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Anxiety symptoms - weakness and tiredness

Community Member

Hi everyone,

I’ve been suffering from GAD and health anxiety quite intensley for about two months. I’m writing here because I’ve been repeatedly told that I have health anxiety and that my symptoms are due to that but I also can’t seem to find many other people who are experiencing similar things.

My most prominent concerns are with arm and leg weakness. I’ve been very sedentary and stressed for the past couple of months (finishing a masters in architecture) so I am aware that this could be the cause, but throughout the whole thing I’ve felt like my arms and legs are weak, I’ve also experienced numbness and tingling, and just about every other symptom inbetween, but the weakness in my arms and/or legs is there every day. It doesn’t stop me from doing anything but it just feels uncomfortable. I’m also concerned that I’ve been experiencing these symptoms for such a long time without interruption. My main problem is based around the daily fear that I have MS Als or Muscular Distrophy. I spend most of my day studying or worrying about these diseases.

Does anyone else have similar experiences? Thank you in advance for your time and help.

5 Replies 5

Community Member

I too have been battling with health anxiety these past few months and developed weakness in my arms and neck. It was the most uncomfortable feeling but I am grateful they passed but I still get the feeling of weakness in my right forearm. I've done a forearm strength test and it proved to me that my forearm was in fact stronger than my non dominant arm thankfully.

All these things should pass in time but it is good to recognise them and try process them as a symptom of anxiety. Easier said than done I know. I recommend staying away from Dr Google though I do struggle at times and go talk to your doctor to get the necessary tests done to help put your mind at ease. There is nothing wrong with that as that is what they are there for. Also good to get a mental health plan and see a psychologist as they will try assist you through this time of need.

Currently I am struggling through brain fog, my eyes feel tired and want to unfocus a lot. I'm consistently monitoring my mood, gait, speech and though. As I have convinced myself that I have sCJD. Before that I thought I had cancer everywhere so I went and did blood tests and stool tests and everything came back clear.

Hope this helps!

Community Member

Thank you for the quick reply!

It’s comforting to hear that I’m not the only one, thank you!

Did you have any other tests or see specialists? I’m trying to hold off asking my gp because I feel like I’m just pandering to my own fears, but I also think that seeing somone who is an expert in what I’m afraid is probably the best way to quell these fears.

I hope your symptoms pass soon, if it helps I’ve also been through some of those. I was really scared about my gait for a while and I was scared that i’d started seeing blotches of light in my vision, most of the time it was either reflected light off something or even a little bug on a window, which i guess is kind of funny and really shows how anxiety preys on fear. Also what you say about constant monitoring is very true for me as well, getting that under control seems like the most important thing, as it seems that’s how I generate new symptoms, once one passes I scan until I find something new.

thank you so much for sharing!

Community Member

It is always comforting to hear that you share some of my symptoms as well. Currently I am medicated as I have always struggled with anxiety, I meditate, undergo neurofeedback therapy and will be seeing the psychologist again soon.

Best place to start is to have a conversation with your GP. From there you can tell them your symptoms, your fears, explain to them you want to ease your anxiety with some tests and get a mental health plan.

I've been fortunate enough to have a very understanding GP that I go to for everything and tells me I can make an appointment if I need to chat.

Community Member

Hi, omg I’m experiencing this at the moment too, for like a month, and I’m so worried it’s ALS too, not in my legs just my arms and hands, it’s this weird feeling, feels weak, fatigued, and getting the pins n needles and feeling very edgy which I think is making the symptoms more full on. How are you going now? And did you go to a Dr for medical advice medication etc? Appreciate a reply as I can relate to your msg so so much .


Community Member

Hi Picrd

I came across your post because I too have been suffering from pins and needles in predominantly my feet (on and off but fairly constant) and my hands. For the past week or so my hands have felt weak from my forearm down (although they are actually still strong) and I too am continuously worried about MS (because it seems to be the first thing that jumps out at you in a moment of weakness googling online).

Although I have other symptoms which clearly are anxiety, I still get extremely unnerved about the tingling and now the weakness.

I have had been to 2 GP’s, who were both convinced I have anxiety (which included a full blood test, which was clear) and also begun seeing a psychologist.

I am super keen to know how you are these days and whether your symptoms have passed and you have been able to move on from thinking the worst.

I think I know deep down I do not have MS or anything similar but it would be great to hear from someone who seems to be in exactly the same boat (or should I say, hopefully you aren’t anymore!).