
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Kyky Storm
  • replies: 1

Hi lm new to this type of forum lm 42 and have suffered depression anxiety and panic disorder for 26 yrs since my son's passing, it has taken many shapes and forms affecting different parts and stages of my and my family's lives the whole time. I've ... View more

Hi lm new to this type of forum lm 42 and have suffered depression anxiety and panic disorder for 26 yrs since my son's passing, it has taken many shapes and forms affecting different parts and stages of my and my family's lives the whole time. I've had brief moments of calm but l can feel it just sitting there biding it's time to barge into my every thought and feeling,sometimes l can push it aside like its nothing taking control back and briefly winning that fight but never the war. I am very good at keeping my happy fun mask on that l even fool myself sometimes that lm ok, sometimes this is the truth sometimes the storm as l call it is nowhere to be seen it's just blue sky's and sun. But other times l can feel it rumbling just off in the distance always coming closer always threatening to turn my light dark and ruin the day. For me it's the physical symptoms have been getting worse as the years go on feeling sick dizy sweaty shaking my hands and feet go cold as ice heart palpitations and the feeling lm going to die just to name a few. Today the storm is raging and l feel like lm drowning in feelings in tears just in life and l can't seem to find my way through it to the calm.

Guest5643 Binge eating disorder
  • replies: 6

Ive always been a comfort eater for as long as i can remember but didn't realise alot of what i do is binge eating until a few months ago. Today after reading the dsm5 diagnosis criteria thing it comfirmed i have binge eating disorder. I'm secretly a... View more

Ive always been a comfort eater for as long as i can remember but didn't realise alot of what i do is binge eating until a few months ago. Today after reading the dsm5 diagnosis criteria thing it comfirmed i have binge eating disorder. I'm secretly ashamed and embarrased to have this. I'm struggling with the term disorder with it cause it makes me feel like it's something people can never get control of. I would love to know peoples experiences with it. Lynne

Bennyboy10 Health Anxiety struggle
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Hi everyone A few months ago i suffered really bad panic attacks and had a few trips to the hospital as i thought i was dying over an ilness in particular Cancer. After multiple doctors appointments i had blood work and brain scan done which all came... View more

Hi everyone A few months ago i suffered really bad panic attacks and had a few trips to the hospital as i thought i was dying over an ilness in particular Cancer. After multiple doctors appointments i had blood work and brain scan done which all came back negative. Even though the doctors have told me there is nothing physically wrong i just felt off or not myself but couldn't pinpoint why. I was then medicated and have been seeing a counseller for a few months now and have improved drastically. However i still suffer with strange symptoms even though i don't feel anxious, some of the symptoms include ringing in the ears(mainly at night) bowel issues, cold chills, random back pains, tiredness and fatigue that comes and goes. And sometimes find myself not being able to recognize my surroundings. I try to tell myself there is nothing physically wrong but i cannot stop worrying that it is something else that hasn't been picked up yet.

Slippers A review of my life so far.
  • replies: 2

So, since I last shared here a number of things have happened, I haven’t sat still wallowing in pity . I have been to a psychiatrist (although I prefer the term counsellor) and I had employed the services of a life coach as well to get me back on tra... View more

So, since I last shared here a number of things have happened, I haven’t sat still wallowing in pity . I have been to a psychiatrist (although I prefer the term counsellor) and I had employed the services of a life coach as well to get me back on track so to speak. I haven’t seen a medical doctor about this. I find myself stressing about things that I had done or things that may or may not happen in the future, I think my brain is addicted to stress, which really sucks. So, I decided to create a list of what’s good in my life and a list of my worries. Good. I have a full-time job and have been working over fifteen years. I get paid around 3k a month, and I’ve made enquiries on transferring to another department in the hope earn more cash. My manager is happy with my work and there is a prospect of a promotion or transfer out of the city CBD I own a car that I paid off with a bank loan I have almost cleared debts of $16000.00 since late last year having put a sizeable chunk of each pay into an interest earning bank account I have a roof over my head and my own bed to sleep in. I have family that love me in their own strange way Worries. I still live at home and I am in my late 40’s I don’t have much money saved, although I have been paying off debt. Though I was stupid with money growing up and not saving. Once my mother dies, I would have to leave home, and I don’t have a plan on what to do after that. I don’t feel I have the experience to live by myself having spent all my life up to now with other people, I am scared of the future (unknown) I would like to have a plan for the future, I live day by day at the moment and I find myself scared of that hidden worry around the corner tomorrow. I’ve been told I should live in today, but its easier said that done. I am not having a go at myself when I share my worries, it’s the brutal truth. So, I want to share this here to remind myself of the good stuff, but if anyone wanted to share their ideas on my worries, I would be very appreciative.

Critters12 Anxiety, PTSD running my life
  • replies: 1

Hello everyone. I'll try to keep this brief- at the start of the year I had an overseas trip go wrong and became very ill while travelling, which resulted in me being evacuated out of a remote part of the world and unable to speak the language of my ... View more

Hello everyone. I'll try to keep this brief- at the start of the year I had an overseas trip go wrong and became very ill while travelling, which resulted in me being evacuated out of a remote part of the world and unable to speak the language of my treating doctors. I thought I was going to die in a foreign country and was terrified. After arriving home in my own country, I was good for a couple of weeks, but then I fell into a severe depression and became suicidal for about 6 months. I undertook cognitive behavioural therapy, started medication, and was forced to quit my job as I recovered. It's been about 8 months since the incident and I have improved a lot. I recently got a new job in a nature park working with animals and it's been great. However I am struggling so badly with separation anxiety from my partner, as well as crippling anxiety before starting a shift. It gets so bad that I've called in sick the last few days. I cry so much and I feel hopelessly dependent on my partner. I also freak out about my car dying and losing my job. Everything in my head becomes catastrophic. I'm so tried I will ruin my amazing new job and be fired. I also struggle very badly with facing things, I still haven't filed my health insurance (though I am still within the claim period), because I'm so scared of rejection. I've had financial support from my parents for the last few months and I feel horrible about that too. My partner is a beautiful person who supports me and has been there for me through it all. I feel like a burden to everyone and i just want to be mentally healthy again but I don't know what to do anymore. I'm stuck.

B_D1 Anxiety, Newbie
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Hi, iam a mother of two young boys. My second child was born with craniosytosis. He had to have major surgery at the age of 10months old. Which went for 9hours, to remould his head shape. This was when it all began for me. At 6 weeks of age, i was to... View more

Hi, iam a mother of two young boys. My second child was born with craniosytosis. He had to have major surgery at the age of 10months old. Which went for 9hours, to remould his head shape. This was when it all began for me. At 6 weeks of age, i was told by maternal health that his head shape wasnt right. From then on lots of doc appts and waiting until he was older enough to have the surgery triggered all sorts of emotions. Every day from 4 months old, i was a wreck. Uncontrollable crying, not sleeping, googling what ifs.. poor diet, irritable. Why him, he doesnt deserve this. He had the surgery and all went well. I noticed a bald spot in my hair after the surgery, turns out i have alopecia areata. It was the trigger. It took me a year through diet and trying to manage my anxiety through meditation to get some of my hair back. Which i did, but yearly we have to go back to thr hospital for his checks up. These check up are coming up in 3 weeks, i am noticing that i am not sleeping so well, worried about his head shape. Is it okay, will he be fine etc... My husband also isnt talking to one of his sisters, she also has two kids that have a terminal illness. One of them is actually in hospital now. I have such a strong pull for him to just talk to her. Be happy again, i want everything to be happy again. No more drama and just be happy. I want to be happy again. I cant handle it when we go to caravan parks camping and i am away from my boys and can hear someone cry because they hurt themselves. I think its one of my boys, but i know it isn't. It just bring all the memories of the hospital back again. I dont know how to manage these feelings... triggers..

Dinosmallprince Week long anxiety attack
  • replies: 6

So I’ve been suffering from a week long anxiety attack without feeling anxious and nothing’s working, my heart rates wack and I just can’t breath properly (I’ve gone to hospital to rule out any medical emergencies) does anyone have any advice? Or exp... View more

So I’ve been suffering from a week long anxiety attack without feeling anxious and nothing’s working, my heart rates wack and I just can’t breath properly (I’ve gone to hospital to rule out any medical emergencies) does anyone have any advice? Or experienced this before?

L_ Social anxiety and work - HELP
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I am 17 and living with my family. I have had social anxiety for around 5 years now and my parents have just recently realised it. Ever since I was 15 my family has been pestering me to get a job as my family could do with some financial support. Whi... View more

I am 17 and living with my family. I have had social anxiety for around 5 years now and my parents have just recently realised it. Ever since I was 15 my family has been pestering me to get a job as my family could do with some financial support. While I am more than happy to provide, I am unable to bring myself to do it. Just the thought of having to be around people and interact with them stresses me out. Even going out the front door to take the trash out is struggle. I know I may sound dramatic seeing as most of my generation is employeed, its just...I just can bring myself to do it. Because of this, I help out as much as I can. Doing chores and taking care od my younger siblings are daily tasks for me. I do well in school and am a well behaved daughter. I never ask for anything as I know I should be buying it myself. Even so, this is not enough to satisfy my parents as well as my older sister. I am constantly called weak, lazy and useless because of this but I know it just because they are tired and need a break from working so much. Because of this I feel immense guilt and pressure. I feel as if I am a burden to my family, too weak-willed to suck it up and get a job. And yes I know a counsellor or psychologist would be a great help but even that costs money and suggesting that to my parents will put a strain on money. I am also too scared to talk to other people and telling my family about this will result in degrading comments about how I am just weak and lazy. Having depression also does not help (btw I was diagnosed by a psychologist last year. My school referred me to them after I was not attending school for the reasons of dreppression and anxiety). I understand that all they want is some help and I am at the age where I should be employed. If any of you have any helpful suggestions or any comments at all it would be greatly appreciated!

LJ-user1 Anxiety triggers
  • replies: 6

Hi guys, this is my first post here. I have recently gone of my antidepressants in an attempt to manage my anxiety by myself - whilst seeing a psychologist. I have been experiencing a lot of “body anxiety” where all these symptoms come on quick rathe... View more

Hi guys, this is my first post here. I have recently gone of my antidepressants in an attempt to manage my anxiety by myself - whilst seeing a psychologist. I have been experiencing a lot of “body anxiety” where all these symptoms come on quick rather than thoughts happening. I had an experience yesterday where someone’s perfume really triggered me and I thought I was going to have a panic attack - it was at work and all I wanted to do was run away but couldn’t. Does anyone get triggered by certain smells? I do remember about 6 years ago i was wearing a perfume and had to swap tops with my mum as I went into complete panic - like the world was ending type thing. I had worn this before and it was only really then that it triggered me. I don’t no if smells since then take me back to that moment. In the last few years I don’t wear perfume or any scents - unless it’s essential oils or a very light sent. Sometimes certain smells / perfumes don’t even bother me and other times it’s like yesterday! I really want to somehow get over this because it’s something that is everywhere.. any thoughts ? Or anyone experience the same thing?

Ocean_breeze Always checking everything, do it so many times in a day
  • replies: 4

Good morning, I need help, advice. It’s taking over my daily life activities. I find myself constantly always checking on everything, whether that’s checking the window is shut x3 times or checking the history / Facebook history etc on my phone. I ha... View more

Good morning, I need help, advice. It’s taking over my daily life activities. I find myself constantly always checking on everything, whether that’s checking the window is shut x3 times or checking the history / Facebook history etc on my phone. I have fear if I don’t do this something bad will happen. It’s like an every day thing I do it when I wake up and do it when I go to bed and 100 times during the day. If I go to a different place during the day besides home I make sure I do it there as well because it’s a new environment. Whoever I am with at the time I get moody cause they will be trying to talk to me and I need to like finishing what I am doing ( without speaking ) it sounds crazy, I know it’s crazy. I just don’t know how to stop! Its making when I go outside todo activities very hard.