A long time ago, I went to this place where people with disabilities
like me can hang out with each other and there were support people
there. I thought the support people were really nice and one day, one of
them, A, asked me if I wanted to hang out...
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A long time ago, I went to this place where people with disabilities
like me can hang out with each other and there were support people
there. I thought the support people were really nice and one day, one of
them, A, asked me if I wanted to hang out with her and S (another
support worker) so we hung out and I had a great time and a few more
times A and I would hang out and I told her that I was kind of a loner
and she said "Aw, well, I'm your friend ." I was so happy that I had
managed to make a friend that I could be myself around and who so nice.
One day I asked her if she wanted to hang out and she said sure and we
organized to meet up and she canceled at the last minute because she
said she had a work thing, but she also said that she was going to take
me and S out for a fancy tea thing and this happened again a few times
and almost every time she would say something like "I'll take you out to
the special gardens" after wards and it took me a while to realize that
she probably didn't want to hang out anymore so when I finally realized,
I stopped asking her if she wanted to hang out. A long time had passed
and I wrote a Facebook post saying that I had a lonely life and so my
life basically was the pandemic (this was during the pandemi) and A said
on my post "Let's hang out! Sunshine girl shouldn't be lonely!" so we
organized a time to hang out and on the day I asked her if it was still
on and she left me on read so I was a bit confused, but I think I
stopped messaging her to hang out after that because it sounded like she
really didn't want to hang out even though she originally invited me to.
I asked on another forum about this and some people there said that she
might be acting this way because she has depression or anxiety so I said
"I'll message her on Facebook to see how she is going but I won't ask
her to hang out. So I did that and she messaged me back saying "I'm
doing great. I'm going to invite you and S to ...... :)" which didn't
end up happening either. And I think it was a while after that that she
shared a post on Facebook saying something like "I don't like organizing
outings with people too far away from the day because I don't know how I
will feel on the day and I don't like organizing outings with people too
close to the day because (of some other reason) where is my support team
at?" which I'm pretty sure was about me but I don't know what I did
wrong? A couple years later I found out that A and Ls (another person
with a disability from that place) were writing the meanest, nastiest
things about me online. A was saying things like "She (me) is probably
prone to anorexia because of her insecurities and she flexes her new
handbag" (I don't think I'm better than anyone else just because of a
handbag and just because I use my handbag, it doesn't mean I'm showing
off). And Ls said I wasn't doing enough volunteering and she was talking
about how she's better than me because she does so much volunteering and
they were both making extremely dirty jokes about how I apparently liked
A as more than a friend and talking about how we were doing things
together which I actually find really disturbing that they would make
jokes like that. Like, imagine if your teacher and her favorite pupil
made jokes about you like that, it's kind of like that and it's just
weird. Also A is in her 30s and Ls is at least in her mid 20s so they
should know better. I was never even mean to either of them but they are
being the worst to me. I find it so hard to trust people now. I don't
know how I wronged A but it's nothing in comparison to what she's doing
to me now. I don't know how they could be so cruel especially when A
seemed so nice and Ls even seemed like such an innocent person who would
never be horrible to anyone. I told my Mum about it and she doesn't even
remotely care. She just seems to think they are "being silly."