
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Ocean_breeze Supplements
  • replies: 3

What supplements are good to take for anxiety ?

What supplements are good to take for anxiety ?

Rhysb93 Panic attacks
  • replies: 5

Hi second time posting but as of today had my first panic attack I was just in the couch and out of no where it happened thought I was dying racing heart freaking out sweating, I ended up calming down by just walking around the house I’m posting here... View more

Hi second time posting but as of today had my first panic attack I was just in the couch and out of no where it happened thought I was dying racing heart freaking out sweating, I ended up calming down by just walking around the house I’m posting here to ask how people manage panic attacks what they do to calm down etc? im looking forward to hearing what you guys do thanks.

Katherine22 Diet soda drinker? A tip that may help with your anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, just wanted to share what I learnt recently from a Natropath. I used to drink a lot (1-2 litres) a day of Pepsi Max. I never knew the link from Aspartame that’s found in diet drinks and some foods to anxiety and mental health conditions.... View more

Hi everyone, just wanted to share what I learnt recently from a Natropath. I used to drink a lot (1-2 litres) a day of Pepsi Max. I never knew the link from Aspartame that’s found in diet drinks and some foods to anxiety and mental health conditions. Apparently it blocks the production of serotonin and interferes with neurotransmitters. I wasn’t so sure about this BUT after giving up Pepsi Max my anxiety is definitely less pronounced. I’m less on edge every day and I’ve noticed a huge difference. May not be everyone but wanted to share in case it could help someone else.

Dean07 Anxiety or the stiuation?
  • replies: 4

How do you know if it is anxiety or the situation you find yourself in? I was diagnosed with GAD five or six years ago. Went on medication, lots of CBT and things settled down. Off the medication now. A couple of years ago I moved to a very busy city... View more

How do you know if it is anxiety or the situation you find yourself in? I was diagnosed with GAD five or six years ago. Went on medication, lots of CBT and things settled down. Off the medication now. A couple of years ago I moved to a very busy city with my wife but left my adult children, friends and family behind. The move was because of my wife's employment. Whilst my wife and I talked about the situation and we agreed to go, I was probably, in reality less enthusiastic about the idea. I am self-employed and had to move my business and set that up as well. Business has been going okay but not quite as well as it was in the first city. I have struggled settling in from day one. After being here for two years I don't feel part of the city or that I even want to be part of it. I haven't gone out and made friends. I feel like I'm just treading water, waiting for it to end and to go back to the original city. I just feel overwhelmed, out of place and anxious. I'm having trouble working out whether it is my anxiety or finding myself in a situation I don't want to engage in that is the problem. I am seeing a psychologist. This has been helpful but I find it difficult to engage in the CBT when I blame some of it at least on the situation I find myself in. I tell myself things would be ok if I moved back home though I have my doubts.

FxZIONZ Looking for guidance!
  • replies: 1

Hey All, I Just want some guidance. I have noticed minor things about my day which i feel are signs of bigger things. I think i have repetitive behavioral issues. I bite my nails/around the nails. Not to the point of bleeding or anything just i do it... View more

Hey All, I Just want some guidance. I have noticed minor things about my day which i feel are signs of bigger things. I think i have repetitive behavioral issues. I bite my nails/around the nails. Not to the point of bleeding or anything just i do it. I feel comfortable when i hold certain things. These things can be anything like pens etc. Which if someone else uses or someone else takes i feel annoyed/upset/uncomfortable. I get an attachment to these items, but not to a intrusive level. Just enough where i feel empty without this item if i am in my scenario without it. Ie work space, or my bed, or my car. I find i am unable to focus properly, and can very easily drift off and day dream. This can be both whilst working and focused on something as well as just in conversation. i can be still looking at the person and auto saying things like yep. But not even know what was being said. This works the other way to. I can be talking and get halfway and forget completely what i was wanting to say. I think if i do have any amount of OCD or ADD its unnoticeable because there is nothing obvious about it. its just very minor things. Since this is a forum, does anyone have experiences similar or what you did to help with any of it? Thanks In Advance!

anita24 Separation anxiety as a adult
  • replies: 1

My partner was been working away from home from monday to Friday for years and it never gets easier. I feel very alone by myself. Each week I get so upset that he’s leaving. Is this Normal? Because I just want to feel safe and content. I also get anx... View more

My partner was been working away from home from monday to Friday for years and it never gets easier. I feel very alone by myself. Each week I get so upset that he’s leaving. Is this Normal? Because I just want to feel safe and content. I also get anxiety at night and can’t sleep when I hear noises.

sadvet Excited but terrified of leaving current job
  • replies: 2

Hey everyone, I have made a previous thread of how my boss at my current job has been talking down on me since I started. Rather than being encouraging, she comments on how I fail at doing things (it's funny because I've ask my fellow ex coursemates ... View more

Hey everyone, I have made a previous thread of how my boss at my current job has been talking down on me since I started. Rather than being encouraging, she comments on how I fail at doing things (it's funny because I've ask my fellow ex coursemates and none of us are proficient at blood collection and yet, their superiors are very supportive and encouraging). I've found myself unmotivated to improve myself (she did say my university teaches crap) and more importantly, I've been so anxious and dreadful about going to work, because I'm just dreading the next time she belittles me in front of others (which happens almost always on a daily basis). After much talk with my family, friends and the wonderful people here, I have decided that I wish to look for another environment that is more supportive, and I have decided to quit at the end of May. In the meantime, I will be job hunting. But the more I think about it, the more frightened I am at quitting. It's not so much that I have second thoughts, but about how my current place would react. What if the boss comes to find me (she will be overseas when I plan to resign)? What if the rest of the staff at the clinic spams my phone number? They do have my address and contact details, and I live very close to the clinic. I fear going to the nearby shopping mall, just in case I run into any of them. And I feel like my boss will not take my resignation very well, knowing her personality. Yes, I do realise that I am afraid of her, hence the reason I am reacting this way. I know it's not ideal to burn bridges, but I do have more bad experiences than good ones there, and ideally I'd just like some space from the clinic for a while.

SoFedUp Fired because of anxiety attacks
  • replies: 3

I applied for a casual job recently as I felt it was all I could handle at the time. I was offered a Store Manager position instead. I said I was hesitant but with the assurance of ongoing support and training I thought I should challenge myself and ... View more

I applied for a casual job recently as I felt it was all I could handle at the time. I was offered a Store Manager position instead. I said I was hesitant but with the assurance of ongoing support and training I thought I should challenge myself and said I would give it a try. A new store, new staff, an unfamiliar product and no clear daily plan meant lots of stress and self doubt. I put unrealistic pressure on myself which led to feeling completely overwhelmed which always leads to sobbing, shame and self loathing. I was told I needed to give myself a break as I wasn’t expected to know everything immediately and to always ask for help. It got better but it took very little for me to feel I was floundering again because I was always stressed knowing there was so much more I needed to be doing but didn’t know what. Stupidly I felt I shouldn’t bother other managers all the time with questions even though they offered their help. Learning how to read financial reports was so overwhelming that I shut down and sobbed “I can’t do this! I’m not smart enough!” Again I pulled it together and began coping once again. Even enjoying it at times My one month review was positive when my boss said I had come so far and seemed like a much more positive relaxed person than before and wasn’t I silly for stressing so much before. Then came Manager Development Training. Coaching staff to develop skills and using psychology principles to get the best out of them. I was so focused on my discomfort people management that I left the room to have a meltdown doubting my future as a manager. I did commit to giving it my all and improving on a personal level and apologised for causing such trouble. “No trouble, it’s my job!” Next day I am being fired because of my meltdowns. The same meltdowns she had talked me through with assurances of support and encouragement. “You are too negative about things and keep having these meltdowns so we’ve decided to terminate your probation effective today. I need your keys and diary back.” I had never taken time off and the store’s performance was improving. I was told I was doing really well and to be proud. Sure I was struggling with so much to learn but it had only been 3 months. My probation was 6. They didn’t even let me show how far I could get in another 3 months. Decision made. No discussion. I was thrown out like I had been accused of theft. If only people could understand how difficult it is to live with anxiety each day.

xristine Anxiety is ruling my life.
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, this is my first post and would love to gain some advice from anyone who has or is going through the same thing as I. Lately I have been feeling so anxious and nervous about every day life. Recently I took 2 sick days off from work, beca... View more

Hi everyone, this is my first post and would love to gain some advice from anyone who has or is going through the same thing as I. Lately I have been feeling so anxious and nervous about every day life. Recently I took 2 sick days off from work, because my job has been really testing my anxiety. I'd find myself waking up at about 6:30am each day before work and I would wake up to sweaty palms, a beating chest, jelly like legs and a blocked nose. I'd wake up feeling so nervous and for no reason at all. I'd try to lay there to relax but it just gets worse. When I do get out of bed, I start tic coughing which I've found that I usually do when I'm feeling nervous. I would then start to clear my throat a lot, even though I had nothing to clear. Then my mind would start thinking about it and then I'd start coughing so hard that I start to dry heave. This causes my panic attack to take over and then I feel doomed. My body shakes and I feel that I would throw up all because of the anxious feeling I have when I wake up. Apart from work, I don't have anything else to be worried about. Last week I was fine, but this week I have been a wobbly, coughing for, dry heaving, exhausted human. I feel at times that keeping my mind busy would settle the nerves and worry but I don't know how that works when clearly my brain is making me think of things that causes the stress. I literally look forward to sleeping because that's when my body is naturally tired and calm. Any tips of on how to stop your mind from waking you up in a worry and how to stop nervous coughing? Thank you, X

Dan90 Anxiety is back stronger than ever
  • replies: 14

Hi All, This is my first post on these forums, hoping writing it all out will help calm my nerves. Yesterday I had a huge panic attack and for the first time in my life I called an ambulance, truly thinking I was having a serious medical episode. I w... View more

Hi All, This is my first post on these forums, hoping writing it all out will help calm my nerves. Yesterday I had a huge panic attack and for the first time in my life I called an ambulance, truly thinking I was having a serious medical episode. I went downstairs to make myself a coffee around 5pm. Just as I walked over to the fridge to grab a some milk I felt an intense dizzy spell. I tried to shrug it off as being unwell but by the time I got to the coffee machine again I felt sure I would collapse, so I called over to my wife to tell her something was wrong. From there the usual panic symptoms kicked in, heart racing, feeling of impending doom, feeling short of breath and eventually some slight tingling in both my arms, towards my fingers. My wife phoned an ambalance as things seemed to keep escalating and I wasn’t able to calm down. Once they arrived I was sitting on the couch, they hooked me up to their Heart monitor and took my blood pressure. Although both were quite elevated they told me everything looked normal and I was most likely having a bad panic attack. They sat with me for a good 20mins until my heart rate lowered to a safe level and said in their opinion I did not need to attend hospital, but could If I wanted. My wife and I decided since they check me out we would stay home. From then on it took me hours to fully calm down. I had this horrible feeling (and still do) that something serious might be wrong with me. I should add I have had Ecgs in the past few years, blood pressure, and even an echocardiogram and Chest CT scan for an unrelated genetic test a couple of years ago all of which were normal. I have had a cold the past few days, a slight fever which the doctor said was nothing to worry about although I have been feeling generally unwell whilst I try to shake it. Anyone else had a massive panic attack out of the blue like this? I’m still shaken up today, but am finding. More moments of calm as the day goes on. I do have a few big things happening at the moment, work is laying people off and my wife and I are expecting a baby in about 4 weeks, which is great but obviously a big change. I’ve also noticed some irrational thoughts about death, health issues etc. happening more and more over the past few weeks. Cheers, Dan