Change of Meds
- replies: 1
I'm new to this and not sure about anything anymore or if anyone can help.... I was prescribed medication about 15 years ago for a mild case of depression and anxiety, what I now to believe was possibly the result of undiagnosed and untreated Post Na... View more
I'm new to this and not sure about anything anymore or if anyone can help.... I was prescribed medication about 15 years ago for a mild case of depression and anxiety, what I now to believe was possibly the result of undiagnosed and untreated Post Natal Depression. Initally it helped but I was neither happy or sad, just a sense of nothing. I stopped taking it after a year or so and everything was ok for a while but then everything became all too hard and I was put back onto it. Again another year or so passed by and I still felt nothing so again I stopped the meds. A couple of years later there were some really awful events in my life and I crashed. I was precribled several different medications. Eventually things got better but not my depression and anxiety. I suffered the usual side effects, weight gain, low libido and found that I was becoming more and more withdrawn and tended to isolate myself from friends and family. Time passed and I continued with medication just accepting that this was my lot in life and that I would never truely be happy again. And whenever things get too much I get prescribed a different medicaition to help with anxiety (which is something I don't like to take unless absolutely necessary). A year or so ago I stupidly ran out of my meds and within a couple of days my whole world came crashing down and I was an emotional mess. I went back to the doctor and was told that I had done the wrong thing but it was a good thing as the one I was on was not the best drug to be on as it could be dangerous. I was then prescribed something different and things improved again but as before, suffered the usual side effects, more weight gain, low libido, and again not truely happy, just living day to day. I recently returned to my doctor as my weight has become a problem so he decided to change me to another medication as this was supposed to help me with loosing a little weight as well as treat my depression. Within a couple of days I was a mess, crying uncontrollably for no apparent reason, always tired, unable to sleep and at times I was totally irrational. The slightest thing would set me off and I would scream hysterically. Back to the doctor again and he doubled my dosage plus prescribed me something else. After a couple of weeks there was no improvement so back to the doctor again and I've now been prescribed a couple of medications I had some time ago. What am I asking ??? I don't know... I'm tired and just want to get better and be happy