
Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.


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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
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Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

beyond_this depression: I need some coping skills
  • replies: 6

having had depression for over 15 years or as long as I can remember it is only last year that i got myself some formal help. with a family history on both sides with bipolar,depression and anxiety I feel like I really have no chance. But I dont want... View more

having had depression for over 15 years or as long as I can remember it is only last year that i got myself some formal help. with a family history on both sides with bipolar,depression and anxiety I feel like I really have no chance. But I dont want to be sad and alone forever. right now Im beginning to feel depressed again after a relationship break up, I am feeling sad and crying a lot about past events that I feel my mind is obsessing about changing. Its like my brain wants to feel the pain over and over. I cant handle it anymore. my phycologist appointment is not till next tuesday and I dont want to go anywhere else for help e.g. doctor again, another phycologist.. this reaching out, even though just over an online forum is helping me feel a bit better..what can help me through over the next couple of days?

SadYoungMan Frustrated, sad and lonely
  • replies: 1

I am a 27 year man, who is having real trouble in the everyday aspects of life. When I consider the various symptoms of both depression and anxiety I feel like I have most of them, and have had so for at least 4 years. I find most days I simply canno... View more

I am a 27 year man, who is having real trouble in the everyday aspects of life. When I consider the various symptoms of both depression and anxiety I feel like I have most of them, and have had so for at least 4 years. I find most days I simply cannot see what the point of being here is is - if anything, I feel like a burden on society. In the distant past, my Mother passed away when I was ten and my Father, Brother and myself did not cope well with this. I have only vague memories of the years following my Mother's fight with cancer, but clear memories of her ordeal in the lead-up to her passing away. Following this, my Father re-married twice and both times we lost our respective family homes and the second time we moved from the area where I grew up (Northern Beaches of Sydney) to a regional area of NSW. I know that I have had significant trust issues and concerns since these events, which has caused me to isolate myself from making friends and leaves me in a position now where I do not really have any. It was not until I was 26 that I had sex (although I thought it would never happen), and it was with my first - and only - girlfriend; who I met when I was 25 when our respective parents encouraged us to date. Initially, I am not sure that either of us had a strong attraction to one another but we continued to date for 6 months until she decided to move interstate to 'pursue here dreams'. She explained that it was something she 'needed to do alone', but that we could continue dating. By this time I had established quite strong feelings for her and provided support in as many ways as I could (financial, emotional, etc.). Overtime, however, she began treating me in the same way that others do - telling me to wake up to myself, telling me that I was useless and was simply being mean. Being delusional, perhaps simply because I wanted some kind of friendship, I overlooked this and looked forward to her visiting - the last time she did she essentially explained she had no feelings for me and that was the end of it. I went on a date a few weeks ago with someone I was set up with and became really frustrated with her constantly changing plans to just meet for the first time (I cannot explain why this was so frustrating). On meeting, we talked and found that we had a lot in common and agreed we should meet again. After texting one another for a few days we made a date at a restaurant. Unfortunately, just as I was leaving to meet her I received a text message saving that she 'didn't feel up to it' and I never heard back from her. In discussing my current living situation and explaining that I live at home with my Father (having never moved out), I realised that, like most people, that she found this a major concern/a turn-off/very sad. This brings me to my current situation. I am currently in the final stages of writing my very boring PhD (which I was supposed to complete years ago), am earning an above average income working 2.5 days a week and have saved a deposit to purchase a home. I have ambitions of owning a home, but feel that I need to support my Father. He owns a retail business which he runs entirely on his own, which he is running using various very large loans and is injecting more money from his home loan into the business every month just to cover the business' expenses. I pay a large 'rent' to my Father, which covers some of his expenses and we share a car; which means I drop him off and pick him up from work every day. As he is in remission following having an operation for Bowel Cancer, I have to run his shop when he has to go for tests and appointments with specialists. I am useless at retail and barely make any sales. I know that if he were to go to hospital for a long period, again, financially it could be the end of us. I constantly go through bouts of feeling sorry for myself, feeling lonely and isolated, being agitated and frustrated, and very rarely feel like I can see any 'light at the end of the tunnel'. I have no motivation for my studies or work (or even getting out of bed each day) and can hardly ever concentrate (which is hard after being a star student and employee for many years). When I go to work (at the university) everyone is angry with management and many people, including my PhD supervisor, have recently been made redundant. I know that there are very few people being employed after completing a PhD and after submitting more than 100 job applications this year I have not been interviewed/shortlisted for one position (even positions for graduate positions). My current work is also very uncertain. I have also been suffering severe back pain and headaches caused by scoliosis and spent more than $4000 on therapy in the last financial year. I have seen no improvement in the pain and rarely sleep more than a few hours per night. I have also been to many GPs and counsellors and have not found anything helps my mood or pain. When I think rationally (I have very little emotion, except for anger, frustration and sadness) I feel guilty for not making the most of my talents, opportunities and abilities and this makes me feel worse. When the only person that really seems to have any care for me (my Brother just asks me for money), my Father, says that I am 'impossible to live with', I question what the point is of me even being here at all. I am not enjoying any aspect of life and am only making the life of others worse, when I am around them, so I really cannot see why I should remain on this earth. This just increases my loneliness and isolation. As people say that you cannot make others happy, or love others, without first being happy yourself, I see no hope for me to turn my situation around. I can honestly say that I have no one to talk to and when I try to talk to colleagues (mainly middle-aged people) they give me the impression they simply want me to go away. My work/study supervisors and Father simply tell me to 'get on with it', which I simple cannot. I am sorry for posting such a long comment, but, even if no one responds I think this is just an outlet for me.

jodes76 Breaking point
  • replies: 1

Feel like I'm not coping, had some trouble with the law, hit my friends dad with my car he broke hip. Now lost that friendship now. My kids are driving me insane. I'm sick of having to do everything around the house, feel like a slave. I really don't... View more

Feel like I'm not coping, had some trouble with the law, hit my friends dad with my car he broke hip. Now lost that friendship now. My kids are driving me insane. I'm sick of having to do everything around the house, feel like a slave. I really don't know if I can go on like this

Notmyself Feeling Like a Yoyo
  • replies: 9

I haven't been here for a while. I'm tired... Tired of feeling like a yo-yo so up and down its unbearable. It's hard to grasp that one thing can make all the bad subside for a while, but once that thing also has a bad moment all the feelings come rus... View more

I haven't been here for a while. I'm tired... Tired of feeling like a yo-yo so up and down its unbearable. It's hard to grasp that one thing can make all the bad subside for a while, but once that thing also has a bad moment all the feelings come rushing back what feels like 10 fold. I try, I really try.... Who have I become! Angry that I wasn't strong enough to be braver or to have the guts to challenge this black dog head on and fight for my right to be happy and less complicated or confused. Dreams, Terrors, general feelings of hopelessness surround me daily... Take me away somewhere beautiful and peaceful with none of the stresses of day to day life, oooh wait this dog wont leave my side, maybe we can be friends. I recently had a pretty good 2 weeks, it was quite a nice change from crying my self to sleep every night... Felt possibly half normal again..... But one tiny thing takes you from the top of ladder and swings you back down to step one. Constantly in battle with my head.... my mind a complete mess. Yo-yo's aren't cool any more.

Georgiaghost Need advice.
  • replies: 5

I had been with my boyfriend for three years now. We have a daughter together, and she's only 17 months old. I'm 18. Recently my boyfriend had been acting really strange. Then all of a sudden he broke up with me last night, and won't even give me a r... View more

I had been with my boyfriend for three years now. We have a daughter together, and she's only 17 months old. I'm 18. Recently my boyfriend had been acting really strange. Then all of a sudden he broke up with me last night, and won't even give me a reason why. I just don't know what to do. I've been crying constantly. I feel as though I don't want to live anymore. The only way to describe how I feel is in that episode of the Simpsons. When Bart likes that girl, and she says she has a boyfriend. And rips Bart's heart out and says "you won't be needing this" I really don't know what to do. I can't sleep. I feel sick.

Quietlife Getting back up again...
  • replies: 2

Ive just started seeing a psych again after many years of trying to deal with anxiety and depression on my own. I was first diagnosed with anxiety and depression when I was 18, and put on medication, but I think it was present since early childhood. ... View more

Ive just started seeing a psych again after many years of trying to deal with anxiety and depression on my own. I was first diagnosed with anxiety and depression when I was 18, and put on medication, but I think it was present since early childhood. I always felt scared, useless, in the way and there was always a sense of dread that something terrible was going to happen. I am now in my 40s and I just am so fed up of dealing with this. I seem to coast along for a while and manage to achieve things, fit in and keep on an even keel, but then it just rears its ugly head again, and I become bleak, desolate and feel worthless and as if everyone can see this just by looking at me. I have started so many jobs and then left because I feel so stressed and hopeless, when I feel like this, I am afraid of the world, and I just want to be home with my kids and not have to face anyone. After years of this, I feel so stupid and pathetic and guilty that I cant achieve my potential or my goals..I hope that CBT can help me to sort some of this out and I can start living each day, not 'braving' every day. Its so exhausting! Thanks for listening. It really helps to know that I'm not alone. I hope that whoever is reading this knows they are not alone either.

lost1 Hitting bottom
  • replies: 2

hello I don't really know where to start, I have been depressed for so long and tried to pull through without any ones help, I don't know what the trigger was anymore but over the last 6 months my life has really taken a turn for the worse my partner... View more

hello I don't really know where to start, I have been depressed for so long and tried to pull through without any ones help, I don't know what the trigger was anymore but over the last 6 months my life has really taken a turn for the worse my partner of 7 years has walked out after putting up with me for so long, I am about to lose my house, I can't take it anymore. feel like things are spinning out of control and I can't stop it. I went to the doctor earlier this week and he has referred me to a pyschologist but can't tell me when they will contact me for the appointment. I need help now not tomorrow or next week. I am scared of the future. I don't know what I want from writing this but I need Help and don't know where to turn to next

beyondblueold Why don’t my posts appear straight away?
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This thread is for new community members to answer questions about how our forum moderation system works. What happens after I hit ‘post’ or ‘reply’? Your post goes through a software filter that scans the content for potential breaches of the commun... View more

This thread is for new community members to answer questions about how our forum moderation system works. What happens after I hit ‘post’ or ‘reply’? Your post goes through a software filter that scans the content for potential breaches of the community rules and member terms, particularly with regard to distress and safety. If your post clears the filter, it will appear almost straight away. If it does not, it is held back for moderation before posting. In order to prevent spamming or abuse of the forums, posts by new members are automatically held for moderation until such time your account can be verified by a moderator. This may take up to 12 hours, and depending on forum traffic, up to 24 hours outside of regular business hours. If we are unable to publish your post, or need to edit it, you will be informed by email. Display names and profile pictures are also subject to moderation, so may not appear straight away. Display names rejected by our system will default your display name to 'Guest'. Who reads the posts? All published posts are publicly visible, whether you are logged in as a member or not. The forum is monitored by a team of clinically-trained moderators and an online community manager, who you will see posting in the forums and participating in threads from time to time. All posts are read and monitored by this team. What does the ‘report post’ button do? The ‘report post’ button is a feature for users to report content to moderators that concerns them. When you click the button, a field appears allowing you to send a message to moderators stating why you are reporting the content. The moderators will review your report and come back to you. I’m having technical issues with the forum. What do I do? Please post a topic in the ‘Forum feedback’ section, and your question will be addressed, or send an email to

Teejay Feeling like a burden
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone, I've been in a major depressive episode on and off (mostly on) for the last 4 or 5 years. I kept it to myself until I really thought I was in danger and finally went to see a therapist about 2 years ago. I'm doing ok, lots of ups and dow... View more

Hi everyone, I've been in a major depressive episode on and off (mostly on) for the last 4 or 5 years. I kept it to myself until I really thought I was in danger and finally went to see a therapist about 2 years ago. I'm doing ok, lots of ups and downs, but I'm no longer a threat to myself. My problem is even though I've finally told my friends and family, no one really understands how difficult it really is. I get a lot of "think happy thoughts. Believe you are happy and you will be" You know, the usual platitudes. My husband has a mild form of Aspergers and cannot deal with the emotions I'm feeling in any way. So most times I feel really alone. I don't want to keep burdening my friends, I mean I'm sick of hearing me say how miserable I am, I can only imagine how sick of it they are. I just need someone I can cry to without feeling judged or pitied or worse, that I'm just annoying them. I hoping you all here will understand.

Grumpy_bum Love is tough!
  • replies: 3

My name says it all, my wife has been diagnosed with PTSD and severe depression, she has been suicidal as a result of abuse by her mongrel father when she was 15. I know were it not for us that she would attempt again. she is just the sweetest most p... View more

My name says it all, my wife has been diagnosed with PTSD and severe depression, she has been suicidal as a result of abuse by her mongrel father when she was 15. I know were it not for us that she would attempt again. she is just the sweetest most pure of heart person who sees no bad In anyone - except the perpetrator. It is destroying her and it is only 2 years ago that she started to become severely affected. She is having treatment which is helping.. She wants to see her father dead! I know that I am not much help as I am a rather intolerant person when it comes to people that can't deal with their problems. Inside it is tearing me apart as she won't communicate how she is - is this something I shouldn't insist upon but do. I just figure that if I know what is happening I can help. There have been times I have considered parting but I love her and I know what she would do were I to do that. It's tough! She has several successful businesses overseas and travels occasionally to look after them, She is currently overseas on what was going to be a 3 week trip, didn't want me to go and now has been there for 6 weeks. I know she is sleeping most of the day and I am concerned that the drugs she is on are causing side effects that need to be addressed. I get so damn frustrated, I know she is hurting terribly and that she suffers from a lot of guilt by what she is going through and what I and our daughter feel. Supposed to be coming home tomorrow and for the life of me I don't know what I will do if she doesn't. I wanted to join her on several occasions over last few weeks but she said that wouldn't be best and she would be back soon. I know I am controlling but this is mainly because I want her to get her treatment continuing. She is seeing a great psychiatrist and psychologist but it is early in her treatment. I didn't know what was going on for a while and she just locks up. I have had to cancel appointments I had made for her and am worried she won't make the next ones which are this week. I think she may be on a dose that is affecting her adversely as she gets the shakes, occasionally forgets things, becomes confused, withdrawn and disoriented - does not appreciate reality. just how important are these sessions and am I expecting too much from these professionals? Been suggested that I need some counselling but I am pretty old school about tht, I know what I am like and would feel very vulnerable in baring my soul!!! I feel very selfish even putting this up as I know the problem she suffers is huge yet I am asking what I can do! To rationalize things, the most important thing in the world is for her to overcome this darkness with help, I know she cannot do it alone. However, I know I am not being much help just because of the person I am - this is the paradox, I know I should be patient, understanding, communicative, (touchy feely in other words). I am supportive though but probably in a guy sort of way. There is 30 year age difference between us and this would have something to do with it, I know also that I mean everything to her (as well as our daughter). If anyone has the "magic bullet" that will cure me, I would be very appreciative.