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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 1

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Anh_Ha My experience - I hope it gives to others
  • replies: 11

For the longest time my young heart and mind were steeped in despair. At an age where other children were beginning to learn about human nature I had already tainted myself with the numbing belief that the world had very little to offer. Living appea... View more

For the longest time my young heart and mind were steeped in despair. At an age where other children were beginning to learn about human nature I had already tainted myself with the numbing belief that the world had very little to offer. Living appeared to me a futile struggle of the narcissistic compulsions of the individual and the forces of social oppression that smothered any humanity. As childhood morphed into adolescence this misguided and naive conviction was only compounded by the ruthlessness of teenage years. Imagine then my young-self being thrusted into the modern workforce - the sad struggle for the illusionary security that money offered and the disconnection of one's consciouness in the workplace was horrifying. I felt alone, withdrawn, isolated - suffocating from an imagined weight so oppressive it mocked anything reality itself could conjure. I genuinely believed myself to be unlovable - my experiences had rendered me almost catatonic - I felt so physically and internally ugly that no one could possibly ever love someone so broken. Slowly, but surely, people and humanity proved me wrong. Bit by bit it began to dawn on me that not only did beauty exist in this world - it existed in an almost infinite abundance. I discovered real friendships, I luxuriated in the intimacy of being in love and I finally learnt to appreciate the true power of resilience and generosity that was my mother and father's love. Now, almost everything I see, almost everyone I meet, almost every human interaction I witness is seeped with unimaginable beauty. The empathy and instinctive understanding of the human soul and mind that had caused me so much pain before has now enabled me to experience a crescendo of joy in simply existing. A friend once said to me that "while you're very perceptive of people's flaws you somehow naturally define them by their strengths". I've pondered why and I believe this reflection answers it. In my mind no one is more critically flawed than myself - so my empathy has allowed me to forgive myself and all others. It's probably the most powerful tool of survival that I have ever possessed. For all those in despair and feel that light is simply a figment of one's utter desperation I say again - there is immense beauty in our existence.

Kid_in_denial Complicated Postnatal
  • replies: 6

Hi. 12 months ago I was diagnosed with Postnatal Anxiety. Started out as sleep deprivation. Was probably averaging 2-3 hours a night. Didn't matter if baby was asleep, I couldn't sleep. Anyway, this all came up at 6 week postnatal checkup. From here ... View more

Hi. 12 months ago I was diagnosed with Postnatal Anxiety. Started out as sleep deprivation. Was probably averaging 2-3 hours a night. Didn't matter if baby was asleep, I couldn't sleep. Anyway, this all came up at 6 week postnatal checkup. From here I was poorly managed. I told the GP I wasn't coping and the GP wanted me to wait a week to speak to a MH nurse. Ended up back at the GP the next day begging for help. They were insistent on me trying particular class of antidepressant (which I had previous manic episodes on) and benzodiazepines so I could continue to breastfeed. No matter how hard I insisted I would stop breastfeeding regardless of the medication given, the GP would not prescribe the medication I usually take for previous MH issues. Well no surprises what happened next..... I had a manic episode. Psychotic I would call it. I was paranoid, I had auditory hallucinations, I kept thinking my baby was sick. I feel like I had taken a handful of amphetamines along with some hallucinogenics. I ceased the anti depressant after 5 days and continued to take the benzo - taking large amounts just to feel like I had my feet on the ground. After a wash out period the doc allowed me to take the antidepressant which I had first requested. They also allowed me to change to a longer acting benzo while the new meds settled. Well this proved problematic. I developed some dental and neck issues and was placed on opioid medications. Well you can probably guess how that turned out. Fast forward 12 months and I have just self detoxed off 9 months of opioid abuse. I was left in the dark by my GP and also forced to go into withdrawal of benzodiazepines cold turkey. A week later I consulted a drug and alcohol doctor who put me straight back on the benzos and we are now doind a very slow taper. I have never felt so depressed in all of my life. My mood ranges from low to nothing. I see my psychologist once a week and also the D&A doc. I no longer have the support of a psychiatrist as they were seen via telehealth at the GP office where I am no longer a patient. Where I live a bulk billed psychiatrist is a fair way away. I am now pretty certain that my depression is no longer from the postnatal issues, but from the prescription medications. How do you motivate the unmotivated? Someone who knows what they should be doing to get better but can't get up and do it. Someone tell me it gets better?!

clownartist Dealing with depression and anxiety
  • replies: 24

I am new to this forum.I trying to deal with depression and anxiety which I have suffered from approx last two years.I have been through a bitter separation a marriage of 20 years or so. My teenage children have almost abadoned me and have very littl... View more

I am new to this forum.I trying to deal with depression and anxiety which I have suffered from approx last two years.I have been through a bitter separation a marriage of 20 years or so. My teenage children have almost abadoned me and have very little support.My work has suffered .I am really struggling to deal with moving forward have to sell the property find new home and job.I have completely lost my mojo

bumbledbee Hello
  • replies: 7

I just really need to talk. My depression has gotten really bad in the last week. I went off my medication at the beginning of the year and things were okay for a while. Every now and then I would get a mild depression but nothing too bad. Last Satur... View more

I just really need to talk. My depression has gotten really bad in the last week. I went off my medication at the beginning of the year and things were okay for a while. Every now and then I would get a mild depression but nothing too bad. Last Saturday it hit me pretty hard. I've completely lost my appetite and broken into tears more than once. I struggle to get up. I spend most of my time in bed or on the floor. The negative thoughts are overwhelming, but I can't stop thinking them. I went back on my medication 2 days ago. Obviously no change yet. It's the feelings of uselessness that really get me

Aware Continually made AWARE
  • replies: 5

Today is my Birthday, and again it is a day that only makes me AWARE of how little I mean to people. Yet another so called "Special" day where no matter how much I show my love and devotion to other's, and they all know that I have been struggling wi... View more

Today is my Birthday, and again it is a day that only makes me AWARE of how little I mean to people. Yet another so called "Special" day where no matter how much I show my love and devotion to other's, and they all know that I have been struggling with Anxiety and depression, nobody even thinks of trying to give me an uplifting day. No morning"Happy Birthday" from my 13 year old daughter or my husband. I guess they forgot again. I regular thing I guess, and people wonder why you are struggling inside. My mother hasn't wished me a Happy Birthday for year's, she usually rings me the next day when she realises she forgot, and tells me that she was feeling tired. It's actually a good thing, because all she talks about is my little brother. I have been forced to deal with issue's with them both for years. Anyway, just sad to be made AWARE yet again

73Bonneville Forcing ourselves to feel happy can make us feel a whole lot worse
  • replies: 6

I don't know if this has been posted elsewhere. Or if we are allowed to post links etc. If not I'm sure the moderators will sort it out. Just read an interesting article in the Age, the content certainly applies to me and I am sure many others. It ap... View more

I don't know if this has been posted elsewhere. Or if we are allowed to post links etc. If not I'm sure the moderators will sort it out. Just read an interesting article in the Age, the content certainly applies to me and I am sure many others. It applies in particular to people (like me) who apparently have a good life, great family, friends, work, no worries mate. But we are depressed or sad, and then feel guilty and bad about being depressed which makes us even more depressed. Maybe read the article, it is explained much better there. I'm not sure if we can post links but here it goes:

Elizabeth CP Dealing with unhelpful behaviours & thoughts
  • replies: 4

I tried writing this post yesterday but lost it when I pressed post this thread it disappeared. I saw my psychologist yesterday. After a discussion of several different issues I mentioned having felt down for no apparent reason. He said there is alwa... View more

I tried writing this post yesterday but lost it when I pressed post this thread it disappeared. I saw my psychologist yesterday. After a discussion of several different issues I mentioned having felt down for no apparent reason. He said there is always a trigger so then started a discussion to discover the trigger. The fairly calm normal consultation turned very emotional with me feeling embarrassed, stupid guilty & really upset. The psych was good trying to listen, encourage & support me as I tried to sort out my thoughts. The issue is that I try to fit in with others even when it is not in my interests & wait for my husband to offer to do things I want rather than even asking him. This leads to me feeling stupid because I'm setting myself up to be disappointed & get angry with my husband for not fitting in with my wishes even though I haven't told him what I want. I know I'm being stupid doing this but don't seem to have the motivation to change. I need to be clear about what I want & be willing to be assertive in asking for my wishes to be met. The only reason I can think for this issue is that I feel I don't deserve anything. I feel that noone really likes me so I don't want to put pressure on others to fit in with me. This is probably based on experiences as a child when I was bullied badly leaving me with long standing self esteem issues. Having had good parents just makes me feel like I have no excuse for managing better as I don't have the excuse of a dysfunctional family. Does anyone else have these issues & how do you cope

T3 How do i, someone with depression, accept support from my wife who cares
  • replies: 2

Yesterday was one of those days. No matter what my wife said to me or did it was going to trigger me. I had decided early in the morning i could not be reached. "Why is she with me? I am not goodenough for her! She deserves so much better! It went do... View more

Yesterday was one of those days. No matter what my wife said to me or did it was going to trigger me. I had decided early in the morning i could not be reached. "Why is she with me? I am not goodenough for her! She deserves so much better! It went downhill from there. I took something to heart. A personal attack! She hates me, she doesn't know what I am going through. She always attacks me. The thoughts run at a million miles an hour. I am in no state to discuss an issue calmly or pull myself out of my hole. She pushes me to talk. I know deep down if we discuss this calmly it will be resolved in 5 minutes. Instead i snap back. Biting with words I know will hurt, will get a reaction and then my thoughts becomereality. "See, she doesn't love you. You are weak, you are a coward, you wil never be good enough". I sit in the car to go and she follows. I switch to calm to gain the higher ground. Now if i am calm and she is not i am the one who is hard done by. I am the one who is trying to resolve this. It is not true. I say something bitey. That will make her feel bad surely. I leave and go to a place that will pull me up. I read, i find new books that will help me inthe long run. I send a text. I will be home soon, she replies, so will i. I go home and wait upstairs. Head in hand, the dark thoughts filtering around. Time to separate. Where will I live. The wedding was such a waste of money. Have i ever made her happy. I hid the black dog from her but it is now so big it takes hold I cant face her, i am such a weak and defeated useless being. I can never get a hold of this thing. How do i leave her? I know it will be easier for her there is no question. An hour passes and she comes upstairs. "This isn't helping either of us. We need to talk about this" "I can't face you i say. I am too weak " "Well then you need to find strength " "I can't, we're through, we're done, i just know it"! The next hour involves my tears, my defeat. I push her away and won't accept she wants to help. I keep telling myself she doesn't love me despite what she says. She doesn't care, how could she. "Mediate" she says " that always helps" "Nothing will help" " i am not leaving you until i see a meditation started" After backand forth i eventually listen. It relaxes me. I feel some calm. Why could i not have done this 3 hours ago? Why can't I accept the support on offer. Why can i not listen to the one who loves me and knows me better than i know myself?

anonymity do I need to get committed to get help?
  • replies: 3

I've been struggling with with anxiety dyslexia insomnia and depression my whole life (25 y.o) but have always prided myself on being able to get through anything thrown my way so I've never really been incorporated into the system, and I have been a... View more

I've been struggling with with anxiety dyslexia insomnia and depression my whole life (25 y.o) but have always prided myself on being able to get through anything thrown my way so I've never really been incorporated into the system, and I have been able to cope well until recently. After studying tertiary science for 6 years my recent job history is non-existent, I thought I was doing the right thing by just focusing on my studies but it seems I've dug myself into quite a hole by not having recent experience. Having moved 2 hours out of the city to the old family town I'm struggling. I decided to get some help from my new GP the medications have some srs side effects, still here after months. I have to decide between being able to sleep or being able to drive, hard decision when looking for work in a rural area. Being on welfare means I'm on a knifes edge when it comes to competing my search requirements constantly battling the side effects. I know this isn't sustainable so I'm going through the steps of getting help, but it's taking so long. I've driven 500km to no avail this week alone back and forth to the nearest town getting thrown around between my jobserch provider, centrelink and my GP. I've been waiting for 2 months for a CBT appointment and I feel it just wont provide the level of help I need and after all the driving I'm still no closer to getting help, all the while I'm still having to meet requirements. They say until I get recognised though official lines there's nothing they can do and have to meet all the requirements a healthy person would. The problem is it's taking so damn long and I'm concerned they won't recognise my issues and write me off as another dole bludger, as on paper they are all 'new' problems where in reality I've just never gotten help and always been able to manage well on my own. I don't wan't a disability pension or to take a break I just want someone sympathetic to my challenges who can help me through them, at the moment that's not happening and they're just making it worse and the time and miles I'm racking up trying to sort this out is making it worse and getting me nowhere. I don't want to go back to that place they have no idea how to help me they just make it worse, thinking about makes me want to throw up. Can't even count how many hours I've been on hold in government call centres trying to change my situation all the while shaking, struggling to keep food down battling a medicated haze and all for nothing.

ElyseH Being negative or being realistic!
  • replies: 3

What is it when you dont believe what people say? All my life ive been some would say negative person, but at times i think im being realistic. I think im not smart, that none wants me or my friends wouldnt care or miss me. But my friends tell me how... View more

What is it when you dont believe what people say? All my life ive been some would say negative person, but at times i think im being realistic. I think im not smart, that none wants me or my friends wouldnt care or miss me. But my friends tell me how awesome they think i am. They tell me i am smart and they miss me. Ive tried to listen but i have come to reality, theyre my friends they have to say those things. My brain just doesnt believe any of it. I cannot see the truth in it and im sick of trying to make out i believe it just because someone has said something sweet or kind about me. The reality is...i dont believe what they say is true and i wish theyd listen to me and agree with me. To be honest if i was smart, in wouldnt be thinking things like this.