Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Lost not found Insecurities and intrusive thoughts in my relationship
  • replies: 3

Hi, TLDR: My insecurities and intrusive thoughts make my new relationship hard (at least in my head). My partner and I have been together for just over a year now, and I’m struggling with some of my own insecurities and trust issues. My partner has a... View more

Hi, TLDR: My insecurities and intrusive thoughts make my new relationship hard (at least in my head). My partner and I have been together for just over a year now, and I’m struggling with some of my own insecurities and trust issues. My partner has a lot of friends and people that he talks to and I don’t have any issues with that at all. It’s mainly the thought of him cheating on me that upsets me, which comes from my last relationship (yay). I’m trying not to bring any of it up because we have been doing really good so far and I don’t want to accuse him of anything he hasn’t done. We’ve had little talks here and there and each time they’ve ending with us in agreement that we’re okay and nothings wrong, but give it month and it’s back to brainstorming all the ways I’m going to be hurt. Obviously I don’t want my insecurities to ruin anything, especially if I assume the worst in my head and then I’m wrong and then it turns to shit.Little things only feed the thought, like sometimes I feel like I’m a second thought in his head. Sometimes when we’re hanging out I’ll have to repeat myself or just sit there in silence as I wait for him to stop texting someone on his phone, for him to be like “sorry what did you say?”. Usually I just repeat what I said and it’s fine, but for the 1-2 seconds where there’s no response I find myself thinking “what’s the point then?” Like why are we hanging out if you’re not interested? And his usual response if I bring it up is something like “yeah I was getting there”. It upsets me that I just can’t trust him 100%, that there will always be an intrusive thought or something that makes me believe otherwise, no matter how much he proves to me that he’s faithful. It’s almost like I’m trying to sabotage myself while also clinging to whatever non self-deprecating thought I have. Thanks, J

BrightStar1 Emotionally exhausted by my partner's ex wife behaviour
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My partner and I have been together many years now. We both met after our marriages had ended and have started our new chapter of life. There are children involved and I do believe I/ we have created a solid relationship. At no stage have I ever said... View more

My partner and I have been together many years now. We both met after our marriages had ended and have started our new chapter of life. There are children involved and I do believe I/ we have created a solid relationship. At no stage have I ever said anything hateful or mean about the biological mother in front of them. And that has been difficult! I have endured negative messages from her on social media ( she is now blocked), when the children where younger they would repeat what she said- degrading me as a person and how I was negatively impacting their lives. I would be constantly questioned by one child about all of my actions and questions asked that were coming from an adult, as a child wouldn't phrase them in such a way.On the whole I do not blame my partner for his ex. She is his ex for a reason and I believe that he was there longer in the marriage because of the children. I do think she does not like the version of her ex husband now he is with me. I am very kind, caring and work through issues and try to engage my partner in the same manner when we have problems especially in front of the children. This is very different to the yelling and screaming matches which they were used to. They are seeing their Dad actually be happy.There has been a very lengthy legal battle of finances and divorce. After witnessing this, I think that his ex may have narcissistic tendencies - including the sense of entitlement, need for attention, blaming etc. The one constant issue is now the children.The first verbal arrangement was told to him - at this stage, he kept the peace and went along with it so the divorce etc could be finished. Fast forward some years now, work conditions have changed for her. She is refusing to let him have the children one extra night per week (which would benefit her), but still wants them back after dinner one of the nights, so that it doesn't interrupt her child support payments.She refused on multiple times to discuss care arrangements with outside agencies. Taking this further to court would end up being expensive and she would want to keep fighting until the very end.She is not wanting an arrangement where they do not see each other at all. The pick up/ drop off would be via school. She wants control over him so he can be waiting in a public space at her mercy as to when she will arrive. At times she is up to 45mins late

Cleobyb72 I want out of my marriage
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Hi. I'm 50 years old and I am desperately unhappy. I've repeatedly tried to save my marriage by suggesting counselling but my husband isn't interested. We live in separate areas of our house, have separate bedrooms and frankly my only function is to ... View more

Hi. I'm 50 years old and I am desperately unhappy. I've repeatedly tried to save my marriage by suggesting counselling but my husband isn't interested. We live in separate areas of our house, have separate bedrooms and frankly my only function is to be his cook and cleaner. We share no intimacy, which in part is due to my PTSD from being a child abuse survivor. I'm so unhappy, I just want to have the chance to try and start a new life and enjoy life while I still can. I know that divorce will not be received well so I've held off for way too long, but I can't do the marriage anymore-I need out.

shorti Sister takes lots of photos
  • replies: 5

Hey all, My sister is named the paparazzi by her friends. She will take photos of people without them knowing at parties and stuff to get "in the moment shots" My husband and I recently had a baby. My husband does not like lots of photos of the same ... View more

Hey all, My sister is named the paparazzi by her friends. She will take photos of people without them knowing at parties and stuff to get "in the moment shots" My husband and I recently had a baby. My husband does not like lots of photos of the same thing. My sister is a happy snapper and just keeps clicking the button on her phone and takes about 10 photos of the baby in the same position. I don't have an issue with this, but my husband does. He thinks it's rude and people should ask us if they want to take a photo of the baby. My sister is family and not just anyone. My husband now wants me to talk to my sister, but it's making me feel uncomfortable. I wrote another post recently about my husband not wanting me to go to my dad's with the baby, unless my husband is with me, because he doesn't get along with my dad.I'm starting to feel uncomfortable around my own family. I don't want to talk to my sister about the photos because I don't have an issue with it, and my family will know it's not coming from me. They will think my husband is controlling. This then makes me feel more uncomfortable. Anyone here who has kids, do you have issues with your family (parents, siblings) taking photos of your baby, and is there a limit to how many they are allowed to take? Do they need to ask you first?

hardquestions Insecurities in relationship
  • replies: 2

My girlfriend and I have had an on-and-off relationship with a lot of complications throughout. I recently (2 months ago) broke up with her because I was concerned that we were going in different directions in life etc, but quickly realised it was th... View more

My girlfriend and I have had an on-and-off relationship with a lot of complications throughout. I recently (2 months ago) broke up with her because I was concerned that we were going in different directions in life etc, but quickly realised it was the wrong thing to do. We work together, and while we were apart (about 1 month), I noticed her showing interest in a colleague of ours and the colleague showing interest back. We went on a work outing, and the colleague was extremely flirtatious toward her (touching and leaning on her etc) and she has later told me that she did enjoy the attention. Her and I were starting to try and work things out again at the time, so it was pretty awful to have to watch it all happen. We spoke later about it all and she said that she enjoyed the attention from the colleague after feeling rejected by me, and one time while we were talking things over, I asked if she was interested or curious about the other girl and she said that she was. But that she wanted to fix things with us and be with me. We're doing okay at working on things, but it has obviously been hard. I am really struggling with feeling extremely insecure about them because the colleague doesn't (and can't) know that we're together (no one at work does) and so continues to be flirty with her at times. They often do night shift together (just them two) and work together a lot in the workplace etc. To add to this, it is now looking as though I will have to move interstate and she may not come, so we will have to do distance. She will stay at this workplace, and continue working with the colleague and going out to work things with her etc. I trust my girlfriend, and REALLY want to get over this but my brain just keeps going back to feeling extremely insecure about it all - I need some coping mechanisms and ways to help myself stop feeling this way. I feel like I'm constantly anxious and going insane!Please, what can I do?

wallabyjack Family relocated to QLD. Now wife wants to move back and I don't. :(
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We have kids and we moved up from Sydney a year ago. She hates it here and has to work from home for her Sydney based job. The kids are in school here but she wants to go back to Sydney as she has friends there. We have no family in Sydney. We do her... View more

We have kids and we moved up from Sydney a year ago. She hates it here and has to work from home for her Sydney based job. The kids are in school here but she wants to go back to Sydney as she has friends there. We have no family in Sydney. We do here. We also will struggle to get our kids into private schools in Sydney. We wont in Brisbane. (cost and availability) Finally I calculated that the cost of living in Sydney puts us out pocket at least $20,000 a year, plus it will cost us about $1Million dollars extra for a house in Sydney! (yes really) So my question is, if she insists, do I have a leg to stand on legally?

blackwhite trying to book an escort
  • replies: 6

I discovered my husbands message requesting to book an escort for a few days time. I came across it by looking for something else (note we run a business together) I was away at a school meeting while he was at home with the children booking this. I ... View more

I discovered my husbands message requesting to book an escort for a few days time. I came across it by looking for something else (note we run a business together) I was away at a school meeting while he was at home with the children booking this. I am sure the meeting still stands and as he is away for a few days I cannot stop thinking about what is happening. He left tonight without even saying goodbye to the kids and I couldnt mention it because he has a way of making it my fault. How the hell do I deal with this?

Falstad my gf has anxiety
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Long story short, my gf (27) and I (35) were together 2 years and this was during Covid lockdown and it caused significant mental health issues for her, we had a massive argument one day and all the problems and issues came out and we agreed to work ... View more

Long story short, my gf (27) and I (35) were together 2 years and this was during Covid lockdown and it caused significant mental health issues for her, we had a massive argument one day and all the problems and issues came out and we agreed to work on things. I did everything she asked and changed the best I could where she did the opposite and it sort of baited me to the point we had another argument and she ended things with me because I called her out. She was lying to me, no sleeping with me, catching up with guys behind my back (friends I knew about), ignore me, turning her phone face down around me just to name a few things. We had a break from each other for about a month and the last 6 months we have been seeing each other. Now, she claims she loves me, wants me, cannot live without me, she holds my hand in public, it's almost like a normal relationship in a sense but she will not come over to my house and she will not let me visit her. When I ask to see her there is always an excuse, she is either too sick, tired, wants to relax, wants to watch TV show ETC ETC but when it comes to family and friends she is never too sick, tired ETC for them. EG. For an entire month I asked to see her every single day either movies, dinner, come over and visit and every single time there was an excuse or a no. She asked to see me 4 times in that period for a movie she wanted to watch, to show me a new car, because I said goodbye and I can't do this, and lunch before work. I just can't bring myself to say no to her. I told her the other day I can't do this anymore and she claim's that she never gave me hope and led me on in anyway and that when it comes to me she get's anxious around me and has anxiety. I said to her if she didn't plan to treat me right and change things between us to delete me from her life which she did. She blocked me on all social and deleted me rather than even trying. I guess my question is, and what I am really struggling with is, why would she feel anxious around me and no body else? We had two verbal arguments, I was never violent towards her in anyway, I treated her right. Even she admits that She changed about 18 months into the relationship when he dad betrayed me and it cost me approx. 50k and she has never been the same since

Anupriya My husband manipulated by Brother-in-law
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I just wanted to share something and get advice from you. I hope someone will be able to help me. My in-laws have been treating me badly and was controlling ever since marriage and even before that they were disrespectful because I was from a middle ... View more

I just wanted to share something and get advice from you. I hope someone will be able to help me. My in-laws have been treating me badly and was controlling ever since marriage and even before that they were disrespectful because I was from a middle class family who doesn’t bring much money or dowry when I got married to their son. My brother in-law flirted with me before I got married to his brother because he thought that his brother will not marry me. I advised him, put him in his boundary didn’t make any scene about it. But he didn’t get the signs and spoke ill about his brother and his own family. I guess he didn’t want me to marry his brother and I stopped talking with him. I didn’t feel good about my BIL since. After marriage he started being disrespectful with me, interfering in our life and I minimised any interactions with him. After moving to Melbourne I thought my relationship with my husband will get better. But every now and then his brother wanted money from my husband for unnecessary expenses like he couldn’t do exercises in the house so he built a big shed On the roof. He recently got engaged and didn’t contribute any money for his engagement and my husband has to spend his money for everything even for his fiancé engagement clothes. Now he is getting married in a month and my husband is spending for his marriage too. My BIL is going to job as well but never spends a single penny. All family maintenance and the money spent on functions everything is my husband’s money. Before marriage, I told my husband about everything that happened with his brother and he doesn’t take it seriously at all. I spoke with him about how I feel uncomfortable with my in-laws. 3days ago my BIL called my husband and he ignored his call and sent him a text. After few mins my husband’s cousin called and he picked his call. Immediately his cousin asked my husband to move away from me and asked if it was me sending messages to my BIL from my husband’s mobile. I don’t know what to think about that and my husband seems alright but I am not.

pvroom Parenting marriage or living together but separated
  • replies: 7

Does anyone have experience of staying together in the same house as parents but ending the romantic aspect of a relationship? I think it is the best choice for my husband and I as we cannot live separately and I believe can live together as parents ... View more

Does anyone have experience of staying together in the same house as parents but ending the romantic aspect of a relationship? I think it is the best choice for my husband and I as we cannot live separately and I believe can live together as parents but not husband/wife.