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Sophie_M Meet your community champions!
  • replies: 10

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Be... View more

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Beyond Blue Forums who: have the time, skills and empathy to support other members regularly; help to welcome new members; are actively engaged members that help set the tone of our community. Our Community Champions are regular contributors to many conversations across the forums. They are a consistent and friendly voice that have committed to sharing their experience and expertise with this community. They are not health care professionals or clinicians. Like you, they have an experience with a mental health challenge or diagnosis – either for themselves or someone they care for. This forum is for people who understand what it feels like and have a lived and living experience of mental health challenges. Our Community Champions help everyone feel comfortable and confident by demonstrating what excellent peer support is all about. Click here to find out more about how you can become a Community Champion! This incredible team are excited to introduce themselves below, and we are sure you’ll see them around the forums in conversations important to you.

Aaronsis HELP..Am I posting in the right section?
  • replies: 10

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried th... View more

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried that they are posting "the wrong thing". 1.A good title makes the difference Just like a headline in a newspaper, when scanning the dozens of threads to click into, it’s only natural that people will choose the ones that resonate with them most. A title that entices the reader, or asks a question, is likely to get a better result than something non-descriptive like “Depression” or “I don't know what to do”. If you think you’re not good at choosing titles, leave it till last. Spend time writing your post, then perhaps choose a sentence from what you’ve written as the title. 2.Join in threads that have already been posted We all have our own unique stories, but part of the reason for joining a forum like this one is because you know that you will have a lot in common with others who are posting. Before starting a new thread, have a look through the current topics being discussed and see if there’s a conversation you can join in with. It can be quite common to have a handful of very similar threads happening at any one time, with members seemingly unaware that there are others right there who are going through the same thing. Talking to other members on their threads is a great way of getting yourself known so that when you post a thread of your own, people may respond quicker because they recognize your name. 3.Choose the most appropriate section for your post Many people browse the forums looking for stories specifically to do with pregnancy and parenting, employment, grief, loss, separation etc. Going straight for the “Depression” section may seem like the easiest option, but this section is often the busiest, so your post is more likely to get lost among the threads. Making good use of the different forum sections not only helps keep the forum relevant, but you’re more likely to find others who are going through the same experiences as you. Also, if you're wanting to discuss issues of trauma, abuse, suicidal thoughts or self-harm, it's really important you post in the designated section to avoid triggering others who may not wish to read about these topics. Mostly..just come and chat, we are here for you. Our amazing wizards in the background will see your message ends up in the right spot. Sarah

All discussions

Wolfy Hey guys
  • replies: 6

Hey everyone hope you are as well as you can be I'm new here I did signup sometime ago but never really got on I find it extremely difficult to talk to people about my anxiety and now seem to be getting depression on top of it in turn is making the a... View more

Hey everyone hope you are as well as you can be I'm new here I did signup sometime ago but never really got on I find it extremely difficult to talk to people about my anxiety and now seem to be getting depression on top of it in turn is making the anxiety even worse today is the first time I have felt like it has just got way to much for me and right now want to call beyond blue just to talk to someone but in a weird way feel like I'm just being a pain in the butt lol Im working in the centre of NSW and 80kms from any town and just feeling alone and anxiety is through the roof ATM And stuck in a bloody dust storm most of the day haha Would love to meet some friends on here that know what I'm going through as they have to Well that's enough from me till I get on the computer takes to long on the phone typing lol

marian jane Losing dad
  • replies: 5

I lost my dad to prostate cancer which metastasized to bone cancer nearly 2 years ago. When he was diagnosed it was already widespread throughout his body. I spent 7 months living with him from home to palliative care. I still feel angry and sad abou... View more

I lost my dad to prostate cancer which metastasized to bone cancer nearly 2 years ago. When he was diagnosed it was already widespread throughout his body. I spent 7 months living with him from home to palliative care. I still feel angry and sad about the way he died. When I'm in certain circumstances - like a recent visit to hospital I feel sad and teary. If I see someone dying on tv etc. I find it very hard to watch and sometimes I'll leave the room. I know dealing with grief takes time and I just go along with these feelings not trying to supress them or justify them. I just get tired of feeling like this sometime

SimeonG New Member, "Hi"
  • replies: 4

Hi I don't really know what to say, I was recently diagnosed with serious depression and anxiety, and my GP/Psychologist pointed me in the direction of Beyond Blue. My Psychologist has advised me that it might be helpful to reach-out to people who ha... View more

Hi I don't really know what to say, I was recently diagnosed with serious depression and anxiety, and my GP/Psychologist pointed me in the direction of Beyond Blue. My Psychologist has advised me that it might be helpful to reach-out to people who have similar problems to me so I don't feel so isolated. So here I am reaching out

jacksonpie The secret life of us
  • replies: 6

Hi, My mother passed away 6 weeks ago, it was fast but we still had a chance to talk to her i guess about anything. I don't have a relationship with my mother that allowed me to do that. My mother is my trigger. I am angry at her that I had to keep s... View more

Hi, My mother passed away 6 weeks ago, it was fast but we still had a chance to talk to her i guess about anything. I don't have a relationship with my mother that allowed me to do that. My mother is my trigger. I am angry at her that I had to keep secrets for her and from her to keep her happy. I often wondered if I would ever tell her how that had affected me, but I didn't, right till the end I couldn't upset her or risk getting her trying to guilt me which was her fallback if I challenged her. I have other siblings who have all had standard lives, stresses, marriage breakups, which we all have, but for some reason they think because I've never said anything or relied on my mother for support that I have had some sort of perfect life. There seems to be a bit of secret squirrel stuff going on amongst my siblings which is also a trigger...secrets. I feel like, at the moment that I could let all the secrets out just so they would know what I've had to do for everyone in this family really. I know I'm upset that mum died (no matter what our relationship was, she is my mother) and I know that anger is probably also normal, but I feel like maybe I'm being unreasonable and my feelings aren't valid. At the moment I can't control the tears of hurt and frustration.

twoshoes Im new here. Intro and hi.
  • replies: 1

Hello, I am a middle aged, parent and Nana. I have one adult child left at home. I have 4 children and 4 grandkids. I only see 1 of my grandies, and 3 of my kids (story for another time -alienated granny) Its a small part of my problems, true. As its... View more

Hello, I am a middle aged, parent and Nana. I have one adult child left at home. I have 4 children and 4 grandkids. I only see 1 of my grandies, and 3 of my kids (story for another time -alienated granny) Its a small part of my problems, true. As its been a long time since I seen my eldest now. I am sad alot. Depression. I also get anxiety. But seem to be able to deal with that now, after many years suffering from it. But its still lurking there. I think I am depressed at the moment due to a lack of friends. I have 1 really great friend. I see her once a week or fortnight. I have trouble sleeping. I hate that the most as I never did. I can sleep the day away, and stay up all night, even if I force myself to get up early and keep active throughout the day. Im currently unemployed. But I do ok. I have a government home, and free water and a small solar set up, so helps offset bills. Drug free. (apart from 1 prescribed med for anxiety- 10 + years on) drink rarely. I know Im depressed. Diagnosed by a few drs. I feel its the lack of friends. And the friends I do have (i have 4 I talk to via messages but rarely see) and thats it. I rarely go out. I try to make plans, and they cancel. They go out and not invite me. I think Im a good friend. Dependable. Reliable. Honest. Supportive. Fun. I try and leave the depression at the door. Fake it? And I dont know how to make new friends now. I made a couple, but they ended up being toxic for me. So I ended those. I just feel like i just dont know what to do. Or how to get there. I know I said I do ok for unemployed. I eat. I out out occasionally. Movies. Meal. I drive. But I dont have any excess funds for more things, like a club/group type of thing. So hey! Waves hello, thanks for letting me in here.

KT1996 Dealing with anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hey, new here but a long time sufferer off anxiety and depression . Currently struggling with anxiety attacks and am on meds for it and to help with sleep. But I need help with the chest tightenings, stomach pains/cramps and shortness of breath It is... View more

Hey, new here but a long time sufferer off anxiety and depression . Currently struggling with anxiety attacks and am on meds for it and to help with sleep. But I need help with the chest tightenings, stomach pains/cramps and shortness of breath It is so overwhelming and takes hours sometimes all day to control

calmseeker calmseeker
  • replies: 4

Not sure if I even know where to start. Too overwhelmed. Confused as to what path to take to even help myself. Tired of constant worry and feeling unwell, not even sure if its physical or mental or both?

Not sure if I even know where to start. Too overwhelmed. Confused as to what path to take to even help myself. Tired of constant worry and feeling unwell, not even sure if its physical or mental or both?

Rusty00000000 A giant lie
  • replies: 1

Hi a few weeks ago I caught my wife of 9 years having affairs up to 1 year ago,I know of men I have texted and have told me what she has done,of course she denies it all ,I have read all of the messages and have seen pictures and videos she left on a... View more

Hi a few weeks ago I caught my wife of 9 years having affairs up to 1 year ago,I know of men I have texted and have told me what she has done,of course she denies it all ,I have read all of the messages and have seen pictures and videos she left on a old phone I was going to use and using her videos to send to men and women on a porn site ,she has been seeing these men when I'm not at her flat or meeting up after work ,I really don't know how many men or woman she has seen asked her why it was to make her happy but keeps on saying I making all this up I have seen the evidence and messages from men saying when is she coming around next,she has been so deceitful and disgusting I carnt get a grip on the situation ,finally asked her if she was a lone she said yes ,so I drove past and saw here with a man ,,I feel like I have been made a mockery out of and really struggling to shut the thinking down ,worst is she has a friend she confides in a has been playing me too,she new what was going on I know cos they were laughing about me having a melt down ,,they are both filth ,,I need help

Trying8 Realistic Expectations?
  • replies: 5

Hi, first time posting & hoping for some advice Short history is that I am mid 40’s male, happily married with a great wife and kids, I have been relatively successful & fortunate in life to date I had never experienced (or really understood) anxiety... View more

Hi, first time posting & hoping for some advice Short history is that I am mid 40’s male, happily married with a great wife and kids, I have been relatively successful & fortunate in life to date I had never experienced (or really understood) anxiety or depression until ~ 2 years ago. Various logical triggers for my issues such as nursing my best mate who passed away very suddenly, starting my own business in a high stress industry and the income uncertainty and risk that goes along with that - although compared to most we are very fortunate and have no real debt and the next 12 months are secure for income I had some form of breakdown 2 years ago but managed to keep working, in the last month or so I have been really struggling again I’m trying to educate myself and seek proper help via a GP, psychologist and I am trying a psychiatrist next week. I have started on some med’s for the first time 6 weeks ago which have helped settle the anxiety but have left me feeling very depressed - I was reluctant to go down the med’s path but have accepted I need something and I do appreciate that they are no magic bullet and I need to give them time so am holding off on any changes for at least another month. I have also been trying to get the basics right, minimal booze, more exercise, trying meditation, CBT etc. The main thing I am grappling with is what is realistic to expect in my situation - I want to push myself to make this business viable as it is my life’s dream but I know I am really only operating at about 3 out of 10 most days and to succeed in this industry I need to be at least at 7 Does anyone see any similarities in my story ? Is it realistic for me to expect to get back to my old self in the next few months or is this going to be 12 month+ battle - if it is the latter I really need to reconsider the risks I am taking on with this business venture and perhaps give up on the dream and look for a normal job to protect my young family Thanks for reading and to all those that give their time and energy to assist others on the forums you have my deepest respect and admiration - it cannot be easy, especially if you are battling your own demons

KarmaLlama Greetings from the KarmaLlama
  • replies: 3

Hey all I find myself here after struggling to help my son navigate the fog he finds himself in. I'm sure (hoping) the collective masses can provide me with some insight and various things we can try. I am the mother of 2 teens, 15 and 16, and foster... View more

Hey all I find myself here after struggling to help my son navigate the fog he finds himself in. I'm sure (hoping) the collective masses can provide me with some insight and various things we can try. I am the mother of 2 teens, 15 and 16, and foster carer to two little ones. We live in rural Australia ... beautiful, but challenging accessing professional help. My son is 16, diagnosed ASD/Gifted and has depression. He hasn't been formally diagnosed ... but that Black Dog follows him around unrelentingly. You can see it. He can feel it. We can't fix it. He doesn't want to speak to anyone about it, including my husband and I, and I really don't know what to do. It's hella confronting because, as his mother, I've always known what to do. I feel helpless and so sad for him. He's an amazing human being and I would give anything for him to believe that truth. As with any parent, I wish I could fix it ... but I can't, so I'm here to find real and practical ways that I can help him . Where to from here?