Hey, I firstly want to say thank you for taking the time to read this
post as this is my first time seeking help in regards to this issue. I
have been suffering from pain in my ankle for the past two years due to
an injury. I have asked for help from...
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Hey, I firstly want to say thank you for taking the time to read this
post as this is my first time seeking help in regards to this issue. I
have been suffering from pain in my ankle for the past two years due to
an injury. I have asked for help from different specialists which had
led me to going to a neurologist. As i visited a neurologist, I
explained this to him in which he recommend taking a medication often
used as an antidepressant to treat the pain. Whilst on this medication,
I experienced brain zaps, cold, drowziness, tingling sensation,
restlessness, slight tremors etc. After exactly two months, I started to
get body aches and experience this tingling sensation all over my body,
and came to the decision that the side effects which I had encountered
daily were not worth it. Hence, I quitted abruptly two days before my
next neurologist appointment as I could not handle the side efects. I
raise this to my neurologist which he agreed to stop the dosage and said
that the side effects would be out of my system with the next 48-72
hours from when I stopped. However, four weeks have past and I have been
experiencing the same side effects when i was on the medication. I have
constant headaches, i have a tingling sensation in my arms and legs, I
have been experiencing tremors when my arm in a certain position and
feel so angry/sad about my current situation. I have researched into
this and found that this is most likely a SSRI withdrawal as the
symptons relates to it. Hence, I wanted to reach out to the community to
see if anyone has gone through this as I can't relate to anyone in my
personal life that has gone through this and potentially provide me
guidance on what to do next as I feel so scared of what the future holds
for me now.