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Can someone please reassure or help me? I’m desperate

Community Member
Sometimes I feel as though a tornado is going on inside of me. My chest feels strange almost like my heart and lungs are malfunctioning. My head is so light it feels like my brain is floating away from my skull. My eyes can’t focus.. they blur and it just honestly feels as if iv had WAY WAY WAY too much alcohol or heaps of drugs. It’s so terrifying especially when it’s all at once. It sort of feels like a miracle that iv made it through alive all those times. I have been struggling for 4 years straight with about 30-35 different symptoms ALL DAY. This one truly terrifies me though. I cannot function. It’s IMPOSSIBLE. It’s mind blowing. This cannot be anxiety. IT CANT. ITS TOO MUCH. It’s TOO PHYSICAL And it’s too real. If I have one or two symptoms I can sort of manage/control them but these ones ALL TOGETHER OH MY GOD. And when I’m driving OH MY GOD IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL

Does anyone ever feel this?? Please.... reassure me.
9 Replies 9

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

You have written in here so you are indeed desperate to find answers to these problems. This really is a fine example of needing medical help, please attend your GP or hospital as soon as possible.


Thanks. That really helped my anxiety about my health

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello Jaysmit, oh dear, it looks like you may now be feeling more anxious than when you first posted. Can I just say that the symptoms you're describing, when I read them (and it sounds like Tony had this reaction too) sound very worrying. You describe feeling so panicky that when you get behind the wheel of a car you're worried there might be an accident. And you say you've been feeling like this for four years. If I feel alarmed when reading your post, I can only imagine how it must feel for you to actually be experiencing it. I'm not a doctor so I don't know what the cause of these symptoms might be, but even if I were to reassure you by saying, yes I've felt like that before, I'm just wondering what your next steps might be. Will reassurance be enough to help you cope better with these terrifying symptoms?

Community Member

Wow I feel very concerned now

iv been to the doctors many times in the past for all kinds of symptoms and they have never found anything. There’s no point even going there anymore

im looking for reassurance. If there’s anyone that can say “yes I get that. It’s just anxiety” that would help.

Now I’m worried it’s physical and even if I go to the doctor they won’t find anything.....

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello again Jaysmit, I definitely understand that reassurance is important. It's good that you've been to the doctors and they appear to have ruled out physical causes (is that right?). While I have not experienced the exact kinds of symptoms you describe, and with that level of intensity, I do know that anxiety can manifest in very physically powerful ways that feel overwhelming. I think if you have a look through the threads here, particularly ones related to panic, you will find different shades of what you're describing. I guess the point I was trying to make was, even with this reassurance, you're still left with this tornado inside of you that is stopping you from living the life you want to. You've tried the doctor option, and it's good you're coming here to talk. Have you been to see any other kinds of health professionals, or tried any therapies that are related to anxiety?

Community Member

Iv seen 3 psychologists in the past

Even they were a bit confused with some of my symptoms....

it’s so hard. The doctors can’t find anything wrong with me so I guess  it’s anxiety.. but then the people with anxiety can’t relate. I am terrified now

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
I can see why your anxiety would be mounting, going to multiple doctors and psychologists and still not feeling like you've got an answer. Many of us can relate to this feeling. Anxiety is different for everyone, though, and I'm wondering if the focusing on the cause of the symptoms isn't helping you get any closer to working out how you might get by. You know the old saying 'a watched pot never boils'? I believe with anxiety, it's the opposite. The more we think about and worry about the symptoms, the more intense they get. The good thing is, despite the intensity of these symptoms and you feeling like you're going to float off the earth, you are still here. You have been finding a way to muddle through, even if you're not sure how you've done it. Can you think of anything you've done in the past to cope when you feel an attack coming on? Have you heard of grounding? (Google grounding anxiety techniques for some good links) I have found this to be helpful when I feel the panic on the rise.

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi again

Im sorry if you misunderstood my post. In your original post there was no mention at all that you have had extensive medical treatment. It read you had zero actually. You do have 2500 characters so there us enough room to make your posts linger to include important information.

As we are non professional medical staff, in fact we are peer advisers with mental illness, we cant diagnose. How can I reassure you ?

Your post indicates desperation so my post was very relevant.

If you require reassurance from experience in anxiety the following threads can give that. Just google them and read the first post. Alternatively we have a search function at the top of your screen.

BeyondblueTopic anxiety, how I eliminated it

Beyondblue Topic meditation-words of wisdom- he help me for 25 years, Maharaji

Beyondblue Topic if all else fails, be radical

Beyondblue Topic anxiety, plan your future

BeyondblueTopic meltdown, back to basics

BeyondblueTopic what life can be like at the end of the tunnel

BeyondblueTopic anxiety, how people view you

BeyondblueTopic kmow your limits

Beyondblue Topic worry worry worry

Beyondblue Topic upset? And desperate...some ideas

BeyondblueTopic best attitude for recovery

I'll be happy to discuss any of those threads if you want to but I repeat, if you have major symptoms then seek professional mefical help.


Community Member

Hi Jaysmit,

Welcome to the forum. I am sorry that you are having such a hard time finding the right solution to help you. If what you are experiencing is health anxiety, it is really common. If you use the search feature above and search 'health anxiety' you will find a lot of other people on the forum with physical symptoms that come from anxiety and worry. It sounds like you have had a lot of support from both GPs and Psychologists in the past and I wonder if there was a time where your symptoms improved? As both JessF and whiteknight have mentioned, keeping in contact with your GP about your symptoms is important and is particularly important if you feel unsafe such as when you are driving a car as you have described.

Having anxiety and panic symptoms is common and there are many treatment and supports available. You mentioned you have seen three psychologists in the past. Sometimes it can take a few tries to get the right connection with a therapist. You could talk to your Doctor about other options that are available to you in your area. Group therapy programs that support people with anxiety are often available (depending on where you live) if this was something that interested you.

JessF has mentioned some great strategies and I will add a few more. There is a technique called Mindfulness. I wonder if you have heard about this? If not, you could look up a site called Smiling Mind which has helped a lot of people learn this technique so they can self manage some of their symptoms a different way. In some communities you can take a Mindfulness Course which is offered over a period of weeks.

I would also recommend writing a daily journal of the symptoms that you're feeling each day and when these occur. This can help you and your health care team identify triggers and solutions to the symptoms you are experiencing.

If your symptoms are too overwhelming and you need help or you feel unsafe, taking a trip to the hospital or visiting a doctor is important. Sometimes getting the right answers to your symptoms takes persistence. You can always reach out and call the Beyond Blue support line 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 and have a chat if you think this might be helpful.

Please keep us posted on how you are going,

Wishing you the best possible outcome,

Nurse Jenn