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Medication withdrawel syndrome

Community Member



Hi everyone,


I was wondering if anyone had suffered with strange symptoms coming of medication?  I feel sooooo strange at the moment.  Almost like I am drunk, I can't walk in a very straight line and if I turn my head or move my eyes from anywhere but directly in front the room spins.  I also have started getting nerve sensations in my arms and legs along with the dizziness which seems to happen when I am excercising.  It feels exactly like when you hit your funny bone but all over electrical feel.  Im assuming it is to do with meds as I have been off it now for 4 days.  Just curious?  I am speaking to my Dr about it tomorrow.

3 Replies 3

Vegetarian Marshmallow
Community Member

I'm not experienced with medication, but it sounds like something called "SSRI discontinuation syndrome" that happened with someone I knew when she went off "mystery medication which has been censored from your post but is still clearly visible in the URL for this thread".  She described feeling "like her brain was being electrocuted", and left a trail of nonsense postings over her Facebook account, like "ZAAP ZAP SEND THEM TO THE MOOOOOON!!".  As far as I know, it lasted a couple weeks and she's fine now.

Vegetarian Marshmallow
Community Member

Actually the nonsense messages could have just been her being herself..

Community Member
hi Laureah/ i have come off my meds last week and have the same sensations as you describe. i went to my Dr today and he has put me back on and suggested a slower rate to come off them again. i think i might have come off them to quick and feeling better than i have been i think this is why i felt the way i did. its usually every afternoon about the same time i felt them. good luck with it hope its all ok for you. Russ