
Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.


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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

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bigstar AD question
  • replies: 4

So I'v made some really awesome recovery after a very acute episode of depression; after three weeks on the medication my appetite returned and I was feeling human again and after a month I was working full time again and keeping very busy and active... View more

So I'v made some really awesome recovery after a very acute episode of depression; after three weeks on the medication my appetite returned and I was feeling human again and after a month I was working full time again and keeping very busy and active (but to be honest I was still in shock from what I had experienced). Anyways, past week I've noticed the depression crawling back. I've been on the AD's for two and a half months--this week was significant enough that I've taken my first day off work (my boss knows about my bad brain and is very understanding) Sleep is interrupted and I feel like I'm slipping back into destructive thought patterns (existential rumination coming back). It's been three days maybe like this. I've booked into to see a GP but my GP is overseas and he has worked very closely with me over the past three months. So it's really shitty that I have to see someone new. I'm not sure what I am asking but is it common for an AD to work then stop working within the first three months? Oh should I just wait this one out? X

Tgirll For all those that are in a dark place, please read.
  • replies: 3

Hi all, I wanted to post a little bit about my story. After battling debilitating daily panic attacks,derealisation, depersonalisation, generalised anxiety and major depression for a year now, i can say that i am on the road to recovery! I was in suc... View more

Hi all, I wanted to post a little bit about my story. After battling debilitating daily panic attacks,derealisation, depersonalisation, generalised anxiety and major depression for a year now, i can say that i am on the road to recovery! I was in such a horrible dark place with what seemed like an eternity. I had completely lost myself. I cant even describe in words how i felt and it scares me to even think about it. I would have periods where I couldn't leave the house for weeks, I had to quit my permanent job that I had for years, i would have to excuse myself mid conversation to go to the bathroom and have an unprovoked panic attack (on days that I could even get words out of my mouth), some days i couldnt even get out of bed for days, paralysed with darkness, dread and agonising fear, even to get some water. I would wait till my partner got home late afternoon so they could get me a glass of water. For almost a year, I couldn't even find momentary relief. I truly felt like I had lost myself and thought I would honestly exist like this forever. Every bit of me truly believed this. Well I am happy to say that i was wrong. For anybody that is in a dark place, please hang in there. It does get better. I will say this again, recovery is very possible. It does get better. I know it may feel like these words almost feel like lies, or impossible or unrelateable (i felt like this when I was bad) but hang in there, you can recover Do not underestimate the little things. Eating well, sleeping well, getting out of the house, exercise, relaxation techniques, having a recovery plan or anxiety/depression plan, seeking inspiration, reaching out for help, seeing a psychologist and one of the most important, giving yourself time and grace on those days where you feel like you're going to be stuck like this forever. Try not to be hard on yourself. Recovery is not linear and it can be different for everybody. I do however believe that there are some universal things that are beneficial to everyone's recovery. For e.g. eating well. Taking a good quality multi vit, eating foods high in omega 3, aminos such as tyrosine (speak togp for interactions) which help absorb more dopamine, serotonin etc. Unfortunately I have to keep this short but I just wanted to share that I am feeling better, and if I can you definitely can! Hang in there, you are valued you are important you are loved

3006bino Have I been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder?
  • replies: 3

About three years ago I went to my gp and obtained a mental health plan that outlined my symptoms, treatment (6 referred sessions of counselling with a psychologist at headspace) and at the very bottom it said diagnosis: GAD, depression, panic attack... View more

About three years ago I went to my gp and obtained a mental health plan that outlined my symptoms, treatment (6 referred sessions of counselling with a psychologist at headspace) and at the very bottom it said diagnosis: GAD, depression, panic attacks. Then, when I saw my psychologist she said "we already know you have depression so we won't go through a diagnosis again". I then saw two other psychologists who did not require a mental health plan from a different service as I was having trouble finding someone who I clicked with. Neither of these mentioned my diagnosis. A month ago I decided to go back to headspace so I saw my gp again and I obtained the same plan with the same diagnosis of GAD, depression and panic attacks. However, my new psychologist has not yet mentioned a diagnosis process to formalise this. So, I want to know, do I have depression and GAD due to the diagnosis made by my gp, or do I have to push for a formal diagnosis from headspace? It has never been made clear to me what is wrong with me. I just feel as though my feelings and headspace isn't valid enough to be treated by a mental health professional and a diagnosis would make me feel more comfortable as I would know that I'm not just overreacting or being overly sensitive, there is actually a reason I think and feel the way I do. I have struggled since I was a young child, maybe around 10, and it is now reaching the point where I feel like life in unbearable - surely this is not "normal". Any help would be appreciated

ItIsJustMe I don't even know if I need help
  • replies: 4

Hey, I recently started university & I really want to do well on what I'm doing, yet I feel demotivated most of the times. There are also times when I think about how I could get away from all the stress and pressure if I disappear, like I could run ... View more

Hey, I recently started university & I really want to do well on what I'm doing, yet I feel demotivated most of the times. There are also times when I think about how I could get away from all the stress and pressure if I disappear, like I could run away. (Would never act on it, just thoughts). I get anxious when I'm thinking about failing. I did the "Are you depressed" test on the website & it said that I am. But idk isn't it normal to be demotivated sometimes & want to distance yourself from everyone and just want to stay in your bed"? Not wanting to get up?

CharEth if you have anxiety are you more likley to also have dysthymic disorder ?
  • replies: 2

if you have anxiety are you more likely to also have dysthymic disorder? i have recently been told by a school councler that the way ive been feeling closer resembles dysthymic disorder , i believe i also have anxiety , i was wondering if i hvae anxi... View more

if you have anxiety are you more likely to also have dysthymic disorder? i have recently been told by a school councler that the way ive been feeling closer resembles dysthymic disorder , i believe i also have anxiety , i was wondering if i hvae anxiety will it increase my chances of dysthymic disorder ? also any other info on dysthymic disorder would be great . kind regards Char

Rique57 My antidepressants don't seem to be working for me anymore
  • replies: 2

Hi, my name is sophia, and im concerned because im on antidepressants now have veen for the past 10 years, 5 years ago i was feeling horribly depressed and my doctor increased my medication, So now im feeling so depressed again, what will happen, can... View more

Hi, my name is sophia, and im concerned because im on antidepressants now have veen for the past 10 years, 5 years ago i was feeling horribly depressed and my doctor increased my medication, So now im feeling so depressed again, what will happen, can my medication im on now be increased again or do i need to try another type of medication, I have had to cope through alot of stuff in the last couple of years, i was diagnosed with colon cancer 18 months ago, went through chemotherapy and radiotherapy had surgery to remove tumor, Lived with an ileostomy for 8 months, had that removed, lost my job of 7 years, went through fair work proceedings got paid out a minimal amount, Just didnt have the strength to appeal the decision, and let it go, I caught a cold and its turned into bronchitis that i cant seem to shake off, All these things i believe have contributed to me feeling depressed like this again, Especially the chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the treatment took every bit of strength, even after finishing treatment 18 months ago, I cant get back physical or mentally the way i was before my cancer diagnosis, what do i do, have my medication increased again or try a different type of medication,

mudgeeguy Potential work depression???
  • replies: 1

Hi all, I have only just joined here as a first step in trying to figure out what i need to do. i started a new job almost a year to the day ago and in the last 6-8 months i just cannot seem to do what i should do. all other aspects of my life seem t... View more

Hi all, I have only just joined here as a first step in trying to figure out what i need to do. i started a new job almost a year to the day ago and in the last 6-8 months i just cannot seem to do what i should do. all other aspects of my life seem to be great, awesome wife, i'm active ahve friends etc, however when it comes to sunday night and knowing the work week is about the start i just start feeling nervous and my work days are so unproductive, i estimate maybe doing 30% of what i should in a week. I have this non stop feeling in my stomach and i really know i need to do more but when it comes down to it i just sit in front of my computer screen until i get distracted and end up doing not much at all. I feel it wont be too long until my sales are not where they need to be and i will be fired but i just can not seem to kickstart and do what i need to. i dont even know if this is depression or what. has anyone else out there been in a similar situation? many thanks

Duck_in_water Not sure how to be still anymore.
  • replies: 2

Hi, This is my first time here. Not yet sure what I am hoping to get out of this, but I feel a lighter chest is a satisfactory achievement, if nothing else. I am a 23yo female. Externally, my life is more than I could have ever envisioned. I have my ... View more

Hi, This is my first time here. Not yet sure what I am hoping to get out of this, but I feel a lighter chest is a satisfactory achievement, if nothing else. I am a 23yo female. Externally, my life is more than I could have ever envisioned. I have my dream job as a Registered Nurse. I work with an amazing team. I enjoy every moment I'm at work, even the tough moments. Out of work I have a strong friendship group. I enjoy every moment that I am with my friends no matter how basic our day is spent. However, at the end of the day when I go home and when I get time to stop - I feel myself just fall into a black pit. I'm distracted and preoccupied with my thoughts. I feel anxious and on edge, and this causes tension at home. In a word, I feel depressed. Everyday I try to fill my day so that I am busy. It's hard because no-one sees the pain I am in once everything is striped away. I don't know where these feelings are coming from and don't know who I can share them with. There is nothing in my life that I would change. I am happy, but I am also trapped by a weight that I can barely explain. Hard to justify this feeling to myself, let along others. Is it still depression if I still find pleasure in daily life? How can I be still again and be content?

Centil Feel depressed and rejected by family members
  • replies: 4

Hi all, This is my first time writing here because I desperately need help. Our household is under big financial problem and I will be trapped in this situation for another 1 or 2 years, and I have been very depressed for the last 6 months and so, fe... View more

Hi all, This is my first time writing here because I desperately need help. Our household is under big financial problem and I will be trapped in this situation for another 1 or 2 years, and I have been very depressed for the last 6 months and so, feeling helpless and trapped. I have been trying to share stories with my mother, but it apparently stressed her up and made her avoiding me because she doesn't want to get depressed as well. Then, I tried to share stories with my brother and sister in law, but the reaction was the same. They think I am a difficult person, have always been negative and give them burdens by asking them to listen. Now both sides of my family are avoiding me. This action made me feel so rejected and helpless, since the closest people to me seems ignoring me. I don't understand why my families rejected me in such a time like this, feels like I am a bag of smelly rubbish and have to be avoided at all costs. I need to talk to someone close to me, but noone wants to listen. I hope someone out there can help, what should I do to overcome this rejection feeling now, while coping with depression at the same time? Thank you so much for your time, whoever read this post.... I will really appreciate it.

Thumb New Dad, depression, seeking help
  • replies: 6

Somethings about me, I am the foreigner which live in aus. I feel getting worse of my depression. (High Score of the test) This is my story: Our 1st baby came on December, and my mother in law was came to help us. We had told her please help us for a... View more

Somethings about me, I am the foreigner which live in aus. I feel getting worse of my depression. (High Score of the test) This is my story: Our 1st baby came on December, and my mother in law was came to help us. We had told her please help us for a meal & some house work. On the 1st week, everything goes fine. Me & my wife surely couldn’t have much sleep or no sleep. When we back to home, everything was changed, my in-law doesn’t help us much, she just cooked a meal for my wife, and I need to cook my meal by myself, that’s fine , I can eat everything or just have a takeaway food.since I back to work , working from 6am to 7 pm, and I back to home, my wife doesn’t have any dinner , I need to cook for us. After dinner settle baby, leak of sleep. This is our 1 st one , I was committed with my wife I always give her a help, so when she woke up, I woke up also. My in law just laying on the floor, and watching tv. Whatever I do with the baby , my in law always blame me , said this’s wrong, that’s wrong, You shouldn’t do that. I am a new dad, I learned from internet&some course, I am fresh, I am trying. Finally we pay$1000 to send her back to home. I knew my wife had a depression too, so we went to GP, and went to the Psychologist. I took an other week off to help her to recover, finally she is fine now. I found I had a depression on March, I try to speak to my friends, they just said,”it’s normal , it will pass” I read a lot of article , I known nothing is 100%good, just need good enough. I do sports twice a week, I can handle my baby ok. but in this week, every word from my in law she was blamed me suddenly come back to my mind. When my baby crying,I couldn’t settle her. Feel like she don’t want me anymore.I am feeling I am worthless, useless, I am feeling upset, helpless. I would like to tell someone but no one can help. I don’t think the Psychologist can help me, because I think most of them are forcing on women postpartum depression. Everyone asked me how’s my baby, how’s my wife, my no one care about daddy’s also have a postpartum depression. I don’t know where I can get some help specially for the daddy’s postpartum depression? I need some help I need some advice, I wondering if I can get help here? It’s a long story, I hope someone can understand and Hopefully my English wasn’t too bad thanks