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Chin_Up New Dosage
  • replies: 2

Hi all fellow bber's, My doctor recently increased my anti-depressant from 10mg to 20mg. I was just starting to feel great on the first dosage but now I have similar side effects from when I first started medication, the insomnia is exhausting. Do yo... View more

Hi all fellow bber's, My doctor recently increased my anti-depressant from 10mg to 20mg. I was just starting to feel great on the first dosage but now I have similar side effects from when I first started medication, the insomnia is exhausting. Do you think I will adjust to the increased dosage faster the second time around? Shattered I'm back in this position. ChinUp.

Bulletin_Board_Archive Medications Phobia
  • replies: 13

Originally posted by: Scott2 on 26 October 2012Hi guys i have my medication finally, Now out of all things a fear kicks in regarding them perhaps normal . It's like i have 2 brains arguing with one another, one saying take, other saying no no!. Altho... View more

Originally posted by: Scott2 on 26 October 2012Hi guys i have my medication finally, Now out of all things a fear kicks in regarding them perhaps normal . It's like i have 2 brains arguing with one another, one saying take, other saying no no!. Although i know the rational says yes you need them for now , I know many of us don't like taking them, fearful of them, side effects and hope they work , I also read it can be very hit and miss just have to find that right one. I just have to look at it like i would an Antibiotic for a bad infection, well the same thing for the mind. Oh well I will get past it with the 1st one hopefully, perhaps I'll take it with some of that Pav!!. Bye for now sunny day out there S2

flagpole At a loss
  • replies: 1

Hi, I am a mum of 3 on a farm and have been living with depression for many years. It has become worse in the last few years and I decided that medication was worth a go. I started taking 25mg of X on tues and had all the normal side effects and felt... View more

Hi, I am a mum of 3 on a farm and have been living with depression for many years. It has become worse in the last few years and I decided that medication was worth a go. I started taking 25mg of X on tues and had all the normal side effects and felt pretty gross. By thurs my level of depression was significantly worse and I felt at risk which was pretty scary. I saw a dr who said to stop taking it for one day and if I felt the same to continue taking it the day after at 50mg, or start a new one (Y). I am still feeling lethargic, low, and unable to sleep even with sleeping tablets and more depressed than when I started taking them. I'm scared to start again and would like to have the advice of a psychiatrist to find the right meds for me, but there isn't one in this community. So don't know what to do now. Is there a psychiatrist in Albany as that's our nearest large centre? not coping at all, need urgent help. Thanks,