
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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abc123xyz Anxiety attacks that come and go
  • replies: 2

Hi I am new to using beyond blue and the online forums. I believe I suffer from anxiety, OCD and sometimes depression, although I have not seen anyone about this. The OCD is constant and I am forever rechecking things even when I know in my head that... View more

Hi I am new to using beyond blue and the online forums. I believe I suffer from anxiety, OCD and sometimes depression, although I have not seen anyone about this. The OCD is constant and I am forever rechecking things even when I know in my head that I need to stop but I just can’t. I get anxiety about different things such as health concerns and things that are out of my control, such as the “unknown”. I am currently expecting my first child and have been getting anxiety a lot about this lately. Things such as labour, financial situation, how to raise a baby and my living situation. Out of nowhere I will just start panicking and crying and be sad and angry at the same time. Then a couple of hours later I’ll be completely fine again and feel stupid for losing control. Does anyone else go through things similar to this and is there anything that you’ve tried that helps with it?

Rhysb93 Anxiety problems help.
  • replies: 5

Hi guys my name is Rhys I’m 26 and believe I have a severe anxiety, wanting to see if anyone has had side effects or symptoms from taking prescribed medication for anxiety. what im taking currently is an SSRI and as of last night it is only the secon... View more

Hi guys my name is Rhys I’m 26 and believe I have a severe anxiety, wanting to see if anyone has had side effects or symptoms from taking prescribed medication for anxiety. what im taking currently is an SSRI and as of last night it is only the second night I’ve taken it. i woke up last night in middle of night with quite bad stomach pain diarrhoea and sweating and racing heart, heart rate was about 145 ( Apple Watch) and then I started shaking I’m not sure if that was because I was panicking or not. so my question is does medication have these side effects just because I’ve only started taking them or is this my anxiety playing up? Ive had all necessary heart stress tests and ultrasounds etc about a year ago and I’m fit and healthy so I believe everything is fine there but it’s the first thing I worry about if something odd happens to my heart/heart beat. if someone could shed some light for me would be amazing thank you!!!

IT What is this?
  • replies: 3

Hello, So, my psychiatrist diagnosed me with severe anxiety amd depression and laughs and says that i am the best worrier, i laugh back because i domt know what he really means. I went to a weddi g recently and got drunk, something that i rarely do. ... View more

Hello, So, my psychiatrist diagnosed me with severe anxiety amd depression and laughs and says that i am the best worrier, i laugh back because i domt know what he really means. I went to a weddi g recently and got drunk, something that i rarely do. As always after i drink a fair bit, a couple of days later in the week i see a different view to life where things seem so much simpler and life seems like it can be much more enjouable easier. This is wjere i realose i know what that psychiatrist is talking about. I am that overwhlemed, overthink, anxious, depressed and sad that i life in it all and am tying to build a lofe with it, and not noticing that this is all a mental illness. All my decions would be so much easier amd different in life if i always was in this normal state of mind. I rhink wrong and negative amd evrything seems to hard bit i still do it all with mental struggle, but i say to myself i dont like doing these things they arent for me. I find this so interesting because these state of minds always come and go every once in a while and not always when i drink. I can relate to eveything in life and everything in life makes sense when i see this. I would actually ne somewhere in life by now if i would not think like this all the time. I am going to my psychiatrist and psycologist next month, but i want someone to confirm these state of minds being true so that i can gain confidence and try to remember them everyday to train my mind this right way of thinking. Thanks

Sam42 Stuck in Anxiety
  • replies: 4

I have had some problems with overwhelming and crippling feelings of anxiety and not coping with stress for several years now. A lot of the time I just live with the slightly-sick anxious feeling, with it flaring up at different times. It leaves me t... View more

I have had some problems with overwhelming and crippling feelings of anxiety and not coping with stress for several years now. A lot of the time I just live with the slightly-sick anxious feeling, with it flaring up at different times. It leaves me tired, with headaches, unfocused and scattered. At 20 years old I feel as though my anxiety is getting worse, being unfocused and unmotivated and then feeling guilty about it makes it a huge struggle for to get anything done or be self-disciplined. University is one of my biggest struggles right now, I can barely manage my work, but I feel I have no alternative and feel incredibly stuck. I have no job, I have never had a proper job, and the thought of having one qives me anxiety attacks. I do not know where the anxiety comes from, I feel anxious about a lot of things, but it's not always the same, some days I might feel really anxious and sick and afraid just driving to the local shops, and the next day not have nearly as much as a problem with it, but I'm always anxious at the thought of driving. I'd rather never drive again. Generally I am always anxiety, I just feel anxious and tired without reason, and at times very fearful and anxious for reason that I cannot explain/don't understand. Often my anxiety is like a psychical barrier that stops me from doing things. Because I never really felt like I could talk to either of my parents about it growing up and now, I mostly suffered and beared it in silence. On and off for ages I wondered if there was actually something wrong with me or not. I don't believe my parents think there is anything wrong with me and nor do they want to hear about it. Now, the thought of talking to them almost and sometimes does give me a anxiety attack. The best way I could actually cope with things, especially towards the end of high school, was to just repress it. To shove it as far down as possible and just deal with break downs every so often. But this isn't working any more as I must move forward in my life, but I feel as if I have and can do nothing. I have never sought out any kind of professional help for this before, excluding a brief session with a uni counsellor when it went through a rough patch at the start of University. I have only ever relied on my aunt and friend, and often I was and am trying to support her through her struggle with depression.

Annabel I'm having scary thoughts
  • replies: 4

Hi, I had a stressful incident at work that has now triggered severe Anxiety. I had a scary OCD thought last night which I sometimes think about from time to time and able to put it out of my mind but now that I have Anxiety, it's made the Anxiety so... View more

Hi, I had a stressful incident at work that has now triggered severe Anxiety. I had a scary OCD thought last night which I sometimes think about from time to time and able to put it out of my mind but now that I have Anxiety, it's made the Anxiety so much worse that a my heart is racing and I can't sleep at all! Last night I had a panic attack and I'm feeling extremely drained today. I've started on medication and been taking them for 4 days, I'm wondering if I need to increase this dose? I'm worried about my racing heart as I'm 46 years old so thinking that it can't be good for me at my age. I distract myself as much I can and going out and keeping myself busy but when I get home, the Anxiety is still quite overwhelming. If there any advice as to what I should do next and if I should increase my Anti-depressant? Thankyou. xo Annabel.

upwardcoast Anxious from work. Possibly in unsuitable job role?
  • replies: 3

Been feeling anxious for a couple of months now. Started to affect my work performance and losing focus at work as well. Everytime I leave the office, the work follows me. Either via a phone call, or just me generally be thinking about what will go w... View more

Been feeling anxious for a couple of months now. Started to affect my work performance and losing focus at work as well. Everytime I leave the office, the work follows me. Either via a phone call, or just me generally be thinking about what will go wrong at work. I am in the construction industry, so naturally it is a very high stressful working environment. In my first year working in this industry, it was actually quite fun and not all stressful or anxious about it. Since my promotion to it, the feeling of anxiousness and stress amplifies. Again, which i expected. However now it is taken to the extreme, i am not sure what caused it, but i am unable to relax or wind down after work at home no longer. Eating or playing my video games does not seem to distract me anymore. My GP do prescribed me a tricyclis antidepressant to help me to go to sleep which i have problem with too. I have yet to take any of it as I am afraid that it will makes me sleep past my alarm at 6am. What are your suggestions to reduce my anxiousness from work and able to enjoy my free time after work.

AnxietyMumLonelyMum Struggling Mum
  • replies: 11

Hi everyone… I am very new to this! I have social anxiety and GAD. Some days are good and I can leave the house and have no problem, but those are rare. Since my second child it has gotten worse. I found myself breaking down to my husband last night,... View more

Hi everyone… I am very new to this! I have social anxiety and GAD. Some days are good and I can leave the house and have no problem, but those are rare. Since my second child it has gotten worse. I found myself breaking down to my husband last night, who really truly wants to understand. But he doesn't. I find myself not being able to talk to my best friend about it. She is in a different stage in her life and when she doesn’t understand something, she never knows what to say so I won’t get replies. I had connected with someone else I've known for a while. But I think she is going through her own things and has shut off recently. I don't want to bother her. I feel like I am letting my kids down. I want to be that mum that goes out most days takes them somewhere fun without stressing. With having toddler and a baby it is so exhausting even just going to the supermarket. I didn’t feel safe in the last town I was in, so when we moved I had more good days than bad (leaving the house, even going to playgroup), but in the last few months that changed. My husband picks up things that we need, but I worry that him helping is letting my anxiety get the better of me. I feel like I should just be forcing myself to go, even though he doesn’t mind. Sometimes I cant even go to the mailbox. The strange thing is, if its something urgent or if it something my kids need – I can push through (doctor appointments for them/hospital/pharmacy). I have tried medication before but it made me have horrible thoughts and I didnt feel right. So I just stopped taking them (I know that's not great). I am a stay at home mum and work from home, which makes for late nights and struggling during the day trying to keep both kids happy so I can focus on my work. I love my job, it makes me feel good but being mum and working from home is really trying. I feel it helps me keep some identity, not being just ‘mum’ 24/7. We can’t afford child care just yet. I have connected with one person who has anxiety (she still gets out though) I haven't confided in her fully. I have a problem with opening up because it makes me feel weak and embarrassed. Majority of people have no idea what’s really happening with me. My husband says how good I am at hiding it. I want to go out on my own for me time but something is holding me back. I can’t continue like this. I worry about every little thing, about how people perceive me, do they even like me? Even though I know my worry is for no reason. It’s exhausting.

harmoni13 Death anxiety
  • replies: 1

I’ve had an itemise fear of dying/death since I was younger and it has come and gone over time, over the past few months it has been especially bad and I am unable to cope with it atm. Does anyone have any tips/ways that they deal with this

I’ve had an itemise fear of dying/death since I was younger and it has come and gone over time, over the past few months it has been especially bad and I am unable to cope with it atm. Does anyone have any tips/ways that they deal with this

Gingy_75 Worrying myself Sick
  • replies: 17

Hi all, I’m new to these forums, so any advice will be most welcomed. I have suffered on & off for most of my life with GAD, HA & OCD which has been hell for my overall physical and mental health. Over the years I have had many health concerns which ... View more

Hi all, I’m new to these forums, so any advice will be most welcomed. I have suffered on & off for most of my life with GAD, HA & OCD which has been hell for my overall physical and mental health. Over the years I have had many health concerns which have turned out to be nothing... But at the moment I have some grave concerns about MND/MS. My mental health had subsided for quite sometime, until there was an unexpected death in the family late last year... since then my anxiety has reignited. Various physical symptoms arose triggering negative thoughts about my health & fear of death. I am so obsessed with my physical symptoms at the moment i.e pain/weakness in limbs, twitching, focusing on how I walk, testing strength & balance...I am also obsessed with Dr Google which only exacerbates my symptoms. I am so afraid of going to the docs as I fear they will only confirm my fears, but at the same time I also want the reassurance of finding out that there is nothing wrong. I cry most days about it as I have a husband and son whom I don’t want to be a burden on if I have this disease and fear how they will cope without me. At the moment I am consumed by this and can’t focus on anything else... I think my OCD won’t allow me to! I know the answers are obvious, but I think I’ve gotten to the point where depression is setting in & I just can’t see a way out! Ranga#75

davidpooh Anxiety and Depression cure
  • replies: 1

Hello You can call me David an old veteran suffering from this anxiety and depression due to so many problems in my family and love ones ,but i came to realize that this CBD and THC strongly helps me and with all pleasure i'm here to share my own par... View more

Hello You can call me David an old veteran suffering from this anxiety and depression due to so many problems in my family and love ones ,but i came to realize that this CBD and THC strongly helps me and with all pleasure i'm here to share my own part of my situation ,know to some people they'll all say it's bad to use THC or cbd but i think that's out of ignorance because it definitely do help