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So, my psychiatrist diagnosed me with severe anxiety amd depression and laughs and says that i am the best worrier, i laugh back because i domt know what he really means.

I went to a weddi g recently and got drunk, something that i rarely do. As always after i drink a fair bit, a couple of days later in the week i see a different view to life where things seem so much simpler and life seems like it can be much more enjouable easier. This is wjere i realose i know what that psychiatrist is talking about. I am that overwhlemed, overthink, anxious, depressed and sad that i life in it all and am tying to build a lofe with it, and not noticing that this is all a mental illness. All my decions would be so much easier amd different in life if i always was in this normal state of mind. I rhink wrong and negative amd evrything seems to hard bit i still do it all with mental struggle, but i say to myself i dont like doing these things they arent for me. I find this so interesting because these state of minds always come and go every once in a while and not always when i drink. I can relate to eveything in life and everything in life makes sense when i see this. I would actually ne somewhere in life by now if i would not think like this all the time. I am going to my psychiatrist and psycologist next month, but i want someone to confirm these state of minds being true so that i can gain confidence and try to remember them everyday to train my mind this right way of thinking.


3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi IT,

Welcome to the beyond blue forum. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with different symptoms of worry and low mood. I believe you refer to these symptoms as 'states of mind' in your post? Please clarify with me if I have misunderstood. I am not sure why your psychiatrist would laugh at you as I personally don't think that there is anything funny about depression or anxiety. Perhaps your psychiatrist may have been just telling you that you are intelligent and have a good understanding of your worry and by saying your are the 'best worrier' - he meant it in a complementary way? I am not sure but from you post, I see that you have a lot of insight to your symptoms and that you want things to be better.

It sounds as though you are getting a lot of support by seeing both a psychiatrist and a psychologist and also reaching out here on the Beyond Blue forum. It is great that you are working hard on getting help towards your own health and healing. This is a hard step for many people so make sure you acknowledge your own strength in seeking support.

I am glad you are seeing some clarity around your 'states of mind' and it sounds like you are identifying triggers to when different thinking arises. In my experience, everyone has a different experience with their thinking and thoughts. No two people are exactly alike. Sometimes people think negatively all the time and sometimes it comes and goes and sometimes it only happens when a person has alcohol. The most important part is how much a person's thinking is impacting their life and how much they want to change. It sounds to me that you have a great motivation for changing.

I am not sure exactly what you mean in your last question by wanting someone to confirm your states of mind as being true. I wonder if you could ask again in a different way so I have a better understanding of the question?

I look forward to hearing your progress in therapy sessions and hearing about your healing journey through the forum. You are not alone and many others are going through their own discovery of how to heal and recover.

Wishing you the best possible outcome,

Nurse Jenn

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear IT

Welcome to the forum. So pleased you found your way here. It's a good place to talk about your life and its difficulties.

Like Nurse Jenn I am also unsure about your last question. Do you mean true for you or true in general for anyone? I cannot answer for you personally but I can assure you everyone has different states of mind. We are all happy, sad, angry, contented, frustrated, smiling, etc at different times. It often depends on what we have been doing. For example, if we have not slept well we are likely to be a bit cranky in the morning, or pleased because someone has paid us a compliment.

These various emotions can be due to our everyday activities and/or our mental health. It can be confusing to wonder if I am sad because I am depressed or because my cat died. Does that help?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I can tell you that making good decisions is hard for most of us. True some folk seem to consistently make good decisions and it's something to work towards. As we learn more about ourselves, our hopes and dreams and the love we have for our family and friends decision making can be a little easier. Here I am talking about big decisions such as changing jobs or moving house, whether or not to start a family or go to uni, rather than what to have for tea. Though it can be equally as hard to decide what to eat at times.

I'm not sure what you mean by having more clarity of mind a few days after drinking too much. I imagine once the hangover has gone we can think more clearly if only to be determined not to drink too much in future. There is probably a big difference in your thinking at this time because you feel better. However, once you feel good and can think in a less confused manner it sounds quite normal to want to stay in that spot.

I wonder if it would be helpful to ask your psychiatrist what he/she means by describing you as the best worrier. It sounds as though you are unsure if it is a joke (in bad taste) or a compliment. Always good to get these things sorted out.

I hope I have been helpful. Please continue to write in here.


Community Member

Hello Nurse Jenn,

Yes, the psychiatrist meant it in a complimentary way.

My main problem that i am trying to say is i do not think or see that there is anything wrong with in terms of anxiety nd depression, becuse i have been anxious and depressed all he time and never got the right treatemnt and advice about it, i think it is all nornal and feel as if mental health is all a scam.

I only notice it is a problem when i might someone elses life and what they do day to day nd how they can do all these thinhs so easily.