons behind me quitting. I'm scared that they will try to pressure me into staying and that given the fragile state I'm in I will crumble. I'm not sure how to go about this without feeling like I've let everyone down.

Jaysmit Can someone please reassure or help me? I’m desperate
  • replies: 9

Sometimes I feel as though a tornado is going on inside of me. My chest feels strange almost like my heart and lungs are malfunctioning. My head is so light it feels like my brain is floating away from my skull. My eyes can’t focus.. they blur and it... View more

Sometimes I feel as though a tornado is going on inside of me. My chest feels strange almost like my heart and lungs are malfunctioning. My head is so light it feels like my brain is floating away from my skull. My eyes can’t focus.. they blur and it just honestly feels as if iv had WAY WAY WAY too much alcohol or heaps of drugs. It’s so terrifying especially when it’s all at once. It sort of feels like a miracle that iv made it through alive all those times. I have been struggling for 4 years straight with about 30-35 different symptoms ALL DAY. This one truly terrifies me though. I cannot function. It’s IMPOSSIBLE. It’s mind blowing. This cannot be anxiety. IT CANT. ITS TOO MUCH. It’s TOO PHYSICAL And it’s too real. If I have one or two symptoms I can sort of manage/control them but these ones ALL TOGETHER OH MY GOD. And when I’m driving OH MY GOD IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL Does anyone ever feel this?? Please.... reassure me.