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Alel How do you form habits
  • replies: 2

How does one form habits while on medication and is dealing with intense lack of motivation? I need to take showers and go out more, but I can't get myself to do anything. If I don't, I wont be able to overcome my depression and anxiety. And I really... View more

How does one form habits while on medication and is dealing with intense lack of motivation? I need to take showers and go out more, but I can't get myself to do anything. If I don't, I wont be able to overcome my depression and anxiety. And I really want to. Are there any tips or ways to stop being overwhelmed with tasks?

aidiamond Anti-Depressants Withdrawal
  • replies: 2

Hey, I firstly want to say thank you for taking the time to read this post as this is my first time seeking help in regards to this issue. I have been suffering from pain in my ankle for the past two years due to an injury. I have asked for help from... View more

Hey, I firstly want to say thank you for taking the time to read this post as this is my first time seeking help in regards to this issue. I have been suffering from pain in my ankle for the past two years due to an injury. I have asked for help from different specialists which had led me to going to a neurologist. As i visited a neurologist, I explained this to him in which he recommend taking a medication often used as an antidepressant to treat the pain. Whilst on this medication, I experienced brain zaps, cold, drowziness, tingling sensation, restlessness, slight tremors etc. After exactly two months, I started to get body aches and experience this tingling sensation all over my body, and came to the decision that the side effects which I had encountered daily were not worth it. Hence, I quitted abruptly two days before my next neurologist appointment as I could not handle the side efects. I raise this to my neurologist which he agreed to stop the dosage and said that the side effects would be out of my system with the next 48-72 hours from when I stopped. However, four weeks have past and I have been experiencing the same side effects when i was on the medication. I have constant headaches, i have a tingling sensation in my arms and legs, I have been experiencing tremors when my arm in a certain position and feel so angry/sad about my current situation. I have researched into this and found that this is most likely a SSRI withdrawal as the symptons relates to it. Hence, I wanted to reach out to the community to see if anyone has gone through this as I can't relate to anyone in my personal life that has gone through this and potentially provide me guidance on what to do next as I feel so scared of what the future holds for me now.

bayside14 ED and relationship
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone- I am going out on limb here. I’m a male in my mid 40s. My sex life has been pretty good. However over the last 2 years on and off I will end up with ED issues. This happens once every few months-My poor wife keeps taking as being she is ... View more

Hi everyone- I am going out on limb here. I’m a male in my mid 40s. My sex life has been pretty good. However over the last 2 years on and off I will end up with ED issues. This happens once every few months-My poor wife keeps taking as being she is not attractive or not good in bed etc. one time I remember she was in a stunning outfit and then it happened to me for no reason. I am now at the stage where I am feeling really depressed over it all. I loose sleep over it - worry she is going to do something silly ie cheat on me or replace me as I’m inadequate. My wife says it’s natural Anyone out there been through this before?

Nellym Back
  • replies: 7

It has been a long time since I have been on here. I have tried to go at it alone but have been struggling with life.I still see my psychologist and psychiatrist, spent time in hospital and under gone lots of sessions of ECT.The road has been very bu... View more

It has been a long time since I have been on here. I have tried to go at it alone but have been struggling with life.I still see my psychologist and psychiatrist, spent time in hospital and under gone lots of sessions of ECT.The road has been very bumpy along the way and those uphill battles are still continuing. I hope whoever reads this, it finds you going well.

hep23 First psychology appointment
  • replies: 2

My husband is not well, with severe agitation that results in him shouting at our children and saying horrible things. He doesn’t think he has a problem - he thinks it’s the kids fault he acts this way because he thinks they don’t respect him. After ... View more

My husband is not well, with severe agitation that results in him shouting at our children and saying horrible things. He doesn’t think he has a problem - he thinks it’s the kids fault he acts this way because he thinks they don’t respect him. After the last time this happened, I told him he needs to get help and he has agreed to see a psychologist (tonight). He wants to attend alone, but I’m worried he’ll make light of his feelings and not tell the psychologist how bad it really is. What do I do? I don’t think there is anything I can do, but I just want him to be better.

VioletHey I think I have an adult narcissist son
  • replies: 1

We don’t know because he hasn’t been diagnosed. But we’ve recently discovered he abused his younger brother emotionally from about age 10. They moved out together last year (ages 25&21) and it was a disaster. The level of abuse amped up and my younge... View more

We don’t know because he hasn’t been diagnosed. But we’ve recently discovered he abused his younger brother emotionally from about age 10. They moved out together last year (ages 25&21) and it was a disaster. The level of abuse amped up and my younger son came home. I really need to talk to people who know narcissism because my elder son is clever and really knows how to manipulate Mr and I don’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s not.

SadSoulGirl Help with waiting for treatment
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone. I've been waiting a long time to try and see a psychiatrist, an experience I expect many here are familiar with. It's been months now with no word back from the clinic about when I'll get in and I can feel myself changing inside. I don't... View more

Hi everyone. I've been waiting a long time to try and see a psychiatrist, an experience I expect many here are familiar with. It's been months now with no word back from the clinic about when I'll get in and I can feel myself changing inside. I don't know what's happening but I am slowly cracking. I have trouble believing that everything is real, it feels like I need to fight in order to wake up. I often can't recall large parts of my life, and when I finally do I don't recognise them as my life. I also have moments where my body does things that it wants to do, but my mind is screaming not to do it. Sometimes it's a simple thing, like staying up too late, but sometimes it can have greater consequences, like when I am texting someone and end up saying things I didn't want to. I don't drive for fear of having an accident, and I rely on my parents to take care of me. If nothing changes I'm worried that I'll fully lose control and do something publicly that is very much regrettable. To avoid that outcome, I'd be interested in knowing what I can do should it come to that. If I feel things getting worse and I'm about to fall into a deep abyss of madness, is there something I can do instead. I would really appreciate any options, as the alternative ends with me being arrested by the police and I don't feel great around police at the best of times due to past traumas. Thank you for any suggestions.

iforget Clinical Neuropsychology Assessment
  • replies: 2

Hi, I am in the Geelong, Melbourne, Victoria area. I’ve been told that I need to get a clinical neuropsychology assessment done. My memory has been very bad, short & long term. I had a car accident in early 1990 or it could be a number of things. I w... View more

Hi, I am in the Geelong, Melbourne, Victoria area. I’ve been told that I need to get a clinical neuropsychology assessment done. My memory has been very bad, short & long term. I had a car accident in early 1990 or it could be a number of things. I would like to know; A: Can anyone recommend somewhere to go? It’s hard to find any reviews by anyone on an actual assessment. Qualifications are vague in regards to an Dr’s clinical neuropsychology qualifications and I am having trouble finding a worthwhile clinic.Currently I am booked into a practice in Geelong. There is a wait and it may of been a panic made appointment as apposed to a rational decision as to where to go. B: Have you ever had a clinical neuropsychology assessment? What can you tell me about it, what could I expect? I believe there is a portion of fear I may be experiencing in regards to a decision, apprehension. It is expensive and I am not at all well off. I am on a pension.

Brian1 Pathological Testing before prescribing medication for mental issues
  • replies: 4

I have learnt that there are certain pathological tests to identify the level of seretonin and dopamine through blood/urine analysis.Considering that medications are chemical materials designed to regulate supply or flow of body chemicals thought to ... View more

I have learnt that there are certain pathological tests to identify the level of seretonin and dopamine through blood/urine analysis.Considering that medications are chemical materials designed to regulate supply or flow of body chemicals thought to be causing mental health, I think it is appropriate to know the body chemistry before prescribing medication solely based on mental state as explained by patients like depression and anxiety etc.In my view this approach will reduce lengthy process of finding which medication suits which patients by trial and error that is costly and potentially a life threatening practice.I am interested in hearing your opinion and personal experiences in this regard to gather a view to change/enhance the current practices where there is a gap.

Wazza12345 Independent medical exam
  • replies: 2

I had an independent medical exam. I am beating myself up because I couldn’t remember things to say. I could not say what treatment I was getting from my psychologist i was just overwhelmed. I felt there was no empathy on the other end and felt preju... View more

I had an independent medical exam. I am beating myself up because I couldn’t remember things to say. I could not say what treatment I was getting from my psychologist i was just overwhelmed. I felt there was no empathy on the other end and felt prejudged. About 10 years ago I was assaulted after work in restaurant I was king hit in front of my partner and then he went at me to attack me after I pushed him away. The person who assaulted me was from the place I worked at but not employee but was 17. I had done nothing to provoke this attack. I charged him and went to court and took an avo against him. my work place didn’t give me support. Sent me home so this person could come to work and receive an award at assembly. I was humiliated. After this I was bullied by a co-worker about the assaults and I put in a complaint in writing to the manager. I had evidence of the bullying but it was minimised. I have severe anxiety from this lots of anger and have nightmares, ptsd and suicidal thoughts. My career has been destroyed over last 10 years and only 3 years ago the person who assaulted me was employed at my workplace and temporary engagement in education. I was humiliated and spoke up about a few things, bullying etc but management bullied me further where I had to take leave. I am struggling all the time and the independent medical examiner has no idea of the stuff I have been through. I have so many bad thoughts running through my head and i constantly overthink about the assaults and bullying that I have endured. I am so sacred about what will happen.