Hi! I'm an autistic ADHD-haver who is struggling a lot with life at the
moment. I also have anxiety and possibly depression, I'm unsure (I was
diagnosed with 'reactive depression' in 2015). I have a psychiatrist who
I see for mostly managing my ADHD ...
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Hi! I'm an autistic ADHD-haver who is struggling a lot with life at the
moment. I also have anxiety and possibly depression, I'm unsure (I was
diagnosed with 'reactive depression' in 2015). I have a psychiatrist who
I see for mostly managing my ADHD symptoms and we talk about
relationship and family stuff sometimes. But I don't find much support
from it, somehow. I'm struggling a lot with general life stuff. I've
given up on doing TAFE, because I can't complete a course due to stress.
My family is a very chaotic and unsupportive environment for my
neurodivergency (I mask the most around them). I'm constantly having
meltdowns due to stress, partially caused by them and partially by
social struggles and relationships. I can't leave home because I don't
have enough money, and I'm struggling with working. I don't believe I'm
eligible for NDIS, and my psych won't put me on the DSP because he
believes I'm capable of doing better and don't need the help. I'm
currently on JobSeeker and in order to keep my payment from them, I need
to work 15 hours or more. I did my very first job trial at a retail
store a few weeks ago, and it was only 3 hours long and I left it
feeling completely spaced out. I barely made it through, because I was
spaced out for at least the last half hour, and I'm pretty sure I turned
customers away because I wasn't aware of what I was doing or saying. I
was like a zombie. If it weren't for my girlfriend who waited for me, I
would have been unsafe on the way home. If I work more, I will be going
home alone. I also needed a few days' recovery afterwards, I was too
exhausted to do anything after it. And that was just 3 hours, let alone
the 15 I need! So... This begs my reason for coming here: I'm not sure
what to do. I need a therapist who will help support me through all of
my stress and actually listen to me when I say I need help. I feel so
alone, because everyone is telling me that I'm capable, but when I'm
trying my hardest to be, I'm falling apart at the seams. I can't do what
people, including my psych, think I can. But I also can't afford to pay
for a therapist. So I'm not sure what I can do.