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alternative medication

Community Member

Hi all,

I am a 56 year old male.

Apart from slight bouts I now seem manage my depression. It took 4 yrs of seeing a great Psychologist and the use of some meds (X which I haven't taken for about 2 yrs).

My problem is that I still suffer from anxiety and when it all gets a bit too much I medicate with either a half or quarter of a tablet of Y medication..sometimes if things are going realy bad I might take 2 tablets over say 3 days. Most times it is something situational that freaks me out and when the ball starts rolling I need something to slow it down..or a panic attack hits me and I can't talk myself back out of it...50 tablets lasts me say 12 months to me this is OK and my GP had no problem with this...he has been treating me for 15 yrs. My GP has gone and his replacement won't give me a script as he says he won't prescribe it....his choice I supose....although he can see my 15 yrs of history. He said I should go back on X...and that's a great drug...I had no panic attacks ..anxiety ..or depression when on it but the side effects...dead inside...loss of sexual function etc...

Question is what other medication have you found good that could help me other then Y...something to take the edge off when the frieght train starts rolling ? 

Y is a short acting anti anxiety medication that helps  relax when the edge of panic or anxiety comes along. 

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Maybe ask your new GP to refer you to a psychiatrist and then he might decide that medication Y works best for you. For my panic attacks my psychiatrist prescribed me a medication which is an antipsychotic and has pretty much changed my ptsd attacks from being unbearable to maybe two or three a week (from two to three an hr), so maybe that could be an option.

Community Member

I agree with jep. Get a second opinion on drug Y from another doctor, either psychiatrist or a different GP.

You gotta go with what works best for you. The doctors often receive kickbacks for prescribing certain drugs over others. Clearly your replacement GP doesn't have the same arrangement as your previous GP did. Shop around.