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Sophie_M Meet your community champions!
  • replies: 10

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Be... View more

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Beyond Blue Forums who: have the time, skills and empathy to support other members regularly; help to welcome new members; are actively engaged members that help set the tone of our community. Our Community Champions are regular contributors to many conversations across the forums. They are a consistent and friendly voice that have committed to sharing their experience and expertise with this community. They are not health care professionals or clinicians. Like you, they have an experience with a mental health challenge or diagnosis – either for themselves or someone they care for. This forum is for people who understand what it feels like and have a lived and living experience of mental health challenges. Our Community Champions help everyone feel comfortable and confident by demonstrating what excellent peer support is all about. Click here to find out more about how you can become a Community Champion! This incredible team are excited to introduce themselves below, and we are sure you’ll see them around the forums in conversations important to you.

Aaronsis HELP..Am I posting in the right section?
  • replies: 10

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried th... View more

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried that they are posting "the wrong thing". 1.A good title makes the difference Just like a headline in a newspaper, when scanning the dozens of threads to click into, it’s only natural that people will choose the ones that resonate with them most. A title that entices the reader, or asks a question, is likely to get a better result than something non-descriptive like “Depression” or “I don't know what to do”. If you think you’re not good at choosing titles, leave it till last. Spend time writing your post, then perhaps choose a sentence from what you’ve written as the title. 2.Join in threads that have already been posted We all have our own unique stories, but part of the reason for joining a forum like this one is because you know that you will have a lot in common with others who are posting. Before starting a new thread, have a look through the current topics being discussed and see if there’s a conversation you can join in with. It can be quite common to have a handful of very similar threads happening at any one time, with members seemingly unaware that there are others right there who are going through the same thing. Talking to other members on their threads is a great way of getting yourself known so that when you post a thread of your own, people may respond quicker because they recognize your name. 3.Choose the most appropriate section for your post Many people browse the forums looking for stories specifically to do with pregnancy and parenting, employment, grief, loss, separation etc. Going straight for the “Depression” section may seem like the easiest option, but this section is often the busiest, so your post is more likely to get lost among the threads. Making good use of the different forum sections not only helps keep the forum relevant, but you’re more likely to find others who are going through the same experiences as you. Also, if you're wanting to discuss issues of trauma, abuse, suicidal thoughts or self-harm, it's really important you post in the designated section to avoid triggering others who may not wish to read about these topics. Mostly..just come and chat, we are here for you. Our amazing wizards in the background will see your message ends up in the right spot. Sarah

All discussions

Blackrabbit Hello from a struggling single dad.
  • replies: 3

Hi folks, The title says it all. My wife and I have been separated for a year and I have primary care of three little ones aged 9, 6 and 3. They spend weekends with their mum and I work for a nursing agency. I get on pretty well with my ex these days... View more

Hi folks, The title says it all. My wife and I have been separated for a year and I have primary care of three little ones aged 9, 6 and 3. They spend weekends with their mum and I work for a nursing agency. I get on pretty well with my ex these days and the kids are great. I guess I feel pretty isolated and down most of the time. Bloody exhausted too! I don't have any close friends and my family are older people living in the UK. It all sounds a bit miserable when I write it down and I'm not entirely sure whether I'm depressed or not. Typical bloke, never go to the doc's. Anyway, here I am and hello to all.

Guest015 I'm new
  • replies: 7

Hello everyone, I only decided to post here as I feel I have no other option at this point I don't know when exactly it began but I feel it was the strongest throughout this year.. Earlier this year I had awful thoughts and was extremely close to sui... View more

Hello everyone, I only decided to post here as I feel I have no other option at this point I don't know when exactly it began but I feel it was the strongest throughout this year.. Earlier this year I had awful thoughts and was extremely close to suicide and I was physically in pain from the mentality. I've done awful things I feel, but that's all in the past now... Or is it? I thought so, but recently I've been getting the same feeling as before, I really don't want this back, I thought I was happy I guess it was me pretending so immersively... Acting like it wasn't truly there at all. The fact is, I've had what I feel like is enough from my family and friends, but I just don't ever FEEL loved, I don't feel included in some things, I feel like I'm missing something I should mention the thoughts; why? Why am I like the way I am? I simply do not understand why my brain functions the way it does, I sometimes feel happy, I'm enjoying myself, but at times, I feel.. well depressed I always feel obliged to apologise for my actions if I feel I've done something wrong, but most of the time I am not actually sure if I have done anything wrong. It kills me when talking to people because I really struggle to "be interesting" and keep a conversation going. I really struggle to understand when people are joking, most of the time I take things too seriously and eventually get angry and due to my anger, I hate myself I really don't understand myself at all, my brain is amazing, but so dumb. I think highly of myself, but I also don't. I am "sweet" but also a horrible person. My brain loves to switch things from time to time, and I honestly don't understand how, I've never seen anyone online have the same problem. By this "problem" I am referring to something like extreme depression to happy, to extreme anxiety, to brain-dead, to pyschosis, to low pyschopathy, to happy and acting as nothing is bad, to more, I just don't understand I feel as if as reset button would solve everything, I do-over in life is all I need If you took the time to read this, I appreciate it, "talking about your problems helps", I can assure you, it doesn't help me, I've tried and it didn't do anything but kill me more inside... "Go see a doctor", this also is something I cannot do. I can't tell my parents this, I can't have anything on them, I can't have them take away the only things that make me happy because they don't think so, I just can't, addressing would be much too awkward and embarrassing

Jem_ Advice please :)
  • replies: 5

Hi! My story is probably the least eventful so feel free to move along. I started secretly dieting from the age of 11, constantly dropping the pounds and gaining it all back. Though, my weight was never a significant part of my life. My parents divor... View more

Hi! My story is probably the least eventful so feel free to move along. I started secretly dieting from the age of 11, constantly dropping the pounds and gaining it all back. Though, my weight was never a significant part of my life. My parents divorced when I was 15. I felt alone and neglected by my mother and sisters, while trying to take care of my dad and other siblings. I felt as though I had no control over any aspect of my life anymore. Jogging was new to me, but I liked it because it relieved the stress of the feud between my only family. Running pushed me past my comfort zone and made me feel proud of something. Then I stopped eating the easy greasy foods my dad cooked us and opted for dry salads instead. Watching the weight drop was a whole new feeling. For a while after my parents got back together I got a job and cut out my habit of running till i passed out, and ate normally. I never really told anyone about it, but I started having digestive issues early this year. I'm now borderline to being underweight for my age (16). My parents keep trying to get me to gain weight but the more they do the more i desire to stay thin. Food gets scary if i cant count the calories. It's a hard feeling to explain. Like it's your self worth. Like the compliments I get are everything to me. The perfect child, my mum called me. It's also hard to talk to her because I have other siblings with mental illnesses and I don't want to be another burden, but I feel like I'm losing myself and I don't know what to do. Can past events trigger something like this? Advice or support would be appreciated Thank you

Always_Confused Brand new and really confused
  • replies: 3

Hi I’m new I have PTSD have for many years had stacks of different diagnoses. Anyway was after a little advise.Have recently moved states and have tried getting help. I had an assessment appt a month ago and they said they would let me know the next ... View more

Hi I’m new I have PTSD have for many years had stacks of different diagnoses. Anyway was after a little advise.Have recently moved states and have tried getting help. I had an assessment appt a month ago and they said they would let me know the next week. They haven’t I’ve phoned once a week for the past two weeks and they say they will get someone to call me but no one ever does. Now I don’t know if I should keep trying or if that seems like I’m harassing them. You know attention seeking. I just don’t have a clue what to do I’m struggling but I don’t want to be a annoying. Anyway thanks

RosieRooDog Newbie
  • replies: 2

Hi my name is Kate. I have depression and PTSD. I live alone but I do have a small Jack Russell terrier named Rosie. she is my best friend and she helps me on my really bad days, and my really good days. She is my best friend. I live in North East Vi... View more

Hi my name is Kate. I have depression and PTSD. I live alone but I do have a small Jack Russell terrier named Rosie. she is my best friend and she helps me on my really bad days, and my really good days. She is my best friend. I live in North East Victoria and there aren’t many services here that can help people with PTSD. Living in a country town can be hard - compared to people who live in the city, who have access to everything and it’s only a short distance to get there. If we need access to anything - depending on the service, we have to travel 40mins to 2 hours. i’m having a bit of a rough patch at the moment and I don’t know what to do. days like this - I absolutely hate it....

maggierose New to this
  • replies: 2

Hi, Im new to this. I needed to find somewhere to communicate how I'm feeling between psychologist appointments. I have had one of those years where nothing seems to be going right. I have had 2 grandparents pass away this year. change in job (which ... View more

Hi, Im new to this. I needed to find somewhere to communicate how I'm feeling between psychologist appointments. I have had one of those years where nothing seems to be going right. I have had 2 grandparents pass away this year. change in job (which I have started my new job this week and have really struggled everyday) and my husband and I have been dealing with infertility and been doing ivy this past year, plus I have had some stomach issues and food intolerances. My anxiety came on out of the blue 2months ago and really hasn't gone away since. I find the mornings the hardest and just always feel like a can't relax. I hate the way it makes me feel. I find it really hard to eat food in the morning and sometimes at all through the day. I decided to go and see a naturopath/kinesiologist at the very start of this and had been prescribed medication, that is supposed to help hormonal imbalances plus other female issues. I really think this is making me feel worse though as I really have NEVER felt like this ever before. Have sometimes had moments of sadness after a setback and never lingering this long. I really want this to stop and not get in the way of me living my life. I want to go back to the girl who used to crack jokes and be fun to be around. My husband has a new business and is always really busy and lately not home a lot. I don't think really understands how I feel or a way to help me through it.

Rorybear New here looking for answers!
  • replies: 7

Hi, Ive just joined to try to get some answers on how to deal with my adult daughters anxiety and depression, its been 2 years now and she is still very up and down. Anyone else in the same boat?

Hi, Ive just joined to try to get some answers on how to deal with my adult daughters anxiety and depression, its been 2 years now and she is still very up and down. Anyone else in the same boat?

Lemmy help with accessing help
  • replies: 33

40yrs old and I've recently broken up with my partner of 8 years and its pretty clear to me i'm suffering panic attacks and potentially long term depression. i rated 'high' on the k10 test, and have made an appointment with a gp what things will be d... View more

40yrs old and I've recently broken up with my partner of 8 years and its pretty clear to me i'm suffering panic attacks and potentially long term depression. i rated 'high' on the k10 test, and have made an appointment with a gp what things will be discussed, how will it be handled and is there anything i can do to prepare? feeling anxious about it thanks in advance

Munch Hi, newbie who’s a little confused
  • replies: 3

Hi, I’m new to this and just looking for somewhere to chat. I’m feeling odd these days. Just tired and groggy all the time. Worried about everything but I can’t seem to find the will power to do anything about It. a lot of the time I’ll be fine and t... View more

Hi, I’m new to this and just looking for somewhere to chat. I’m feeling odd these days. Just tired and groggy all the time. Worried about everything but I can’t seem to find the will power to do anything about It. a lot of the time I’ll be fine and the next second I’ll be unable to control tears from falling or my mood will just shift and it’s never for the better. I’m not exactly going through a rough patch, I know I’m really lucky with what I have and I am grateful for it. It’s just that I can’t stop worrying about weather I’m doing the right thing, if I’ll get yelled at for being wrong and my mind always goes to worst case scenario first. It’s really tiring. what confuses me is, where do I go from here to help my mind be a little kinder to myself and feel more confident and calm. thanks if you’ve read this, it feels good to get that off my chest and talk about it.

BlueSpring New member checking in and hoping to find some support
  • replies: 2

Hi, I'm a single woman in my early 30's. I've never been diagnosed with or medicated for any mental health issues but have always struggled with depression and anxiety and it seems to be exacerbating the older I get and I just don't know where to tur... View more

Hi, I'm a single woman in my early 30's. I've never been diagnosed with or medicated for any mental health issues but have always struggled with depression and anxiety and it seems to be exacerbating the older I get and I just don't know where to turn to for support or help. My mum died last year. She was very young. I feel like it just happened so quickly that I didn't even get a chance to process or mourn her loss. It's like I was just trying to get through her illness and the funeral and helping my dad clear her things out because he couldn't face their home without her. I regret so much. I knew she was sick but was in denial about it killing her so I put on a brave face and just told myself she would get better. We never got a proper goodbye or the opportunity to talk about life. We were so close too. I wasted so many beautiful opportuities at the end of her life because of my denial. Is this normal? I tried speaking to a psychologist last year, referred from a local GP (I move around a lot so don't have a solid doctor). But I was just uncomfortable and didn't gel with her. I'm still open to seeking professional help but where do you start? I'm just feeling so alone and struggling to cope. I wish I had a good friend or partner to turn to but I don't. My few friends don't know what's going on because I put on a happy face. I don't want to be a burden and I find it really difficult to open up anyway. I suppose I'm here just looking for a support system of sorts and maybe some resources to lift me up and provide me with the help I need. Appreciate anyone who takes the time to read this:)