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Hi, Im new to this. I needed to find somewhere to communicate how I'm feeling between psychologist appointments. I have had one of those years where nothing seems to be going right. I have had 2 grandparents pass away this year. change in job (which I have started my new job this week and have really struggled everyday) and my husband and I have been dealing with infertility and been doing ivy this past year, plus I have had some stomach issues and food intolerances. My anxiety came on out of the blue 2months ago and really hasn't gone away since. I find the mornings the hardest and just always feel like a can't relax. I hate the way it makes me feel. I find it really hard to eat food in the morning and sometimes at all through the day. I decided to go and see a naturopath/kinesiologist at the very start of this and had been prescribed medication, that is supposed to help hormonal imbalances plus other female issues. I really think this is making me feel worse though as I really have NEVER felt like this ever before. Have sometimes had moments of sadness after a setback and never lingering this long. I really want this to stop and not get in the way of me living my life. I want to go back to the girl who used to crack jokes and be fun to be around. My husband has a new business and is always really busy and lately not home a lot. I don't think really understands how I feel or a way to help me through it.
2 Replies 2

Community Member
Hi Maggierose, I can certainly empathise with you. It sounds like you have been through a terrible time but it is great to see that you feel thankful too. Im just new so hopefully someone with some expertise will be able to help but I just wanted to say hello and well done for reaching out, it really helps to chat. Well done to you 🙂

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Maggierose~

Welcome here to the forum, as you say you have had a very bad year, and that on its own can leave its mark.

You mentioned infertility and 'ivy'. I cant find any reference to that and take it to mean IVF. My apologies if I've made a mistake. A close family member went though the IVF procedure for a couple of years. It was successful in the end , but getting there was not good. Regular checks and procedures, uncomfortable to say the least, plus a great deal of emotion packed in with it all.

Now if you have been going though all this, plus the death of two people you love and a chage of job to an unhappy one there is enough to make a person ill. Add again food intolerance and a husband who has the worry of a new business, as do you. Its a very great deal.

I read you were seeing a psychologist and had been having complimentary remedies as well. If you have not done so already Id suggest you go see a GP, and in a long consultation say all that has been happening. Then a complete checkup. Please do not omit the naturopath/kinesiologist remedies.

It may be that you are suffering a mental health condition due to all this stress, then again it might be a physical reaction to the IVF, either way a Doctor would be a good starting point.

I am sure either way you will get back to the person you were (unless you have a bub, in which case things will never be the same:)
