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Anxiety is back stronger than ever

Community Member

Hi All,

This is my first post on these forums, hoping writing it all out will help calm my nerves.

Yesterday I had a huge panic attack and for the first time in my life I called an ambulance, truly thinking I was having a serious medical episode.

I went downstairs to make myself a coffee around 5pm. Just as I walked over to the fridge to grab a some milk I felt an intense dizzy spell. I tried to shrug it off as being unwell but by the time I got to the coffee machine again I felt sure I would collapse, so I called over to my wife to tell her something was wrong. From there the usual panic symptoms kicked in, heart racing, feeling of impending doom, feeling short of breath and eventually some slight tingling in both my arms, towards my fingers.

My wife phoned an ambalance as things seemed to keep escalating and I wasn’t able to calm down.

Once they arrived I was sitting on the couch, they hooked me up to their Heart monitor and took my blood pressure. Although both were quite elevated they told me everything looked normal and I was most likely having a bad panic attack. They sat with me for a good 20mins until my heart rate lowered to a safe level and said in their opinion I did not need to attend hospital, but could If I wanted. My wife and I decided since they check me out we would stay home.

From then on it took me hours to fully calm down. I had this horrible feeling (and still do) that something serious might be wrong with me.

I should add I have had Ecgs in the past few years, blood pressure, and even an echocardiogram and Chest CT scan for an unrelated genetic test a couple of years ago all of which were normal.

I have had a cold the past few days, a slight fever which the doctor said was nothing to worry about although I have been feeling generally unwell whilst I try to shake it.

Anyone else had a massive panic attack out of the blue like this? I’m still shaken up today, but am finding. More moments of calm as the day goes on.

I do have a few big things happening at the moment, work is laying people off and my wife and I are expecting a baby in about 4 weeks, which is great but obviously a big change.

I’ve also noticed some irrational thoughts about death, health issues etc. happening more and more over the past few weeks.



14 Replies 14

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

Yes, a panic attack can be overwhelming.

My first was 1987. Therapy began and meds for a few months. But real change took years so best to get ready gor the long haul.

Please google this thread.

BeyondblueTopic anxiety, how I eliminated it

Beyondblue Topic the origins of anxiety

Repost anytime


Community Member

Hi Dan,

Congrats on the upcoming addition to the family!

I wondered whether your worries about health, etc. of late might be due to your knowledge that a new little guy or gal will be dependent on you and you want to be there for him or her?

Whatever the cause, I just wanted to let you know that something very similar has happened to me. The first time it happened, i was asleep and I jolted up suddenly like I had had a nightmare and my heart was racing like the feeling of having just been for a jog. Then the tingling went into my fingers and I thought I might be having a heart problem. I called an ambulance too. They did an ECG and found nothing. It wasn’t until about a year later that it happened again - this time while baking some cakes. I suddenly felt dizzy and my heart was racing and I felt impending doom. I was so worried it was my heart so visited a cardiologist and did tests and they found my heart was healthy - both he and my GP considered it must have been anxiety related/a panic attack. The second time it happened was at a particularly stressful time in my life.

What has worked well for me if I sense the start of panic is to acknowledge and recognise the feeling and know that, if it is a panic attack, it can’t hurt me.

Have you spoken to your GP about options for treating your concerns? No shame in getting help.

Best wishes with bub!

Hi Tony,

Thanks for your response and the topics which I found useful to put things in to perspective.

Absolutely agree, anxiety is a journey, it all started for me driving home at 24. I attended counselling for a year and a half which helped me truly understand how things work. I’m nearly 29 now, so have had a few ups and downs since, hoping this time doesn’t linger too long.

The real challenge for me is making changes before things come to a head!



Community Member

Hi Gelati,

I think you have hit the nail on the head with that, deep down for a while now I’ve had a fear of getting sick or something happening to me before bubs is born.

I know it sounds irrational, it’s just one of those niggling fears in the back of my mind.

Perhaps the sensation of dizziness yesterday was my tipping point where ai thought something was catastrophically wrong with me.

Thanks for the insight in to your experience, I too find that panic attacks in particular re-appear at stressful times in my life.

I will try my best to just acknowledge next time a panic attacks occurs and wait calmly for it to pass. I managed to calm a few feelings of panic today so that’s a start.

I have not spoke to my GP of late about my anxiety, as up until recently it’s been fairly under control. I might go and see him and get a referral back to my old counsellor, can’t do any harm.


Community Member

Hi again,

I unfortunately had another incident occur today at my computer.

My vision suddenly started to loose focus along with my body feeling heavy, causing me to panic and in the end have not her panic attack.

I managed to calm things down in about 5-10mins this time, so that’s a positive.

My concern is the vision, heavy feeling - are these normal to feel when a panic attacks is coming on?

That seems to be my trigger at present.

I suspect in the lead up I am not breathing properly, taking short breaths.


Community Member

That’s great to hear, Dan!

So glad you might see a positive way through this.

Also, don’t dismay if you have a few little setbacks from time to time - it happens to us all. And remember to live in the moment and try not to entertain thoughts about things that you cannot control. To an extent, I think we sometimes have to just say “what will be will be” and enjoy the ride. Easier said than done, I know.

I wish you all the very best in managing your worries and welcoming the little one into the world.

Community Member

Hi Dan,

Sorry, I hadn’t noticed your additional message.

It sounds like you managed that episode quite well. I found with my first or second one that it took me longer to recover - but in hindsight I think it may have been because I was anxious about it happening again - the fear was feeding off it.

I didn’t get blurred vision but did get a slightly dizzy sensation or feeling of not being in my body for a few seconds - hard to explain. I guess none of us have exactly the same experience with these things.

Maybe you could book a longish appointment with your GP to fully discuss your experiences and to let them reach a view on what it is and what would be the best approach?

Community Member

Hello Dan,

Firstly congratulations on the news of becoming a parent.

secondly reading your forum makes so much sense to me as how you are feeling atm is exactly how I’am feeling. I’m finding the older I’m becoming the more my anxiety finds things to bring me down with. It’s so overwhelming and I’m always tired and exhausted trying to fight this illness. I get what ifs always running through my mind and I cannot help but think the worst. I came into this forum and to beyond blue to seek help and guidance. Reading some of these makes me realise that I’am not alone that this awful illness consumes other people too. I’ve got extremely bad anxiety atm full or worry it’s such a gut wrenching feeling. Your not alone Dan. We will beat this one day! But in the mean time we have our partners by our side and other support we can turn to as well. Stay strong! And keep fighting.

Community Member

Thanks Gelati,

I suspect they are recurring at the moment due to some of my fears too, masonry worried something is wrong.

I think I need to try not to dwell on the symptoms so much though and just live in the moment like you said.

Actually the way you describe it, dizziness and not being in your body for a few seconds is how I feel too. It’s al,ost like my vision goes surreal/hazy for a bit, but when I take a few deep breaths and calm down it goes away.

Amazing what stress can do to the body!

I think I’ll book in a longer appt with my doc on Tuesday to discuss how I’ve been feeling and see what he suggests.

To date I have had plenty of tests, including a brain MRIa few years back so doubt its anything to worry about.