Inpatient Programs and Getting into the Right One
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I've suffered a history of severe depression and anxiety since my late teens due to PTSD in childhood. It's been going on for over a decade and gotten worse with time with poor self care, bad relationships and unhealthy habits. I'm truly at my lowest... View more
I've suffered a history of severe depression and anxiety since my late teens due to PTSD in childhood. It's been going on for over a decade and gotten worse with time with poor self care, bad relationships and unhealthy habits. I'm truly at my lowest and need to admit myself into inpatient care asap. I started the process and have a referral. It states I've had issues with depression, anxiety, some alcohol overuse and some eating disorders. When I spoke with one of the admissions they are absolutely fixated on the eating disorder. I tried to explain it's purely a symptom of the anxiety and panic attaks and the purging is quite irregular and I'm capable of eating healthly, it's just a symptom when things are tough. I also use alcohol and do other things that are not healthy as a result. They don't want to listen and want to put me in an eating disorder program. The problem is the whole program is focused on nutrition, diet, eating regularly etc. which would be a waste for my health as I am capable of getting this in check and I wouldn't be able to focus on the real problems (even though they'd dedicate some time to it, the ED part would be primary). I can't just take time out for that and then another program afterwards. I really need help but they just want to put me in a 3 week ED program. The only solution they have is to do a full blood test (even though my bloods from November are fine) and they they will 'assess'. But I can't wait another few days for that to come back and they might just say no anyway. Does anyone have any suggestions? Have you been into a program where they let you in for depression even though you may have had ED symptoms? Open to any thoughts or suggestions. I'm just trying to get help but feel like I'm just being shut down left right and centre.