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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Jenben Are you Bipolar 2? - questions for what happens in the first few months on mood stabilisers
  • replies: 8

Hey there. I'm 37 and was misdiagnosed in my early 20s with clinical depression. 4 weeks ago i was diagnosed with bipolar 2. Oh it makes so much sense now. So apart from coming to terms with this new diagnosis (and wondering huh, bipolar 2 what's tha... View more

Hey there. I'm 37 and was misdiagnosed in my early 20s with clinical depression. 4 weeks ago i was diagnosed with bipolar 2. Oh it makes so much sense now. So apart from coming to terms with this new diagnosis (and wondering huh, bipolar 2 what's that? there is more than one?) I am also dealing with the physical symptoms and feelings of taking mood stabilisers and would love some feedback from other bipolar 2 recently diagnosed people about their initial experiences on mood stabilisers. Here's 10 questions/comments/issues I'm going through: 1.) Am sleeping the best I have had for years. Insomnia at bay for now. Wow. Can this last? 2.) But sooo exhausted during the day. Just feel tired all the time now. What's with that? Is my body catching up on years of crappy sleep?! 2.) Am more grumpy and intolerant than normal and surprised by this. 3.) missing my highs already feel like something's gone (well it's there but just a shadow). Will that ever come back? 4.) Still able to feel sad (bawled my eyes out over sad tv last night). But no despair. 5.) Not much appetite at all. 6.) feel really slow but people around me say I'm not so is it my own perception? 7.) things are more deliberate and thought out which is totally spinning me out. Will I still be spontaneous? 8.) it feels like an actual physical barrier is stopping me from falling into that dark pit of nothing. Very interesting. 9.) For the first time in years I don't feel hollow. 10.) people are wondering if I'm ok because I'm not my bubbly, effervescent, over the top self - will my personality catch up once the meds settle in? I am going through all of this with my psychiatrist so I'm not asking for medical advice. But I know no one with this disorder and would love to hear about others' experiences when first diagnosed and on medication. Or guide me to where I can find out more? Cheers

Nerhew Is this Post Natal Depression?
  • replies: 3

I am a new mother, my baby is at 12 weeks now and I don’t have any problem looking after her. I really love my daughter. But since I had my baby I keep on crying and thinking of negative things like hatred and sadness. Even if there’s no reason. Beca... View more

I am a new mother, my baby is at 12 weeks now and I don’t have any problem looking after her. I really love my daughter. But since I had my baby I keep on crying and thinking of negative things like hatred and sadness. Even if there’s no reason. Because it all started with this. I am with my mother-in-law and I do not want to trust my daughter with her care. It is because when my baby was born she was putting powder and using alcohol on my newborns skin which is for me whats the point??? ALCOHOL??? Is my baby infectious for her to sanitise my baby??? Her reason is for my baby to have a good smell. And I am like HUHHHHHH???? Even if you dont put anything on baby they still smells good because they are baby. They don’t sweat! Now seems like I am very protective mother because I started to get paranoid everytime she’s looking after my bub. What I want should be followed, the way how I care. But if my in-law doesn’t follow what I said i feel like a bomb that will explode, however I dont show it infront of her, I will tell my husband to let her know. But that issue keeps on going and if it doesn’t solve I just cried and argue with my husband. I feel that my husband is on her mothers side and having this feeling I don’t want to see or talk to her mother all the time, and thats what she was doing as well she stays in her room all the time, even ask my husband to cook for her eat her dinner inside her bedroom which makes me angry because we are raised by our parents that every meal time we must have it in the dining. I even hate what she’s doing because my husband just came from work and she still wait for him to cook for her. Sometimes I just even ignore her even if I heared what she said because I really hate her since I had my baby. For me she is like the evil mother-in-law trying to be perfect. I don’t know what psychological issue I am having right now.

Sad_Dad Treatment for depression and possible ADHD
  • replies: 3

I'm 38 years old and have been receiving treatment for depression for the last 9 months. I saw a psychiatrist due to overwhelming feelings of sadness I'd been having recently. This was coupled with uncontrollable anger and frustration I'd been having... View more

I'm 38 years old and have been receiving treatment for depression for the last 9 months. I saw a psychiatrist due to overwhelming feelings of sadness I'd been having recently. This was coupled with uncontrollable anger and frustration I'd been having for some time dealing with my children. In the last 5-6 months, I've been investigating the possibility that I have ADHD. I raised it with my psychiatrist who said he could screen me for it but that we would need to resolve my depression first before treating me for ADHD. I no longer feel "depressed" as such but quite flat and still have trouble controlling my anger and mood. The screening test I took says that there are traits strongly aligned with ADHD. What are other peoples' experiences? Have you been medicated for both ADHD and depression at the same time or only had your ADHD treated once the depression was resolved?

Quivz UPDATED: Hating every minute
  • replies: 41

I've got no money, no job, no real friends who i can talk to about anything more serious than TV shows, am 31 living with my parents, no car, disfiguring psoriasis and a back problem that makes it impossible to stand or sit for anything longer an hou... View more

I've got no money, no job, no real friends who i can talk to about anything more serious than TV shows, am 31 living with my parents, no car, disfiguring psoriasis and a back problem that makes it impossible to stand or sit for anything longer an hour or two. I definitely have the problem of not being able to recall having felt positive about anything in years. All my friends have settled down and got married so i never see anyone anymore and I'm bored and lonely. I'm not suicidal, but i think that's only because i know what it would do to my mum. I've tried to get professional help, but with no money i've just been run around the public system from incompetent to no english (or both) until I'd used all my free sessions and haven't even been diagnosed yet. Well i was once, but he was one of the incompetents. He was so computer illiterate he typed with only his index fingers at around 5 words a minute. He spent most of the session typing (that slowly) what i was saying into a translator, because he couldn't understand any of the words over 3 syllables i was using (I'm a uni graduate and tend to articulate using precise language), said i was definitely suffering from depression and then totally failed to save any of the documentation onto my medical records. I found this out because he told me to go back and see my GP about seeing a specialist as it wouldn't be covered if it wasn't the GP that wrote the recommendation. The GP told me i have to see a psychiatrist and be assessed first before he could make that kind of recommendation and was extremely unhelpful when i explained that the psychiatrist had sent me to him. I think he thought i was just trying to get drugs. And that was the best of all the free psychologists and psychiatrists i was able to see. I've been unemployed for ages and have no references i have been able to make contact with. I cant work in any form of customer service because having to deal with strangers all the time drives me crazy enough that i would rather make myself sick than go to work (i eat off food, or have nothing but dairy for days so that i get ill. I don't know if that counts as self harm, but if it does then i do that rather than deal with people constantly). And even non-customer service jobs where i have to talk to colleagues all the time makes me feel this way too (social anxiety/introversion?). I don't know what to do to stop feeling so helpless. I can't even see the same GP twice in a row cos i dont have a family doctor or anything like that, just a centre where there are doctors and the first one free sees you and they never want to deal with anything more complex than a sick certificate. they wont do anything about my back except recommend a physio at $65 a session which i cant afford. My psoriasis is slowly taking over my face so nobody who doesn't already know me wants to talk to me so i cant meet anyone new. My parents are the sort of people who think mental illness is an excuse to be slack or to take drugs and tell me at least once a week that I'm slack or useless cos i cant find work. I truly feel like I've been backed into a corner from every direction at once. I've tried to deal with things one at a time, but life just wont let me as the other problems demand attention before i can make any headway and i just end up feeling smothered again. Please tell me how i can help myself?

Wtkms Schizoaffective
  • replies: 4

Hi, I been going through acute depression and have schizoaffective disorder. I also have polio that hinders the way I can do things like walking, carrying. I'm going through a tough time with my depression and finding it hard to find a way out. I can... View more

Hi, I been going through acute depression and have schizoaffective disorder. I also have polio that hinders the way I can do things like walking, carrying. I'm going through a tough time with my depression and finding it hard to find a way out. I can't find work because I have been out of work for 3 years, I am trying to make my way back to the work force but having no luck at all. I use to be a web developer but I have been out of that industry for quite sometime now so all work associated with web development turns me down. I also have been hospitalised in a mental health hospital for 3 months. I get lost when I try to speak and can't find words to express myself. I don't know what to do any help would be greatly appreciated.

S98 Unsure
  • replies: 4

Hi, So this is my first time writing on here and i'm just feeling unsure about how i'm feeling and what to do. For many years i've suffered with depression and anxiety. In the past few months its gotten worse and I don't know what to do. I've tried m... View more

Hi, So this is my first time writing on here and i'm just feeling unsure about how i'm feeling and what to do. For many years i've suffered with depression and anxiety. In the past few months its gotten worse and I don't know what to do. I've tried medication but that never helped it just made me feel numb inside. My mental health doesn't just effect me but others around me and I take my anger out of my partner and family when I don't mean to. Can anyone give me any tips with what to do before it gets any worse. Also, does anyone recommend self administration into a psych/hospital? thankyou, S.

Hayley123 Post natal depression
  • replies: 5

Before I start, I don’t want to be refered anywhere. I want someone to listen. I have no one to talk to. I just want to talk. I had my second baby 10 weeks ago. I feel connected to him. But, I can’t help but feel constantly guilty for my first born. ... View more

Before I start, I don’t want to be refered anywhere. I want someone to listen. I have no one to talk to. I just want to talk. I had my second baby 10 weeks ago. I feel connected to him. But, I can’t help but feel constantly guilty for my first born. I constantly feel like I’m failing him, not playing with him enough, not giving him enough. When I put more time aside to do things with him, I feel like I’m failing my second born. I honestly feel like I can’t juggle them. Who ever is getting the attention at the time, I feel like it’s not right. I feel like my other kid is then feeling neglected. I have other things to say but I don’t want to discuss here. I’m affraid people I know might find out I’m feeling this way and I don’t want that. I feel alone and I don’t want people to suddenly care temporarily. Thanks.

Lilly18 Help- angry outbursts
  • replies: 5

Can anyone relate, I have suffered with what I call rage..smashing things, yelling and swearing I have no tolerance for absolutly anything. I know it's not nice for my children to be around

Can anyone relate, I have suffered with what I call rage..smashing things, yelling and swearing I have no tolerance for absolutly anything. I know it's not nice for my children to be around

bigstar AD question
  • replies: 4

So I'v made some really awesome recovery after a very acute episode of depression; after three weeks on the medication my appetite returned and I was feeling human again and after a month I was working full time again and keeping very busy and active... View more

So I'v made some really awesome recovery after a very acute episode of depression; after three weeks on the medication my appetite returned and I was feeling human again and after a month I was working full time again and keeping very busy and active (but to be honest I was still in shock from what I had experienced). Anyways, past week I've noticed the depression crawling back. I've been on the AD's for two and a half months--this week was significant enough that I've taken my first day off work (my boss knows about my bad brain and is very understanding) Sleep is interrupted and I feel like I'm slipping back into destructive thought patterns (existential rumination coming back). It's been three days maybe like this. I've booked into to see a GP but my GP is overseas and he has worked very closely with me over the past three months. So it's really shitty that I have to see someone new. I'm not sure what I am asking but is it common for an AD to work then stop working within the first three months? Oh should I just wait this one out? X

Tgirll For all those that are in a dark place, please read.
  • replies: 3

Hi all, I wanted to post a little bit about my story. After battling debilitating daily panic attacks,derealisation, depersonalisation, generalised anxiety and major depression for a year now, i can say that i am on the road to recovery! I was in suc... View more

Hi all, I wanted to post a little bit about my story. After battling debilitating daily panic attacks,derealisation, depersonalisation, generalised anxiety and major depression for a year now, i can say that i am on the road to recovery! I was in such a horrible dark place with what seemed like an eternity. I had completely lost myself. I cant even describe in words how i felt and it scares me to even think about it. I would have periods where I couldn't leave the house for weeks, I had to quit my permanent job that I had for years, i would have to excuse myself mid conversation to go to the bathroom and have an unprovoked panic attack (on days that I could even get words out of my mouth), some days i couldnt even get out of bed for days, paralysed with darkness, dread and agonising fear, even to get some water. I would wait till my partner got home late afternoon so they could get me a glass of water. For almost a year, I couldn't even find momentary relief. I truly felt like I had lost myself and thought I would honestly exist like this forever. Every bit of me truly believed this. Well I am happy to say that i was wrong. For anybody that is in a dark place, please hang in there. It does get better. I will say this again, recovery is very possible. It does get better. I know it may feel like these words almost feel like lies, or impossible or unrelateable (i felt like this when I was bad) but hang in there, you can recover Do not underestimate the little things. Eating well, sleeping well, getting out of the house, exercise, relaxation techniques, having a recovery plan or anxiety/depression plan, seeking inspiration, reaching out for help, seeing a psychologist and one of the most important, giving yourself time and grace on those days where you feel like you're going to be stuck like this forever. Try not to be hard on yourself. Recovery is not linear and it can be different for everybody. I do however believe that there are some universal things that are beneficial to everyone's recovery. For e.g. eating well. Taking a good quality multi vit, eating foods high in omega 3, aminos such as tyrosine (speak togp for interactions) which help absorb more dopamine, serotonin etc. Unfortunately I have to keep this short but I just wanted to share that I am feeling better, and if I can you definitely can! Hang in there, you are valued you are important you are loved