Grief and loss

Support and advice following the loss of a family member, partner, spouse or someone close to you.


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Sophie_M Welcome to the Grief and Loss section
  • replies: 27

Everyone’s experience of grief or loss is unique. You might experience all kinds of difficult or overwhelming emotions, and you might sometimes wonder if the sadness will ever end. This is a normal reaction to loss. There is no right or wrong way to ... View more

Everyone’s experience of grief or loss is unique. You might experience all kinds of difficult or overwhelming emotions, and you might sometimes wonder if the sadness will ever end. This is a normal reaction to loss. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but it can help to allow yourself to: share your grief, and let others support you. This forum category is for all discussions relating to how grief and loss has affected you, providing a space for you to express your feelings, discuss difficult moments and anniversaries, and honour the memories of your lost loved ones. Please be aware that threads in this forum may contain discussions of self-harm and suicide.

All discussions

imissingyou Mum why did you have to leave
  • replies: 4

I’m 17 years old and my mum died three days ago. It was totally unexpected, she was in perfect health, fit and energetic she was. When do you finally believe it’s real and not a joke? When do you stop feeling an ache in your chest that feels constric... View more

I’m 17 years old and my mum died three days ago. It was totally unexpected, she was in perfect health, fit and energetic she was. When do you finally believe it’s real and not a joke? When do you stop feeling an ache in your chest that feels constricting and painful? will it ever go away… I read things and it says it will but I don’t know how. Everything is so wrong and unfair.mum why did you have to leave

Troubledtimes I lost babies and now jealous of may partner's relationship with his kids
  • replies: 5

My partner and I lost 3 babies together. I met him later in life and wanted the dream with him. Marriage and kids, the whole package. We managed to get pregnant 3 times in my 40s but lost each one very early on before 6 weeks. I have now entered the ... View more

My partner and I lost 3 babies together. I met him later in life and wanted the dream with him. Marriage and kids, the whole package. We managed to get pregnant 3 times in my 40s but lost each one very early on before 6 weeks. I have now entered the peri menopause stage and unable to get pregnant naturally anymore. He has 3 children from a previous relationship whom I have to witness him loving upon them and I cant help but get jealous and compare how much he would have been a wonderful dad to our child. I am so sad and full of grief from the losses which he understands but the jealousy and resent toward him parenting his other children is driving a wedge between us and our relationship is suffering. He can't talk about his children with love because it will trigger me into a meltdown of grief all over again. So he feels he has to hide his affection for them and walk on egg shells around me. I know it's all my fault but don't know how to change it because the jealousy comes from a place of extreme bitter pain and disappointment about our own family dreams not coming true which I just can't move on from. I don't know if there is any hope for our relationship or not. He has not spoken to me in 3 days and I don't know if he has decided he has had enough of this.

daisybelleflowers My Nephew was lost to suicide this week and I am trying my best to look after my sister and her fam
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My beautiful nephew took his life this week and has left his family up in arms because he showed no signs … his parents didn’t see anything…. His best mates didn’t see anything…. He looked after others above himself and was always the life of the par... View more

My beautiful nephew took his life this week and has left his family up in arms because he showed no signs … his parents didn’t see anything…. His best mates didn’t see anything…. He looked after others above himself and was always the life of the party or fooling around with family? Unfortunately I have not been around him much for the past 10years … he was 18… but from what everyone has been discussing this week since we lost him on Tuesday… no one had any idea

AnxiousBird123 Dad's passing makes me anxious
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone,Im new here. My dad passed last year in July from a heart attack. Since then I couldn't stop crying, a month after his passing I had my first panic attack. Even since I have been getting anxiety non-stop. As soon as I think of him, I get ... View more

Hi everyone,Im new here. My dad passed last year in July from a heart attack. Since then I couldn't stop crying, a month after his passing I had my first panic attack. Even since I have been getting anxiety non-stop. As soon as I think of him, I get anxiety attacks. I sometimes think "Am I going to get a heart attack next" How do I stop thinking this way? I try to not worry about him, but as soon as I think about him I get anxious about myself. I feel like I'm trying to forget him.

white knight Losing a child
  • replies: 11

Please bare with me on this difficult of all topics. If someone has never parachuted, how can they describe the event to someone that has never jumped? A soldier in war describing it...painting the picture? We all have various experiences that define... View more

Please bare with me on this difficult of all topics. If someone has never parachuted, how can they describe the event to someone that has never jumped? A soldier in war describing it...painting the picture? We all have various experiences that define us as unique. So when it comes to losing a child parents often describe it as "indescribable". How can they paint that picture? Most of us have experienced grief, the loss of a loved one but to lose a child is, it seems, on a higher plain. As I've worked with victims of crime one challenge has been to find ways of obtaining relief from such grief. We as humans cant possibly compare grieving circumstances of such loss except that anger would rate as an added emotion with some. Anger at a perpetrator or someone seemingly or directly responsible can envelop a parent creating unimaginable intetnal anguish. Getting a life back following such loss is often most difficult. The first rule of thumb is to have no rules. No expectations. Gentle ears, calm, waiting for that one signal that is positive towards moving forward with day to day activity. There are ways to lose a child other than death. I've lost a neice to a cult. At 14yo she ran away from blood family. She's now 33yo, has children of her own and is estranged from most blood family still. Imagine the hurt the parents and 5 siblings feel? Their child still lives but near zero chance of reconciling. also a unique form of grief. How empty? Ive found there is not any "best practice" to move forward and pick up pieces of ones life to become productive following the loss of a child. One way to help is devoting ones life towards helping others in the name and honour of their child. A cause. Memorials are common. Honouring your child's life by deeds, in a way allowing your childs life to result in a positive project of some sort of your choice doesn't have to be public if you prefer it to remain private. Grief can be very private or maybe public especially if fundraising. My good neighbours son passed away in a car accident. Days later his daughter in law had items owned by his son to collect. Amongst them were 50 potted rose plants his son prepared. His son adored roses. He took them home, planted them in a special garden, takes cuttings and pots them for others in town. He never takes one cent. This small hamlet in spring is adorned with his sons roses. Wow! Most of us cant relate to losing a child. We can find a way of their memory to live on. Tony WK

shesawallflower my mum died and i miss her badly.
  • replies: 15

Im 28 years old and my mum died VERY EXEXPECTEDLY with a massive stroke/brain annerysm in November 2017. It was quite confronting as my brother, dad and I sat with her for days in ICU on life support completly unconcious where we told we had to turn ... View more

Im 28 years old and my mum died VERY EXEXPECTEDLY with a massive stroke/brain annerysm in November 2017. It was quite confronting as my brother, dad and I sat with her for days in ICU on life support completly unconcious where we told we had to turn it off. It all went so fast and we just had to deal with what happend. Its been a year and a half but Im feeling like the grief is becoming a little harder. People who have/are experiencing greif. How long does it last? I know there is no right or wrong answer and I know everyone is different. But im just so mentally tired and drained from being so sad and not letting go. My boyfriend has been so supportive, I think its so unfair for him that I am so emotional all the time.

Sunflower23 The loss of companionship
  • replies: 3

I’m grieving the loss of companionship, after my long term relationship ended. I miss having someone to talk to about daily life things and having that someone in your corner, who wants to support you, be there for you and love you unconditionally.

I’m grieving the loss of companionship, after my long term relationship ended. I miss having someone to talk to about daily life things and having that someone in your corner, who wants to support you, be there for you and love you unconditionally.

Selgae Losing a parent from Stage 4 lung cancer
  • replies: 3

Dad’s became legally blind at mid age. He was devastated due to loss of mobility as a consequence. Then diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer at 86 that has spread to the left leg bones causing agonising pain that has left him unable to walk. Just 3 mon... View more

Dad’s became legally blind at mid age. He was devastated due to loss of mobility as a consequence. Then diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer at 86 that has spread to the left leg bones causing agonising pain that has left him unable to walk. Just 3 months after being diagnosed with cancer he’s had a stroke that left him with his left body paralysed. Hard to see a gentleman suffer with discomfort, pain, anxiety and depression for almost half his lifetime. It is affecting all members of the family including grandchildren due to his illness. Breaks my heart to hear him say “im tired”. Left me with anger and denial and embarrassment. Tried to show my family I’m fine when deep inside im not. I guess this is one way of getting it off my chest.

Ripcantrell Just lost my mum and and so many regrets
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My mum passed away two days ago and I have not been able to accept it, probably in denial but angry too. Mum was in the UK. I did manage to see mum before she died in hospital but she was on the mend before I left and had restricted access due to cov... View more

My mum passed away two days ago and I have not been able to accept it, probably in denial but angry too. Mum was in the UK. I did manage to see mum before she died in hospital but she was on the mend before I left and had restricted access due to covid controls. I wasn't concerned as I genuinely believed I could get back in a few months to see her again. She was discharged on the day I left the UK so I felt ok about leaving. I planned to return in a few months, however, she was back in hospital within a week and took a downturn healthwise and was dead within about two weeks. I wish I had stayed and I can't stop thinking I could have done more to get her well again. I honestly think the standard of care in the hospital was poor and this opinion is shared by my sibling in the UK. I am now feeling terrible about not being there and I really miss my mum. I have let her down, took her for granted in respect of assuming she will always be there and made little effort the last few years. I gave grown up children and a wife who are great but I feel so alone in my grief. I can't show my emotion because it's not my thing and can only do this in private. I feel like I should be punished for the way I have been and deserve it. I know I have an underlying depression slowly eating away like a cancer. I also know this will be bad for those I leave behind. Grief can't be like this surely? I am thinking of the time I had with mum and memories but this anger is boiling away too. I don't know how this will end and I can only hope it will ease with time.

PrincessE Losing my beloved Princess
  • replies: 3

I don’t know how to cope with this grief. I am in the process of losing my beloved Princess (Golden Retriever) she is 15 years of age and I have had her since she was 8 weeks oldShe is the love of my life and my only support and companionShe has love... View more

I don’t know how to cope with this grief. I am in the process of losing my beloved Princess (Golden Retriever) she is 15 years of age and I have had her since she was 8 weeks oldShe is the love of my life and my only support and companionShe has loved me unconditionally for 15 years and been my loyal love i don’t know how I can go on without her, I cannot stop crying and worrying, I feel sickMy life will not be worth living without my baby, I have lived my life for heri would love to hear from anyone that has experienced this lossi am probably going to have to make a decision to put her to sleep which I cannot do, it will kill me I am heartbroken and cannot go on i don’t know how to cope and feel like I am going to die without her